Why are Africans so dumb?

Why are Africans so dumb?

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wh*Te people fucking BTFO

ahhh yes, the fabled iq test eugenics
nice try craker.

prove that blacks have lower iqs

It's thier culture.

Trust me Asian Americans are just as devolved

culture is such a meme though.

I'll just leave this here

I'm convinced that anyone that takes this chart seriously actually does have a sub-65 IQ



T. Jamal?



Whites had an IQ average of 80 150 years ago, Africa just needs time to catch up but have a bunch of variables against them, A big one being most who get a degree gtfo and move to the USA or Europe. A japanese friend also told me that the government intentionally removes a lot of the lower performing students from the "official" education statistics to make the country look better, so they might do something similar with IQ, same with china.

yeah fuck science ma nigguh + da crackers who belief innit !! XD

meh, as far as social utility goes these hobbies do at least create colorful folklore which does kinda beat promoting unironic racism on Croatian mud wrestling sites


I don't know, why your maps are so terrible made?



Why are Americans so dumb?

iq is tricknology






Why is it Argentines are 1 point lower than Mexican mestizos if you're white?
"In a paper published in 2005 about IQ in Mexico, Lynn reported that Mexicans of European descent had an IQ of 98, Mestizos in Mexico had an IQ of 94 and indigenous peoples of Mexico had an IQ of 83, explaining the lower than expected IQ of Indians on their poor nutrition and other social factors.[63]"

scientists and engineers

Mexico's education system is better and more developed than argie one.


No, it's not, you people are way above us in PISA scores and have much better HDI


>smellmali siding with the villains
Somalis make me vomit.
t. Eritrean

México is a shithole

Get therapy lad you really need it. I don't know what you malfunction is but we have professionals that can help you out and dealing with your hysteria.

Go back to Mogadishu, immigration minister.


The fact that a Somali is a lawyer and an immigration minster isn't a bad thing lol.

western standards of intelligence

For you. Because he let you in through a back door. He's probably your cousin because you're all inbred.

Have you ever been jamaican'd so hard that you spend the rest of your days shitposting on Sup Forums?

Have you ever been so Somali you're the captain now?

if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid

You could be doing anything way more useful then being traumatized by Jamaicans

I don't know, but even their bees are violent. They were crossed with Eurobeean bees to make killer bees.

Noniodized salt

Like being a light bulb headed refugee?

Wew, you're even worse than pajeets when comes to street shitting. 70% of your entire nation does it.

That graph puts all of Europe and America well beneath China. Are you really such a cuck that you would believe the entirety of riceland is intellectually superior to the white race?

I don't think you know how IQ works

Many European nations would test in the 80's in the 20th century using current standards

They fucked apes long as it was possibly get childern, also shitty genes.

tbqh we should just nuke niggers

>his """""""country""""""" was the result of a secession

this map is obviously biased and retarded, see how Argentina and Uruguay have considerably higher scores than the rest of latin america just because we're white.


Its almost as if a nations wealth and access to education determines its IQ levels

Who would have thought eh?

The underlying factor is genetic. Native Australians for example are far lower on average despite being afforded the same benefits of a wealthy nation. You should also know this from the Maori.

Chinese are subhumans but they're not stupid. I'd object more to the Shitalians being smarter than their peers, since they're actually the stupidest developed country on the continent.

>albos are smarter than s*rbs

Gotta bunch of people that got animosity towards black guys cause their dicks are bigger than them. These are guys that are jealous, cause they don't carry, they don't possess, BBC. They don't possess that GOD GENE that's involved in these black men out here.

Keep getting jealous while your wife asks for KEKOLDS. While your girlfriends ask for KEKOLDS and WISH that they could get FUCKED by these African warriors with these huge BBCs that could pipe them down to the point where they could FEEL each and every last spectacle of their pussies getting VIBRATED and THRUSTED until the orgasm just SPEWS out. Keep saying NIGGER, keep saying BLACK.

Come on you KEKOLDS! You love it! You love this shit! I’ll be that monkey. I’ll be that monkey. Yup, with a BBC. Enjoy it. Have your woman take this dick. She’s imagining a HUGE Black Cock. Why do you think your bitches get huge dildos!?

You guys don’t possess the BBC gene. That’s why you’re upset. No BBC equals anger. You’re upset, you’re mad at these African Cocks. These Rhino Dicks. That’s why you guys like saying nigger so much. I get it.


Its not that simple though. I can't really be bothered going in to it just to be meme'd but social issues dictate access to education. Racial IQ theories have been debunked so many times now it is a redundant theory for infographs and right wing boards.

Social issues and wealth dictate access to education, and obviously cultural patterns form around this as cultures stick together.

