
Catalonia edition

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Can’t wait for Cornish independence

Can we PLEASE start the race war already?


This paki scum needs to be eradicated

>Isn't it strange how minorities are involved in crime more?
>Isn't it strange how it's almost always men involved in crime?
*Cannot reply*

you'll be strung up from a lamppost when that starts

wonder how barcelona maintain such a big population despite getting bombed to shit whereas irish only had to choose a different thing on the menu but their population was halfed

men do most everything
find a building that wasn't built by men

You had nukes there right?
Please end us

women do fuck all thats why

rorke shocked, leftypol rocks!

gf tried to be sexy last night and tried to shave me whilst straddling my lap but she cut my neck to shit and even cut my lip slightly, bled for about an hour

i posted this a while ago. i honestly dont understand why anyone wouldn't have a smartphone. especially if you drive. or even have an email address that you regularly check. i broke down in the middle of nowhere. looked up all my insurance details from my email in my phone, called them, got my breakdown cover number, called them to come get me, told him my exact location on the exact road i was on using google maps. played tetris for 20 minutes, phones a family member in sweden for a chat, for free, while i waited.

>i just don't need one
>i dont like touch screens

utter melts

found a slice of 'za from last night

absolute STATE of direland

where is that leg with the new balance shoe coming from?

*Invents robots and AI to do menial tasks*

Actually I won't since I'm honorary white

Irish on the other hand will be beheaded with the same guillotine as pakis

>Irelands muslim population: sub 50000
>britains muslim population: 3 million +

Look out user, he's Irish!

Hey Siri, how can a small majority of a population cause more than 50% of said populations crime?

men are also overwhelmingly more often the victims of violent crime (of which rape is included). white men being the lowest percentage of perpetrators both against other races and other whites

absolutely adore women myself



>getting triggered so hard you have to use fake twitter posts


only possible thanks to millenias of male labour

you're a cross dressing sand nigger who is also annoying, narcissistic, autistic and a sex offender
no side wants you

Love this post
Simple as

>that one anti-paddy mong who just won't leave it

troubles ended a long time ago lad

what inconsistency is this tweet supposed to be identifying?


pretty standard for western presidents/prime-ministers to make these empty diplomatic gestures

I like the dick

Love Bradford hate pakis

>he thinks there is only one anti-paddy mong

Here's what I found

>calling yourself a mong

love kings cross

*agaits t'wards thee*

peng's cross

Where to start with this willfully ignorant post

>cross dressing
I'm transgender

>sand nigger
Paki - honorary white

>who is also annoying

No one is more aware of my flaws than myself

Just poor social skills and fragile attachment

>and a sex offender
Never charged

>no side wants you
Pakis may be cancer but Irish are just straight up death

Really? Nice one mate

*walks away and talks to someone more interesting*

stupid derelict building i the front is blocking the nice ones in the back

how is that a train station

Is space the final redpill?

Poleaboo isn't real. Show me the court records.

>honorary white

you seem to have a short memory
you were filtered by half of this general so you removed your trip and still got ignored or abused whenever you posted. Its only because you stopped for a while that people haven't started abusing you again

>honorary white

don't think so somehow.

extremely cold

might get under the blanky

*allocks i'tha path*

its an area not just a station

imagine if big dave had sent in the police to stop the indyref

it's all a figment of cravens imagination. An elaborate ruse of a mentally ill 'person'.

you'd think being disliked and ostracised by everyone in his life since birth would make ribena realise he's an unlikeable and unwanted cunt. strong delusion from that one. very weird.

Greater London

My trial is on 10th October, I'll post pics of Aberdeen sheriff court on the day

downloading Fortnite Battle Royal as we speak

in some ways poleaboo is more english than the english

how did maggie think we could just replace our industry with tourism and leisure. where did she expect the money would come from to pay for concerts and conventions?

these were men wae a trade

saw a fantastic teenage arse in leggings at the shop just there


absolutely SICK of James and Elyse bullying Adam for not being a feminist

maggie didn't make that decision

the economy is more advanced now
we're richer and don't need runts in textile mills anymore

My mum has started showing me love now

And strangers have generally become nicer to me since my transition

Thank you



yeh we just have runts in call centres now. much better.

t. europe that kept its industry


what is this shite?

Transcript of my side of the phone call with my parents just now.
>uh huh
>no I've been up since 9 actually [heh heh thought you'd still be in bed heh heh heh]
>okay bye
Fuck me they're so needy

bet this was about a boy too

We /party hats now/

no. the benes bill has gone up and private sector now relies on spending and contracts of public sector industry and employees.

europe went through the same structural change

the UK still has plenty of manufacturing but it takes less manpower and is more efficient

the runts in call centres still have a much better standard of living than the runts in the mines

fat men are eunuch hermaphrodites


they love you
it's comfy

Why are there hats above every image now?

Fuck off gookmoot you unfunny twat.

europe kept more of their industry

less manpower means fewer people with spending money

what about skeletons

didnt come in your mind to take a picture and give us a look too

got some skellies in my clossie

think this has happened every year for a while now

How could not want regional nationalism to kick in? England, Cornwall, Wales, Scotland, Isle of Man, and Ireland can all be independent, and keep their native culture and language alive and going. It's the cure for the let all the shitskins in disease you're having.

Doesn't have to be like this (bad)

People say to me 'Monica'. I say 'Huh, who said that?' They say 'How do I make it to White Heaven?' Well, start by askin' yourself 'How is my relationship with the white man?' Do you celebrate the white man's goodness every day? Do you stop and thank the white man for the food you eat and the clothes you wear? Huh? Well, if you don't, you goin' to Hell. Now, I want everybody who isn't white in this thread to turn to a white poster and say 'Thank you'.

It's only OPs, it's Sup Forums's birthday you insufferable newfag

helo newfrend

>People say to me 'Monica'

I highly doubt that

>it's Sup Forums's birthday you insufferable newfag

>less manpower means fewer people

in manufacturing, yes, but not overall

is this an uncle ruckus quote

what was going through your head as you typed this? did you think this was funny?

Hello you fucking leftypol newfag cretin

oh right, haven't been here that long
it's every image post on mobile?

manufacturing is the only actual productive sector. everything else is leaching off manufacturing and in its demise they leach off the public sector.

>haven't been here that long


literal cancer

typical ramblings of a Muslim. end yourself

why is /brit/ such an easy place to bait.

moni, 190mm, alan, all have your knickers in a twist on a daily basis.