Tfw you can trace all the wars and bad decisions to americans in the last 120 years

>tfw you can trace all the wars and bad decisions to americans in the last 120 years

Other urls found in this thread:

USA is a cancer upon earth

I'm unbiased and agree

Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world

hahaha yes, us brits din dyu nuthin

Woke as fuck
Bluepilled brainlet

We tried to warn you guys, but you didn't help.

>last 130* years

America saved the world from Communism.

The world has been getting saver, wealthier and better since 1776

PAX AMERICANA is the greatest thing to happen, ever.

hail america.

America is a comunists country *


America weakened Britain and France, so Germany got united, so WW1 started, so Germans sponsored Lenin and communists in Russia.

*candidly ignores that Britain financed Bismarck, that Lenin got sent as a result of USA getting involved in the war and that Trotsky and many others were sent by the US*

Stopped reading here.

>what is welfare
>what were baillouts

Communism was started as a counter to Capitalism, which was started by the Americans.

>what is private control of means of productions and distribution

you mean the jews?

>bailouts are real capitalism
>his president has to pass a law to destroy regulations just to not collapse the nation

>Latin "the US is totally the reason I suck" America

>you mean the jews?
No, I mean you don't know what communism is obviously.

and you're a naive bluepilled thinker if you think america is free market.

there has never been a free market before cryptos.

>you're a naive bluepilled thinker
Did you just see the Matrix for the first time?

The US is very free market, I'm sorry Neo hasn't saved you yet.

>free market
>literally an economy a fifth of it's possible size because of regulations

>free market
>wikipedia levels of regulations

>I need the goverment to regulate how I clean my ass

>regulations and welfare are communism

What did he mean by this?

>Free market
>not having freedom to govern your own markets
Please try to compose yourself before posting again.

>they think crony capitalism is the same as free market
ayy the mental retardation

welfare is socialism, dumbfuck.

>he thinks crony capitalism is the same as communism
>he thinks socialism is the same as communism
You have to be 18+ to be on this website.

That still has nothing to do with gommunism.

>welfare is socialism, dumbfuck.

No it's not, retard.

We are a cancer.

But we are YOUR cancer. Try to get rid of us, and you'll die.

The world has been getting saver, wealthier and better since 2013.

PAX ISLAMIC STATE is the greatest thing to happen, ever.

hail ISIS.


Considering what happened today, disclaimer: I am joking, NSA.

>it turns out america was communist all along and the cold war was just one gigantic wacky misunderstanding

There is literately nothing wrong with the US of fucking 'A.

Fuck communist.
Fuck Fascists.
Fuck healthy eating.
Fuck no-guns.
Fuck you're shitty irrelevant piece of shit nation.



If you disagree with FREEDOM™ AND DEMOCRACY© you need your ass liberated by the greatest country on earth. riddim and weap, soon the star spangled banner will fly above your country's capital building, and you will reap the hotdogs that come from it.

*This message was brought you by KFC, 'Finger licking good.'*

>implying the Dutch didn't create global capatalism

uhmmm ever heard of VOC sweetheart??? xx

We invented it, but the Americans perfected the craft.

both of those are right because jews control the USA

>tfw you can trace all the wars and bad decisions to krauts in the last 120 years


>tfw you realize wh*Tes are the root fo all evil in the world

>i hate americans because they have so much influence in the world! reeeeeeeeeeeeee why can;t they be neutral like switzerland!!!!!!
if you were the sole global power you would do whatever the fuck you want to get your nation to the top.

What we will do tonight brain the same thing we do every night try to take over the world