As of today, homo marriage is now legal in Germany!!!

As of today, homo marriage is now legal in Germany!!!

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qt :3



okay, here you go


Are you going to marry bear now?

Maybe interracial will stop here since all Germans are faggots

>tfw you will never find such a cute bear to cuddle with

I think even being old doesn't excuse you from being fit.
It is a shameful display when a man give up on his body.

Congrats. Now you're as faggot as everyone else in nato.

Why are you so homophobic? Honestly, why? How does it affect your life if two men love each other?

awesome, you won't be sleeping alone anymore.

we are not

Not in a literal sense at least :^]

Personally, I dont care either way, but I think it is kinda disrespectful towards christians, who see marriage as a sacred bond of man and woman before god

>disrespectful towards christians
right wing SJW got triggered

Germany needs to be nuked as soon as possible, it's a source of degeneracy

You think feelings of christian people shouldn't be taken into account?

...and? There's always someone somewhere that's gonna be offended by something. In a free society you have the freedom to live your life however you want without getting stoned, Ahmed.

We aren't the first one to do it tho

Good. Another blow to Merkel and the Christian right/conservatives. Fuck 'em.

It's not just "someone". There are quiet a lot of christians in Germany, and they contribute a lot and many of them are respected members of society.

AfD voters must be so butthurt now

t. disgusting ugly tranny

t. turk

>German chancellor is a fucking daughter of a protestant priest.

top kek.. the german downfall started when protestants took over.

Doesn't count. You'd been faggot before it became mainstream.

Religion has no place in politics in a first world country.


says Russian

But religious people are citizens too, and their sentiments count just as much as everybody elses


But gay people are citizens too, and their sentiments count just as much as everybody elses

So there should be a public discussion about the issue, and some sort of compromise needs to be reached. Instead, we went ahead and just implemented gay marriage. I cannot approve of that

>arguing in favor of religion
>current year argument
really doesn't make me think

But gays are not human. Stop fighting you are not human


Agreed we should be like Bosnia

Go protest about it and write a letter to your local respesentative.

Well, for practising Church marriage counts more anyway


*practising Christians

Homos are disgusting and so are you.

Christians can easily ignore the new legal definition of marriage and still define it within their church as they see fit. A same-sex couple can't ignore the old legal definition of marriage when they needed specific privileges that marriage typically gives to a couple.

Christian feelings should be viewed in that context.

They pretty much were already able to marry, it was only called "legal partnership"

Not bad. Well if they pretty much were already able to marry, it's not difficult for them to actually be able to marry.

Were they able to split tax classes though? Too lazy to look up, just curious

Why should they? Splitting taxes if for your parents so they can afford having children. Its not a reward for fucking each other in the ass

Go, suck a dick

You seem pretty mad about this.

Same-sex couples already have children or are planning on starting a family, so are you trying to say that splitting taxes is necessary so that they can afford to do that?

It shouldn't be a thing for regular couples either just to be married if they don't have kids desu, that's what Kindergeld is for
Or even better, to not encourage unemployed Ahmets shitting out like 20 kids, there should simply be a reduction on income tax if you have kids


I will stop making Germany hate threads just for this.

How do I get a husband who looks like thus, /homoint/?
