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--- big diddies edition ---


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Whats depressing? How much global competition there is for women?

How pathetic I am for resorting to online dating and in comparison to other men

I hate myself, and I hate my life.

>"why did you only block Indonesia and Thailand?"

>--- big diddies edition ---
This guy gets it!!!

>16 people have viewed my profile today
>8 girls started conversations with me since yesterday
Is this normal?

Respect for women has went down quite a lot today

I don't feel like Interpals is for me, what do?

delete it? Its not for everyone, and as a woman, you will have a hard time finding anyone who is not talking to you just to get in your pants. But i guess thats the internet in general for you, not just interpals

How do I delete?

settings - delete account

rip in pieces our dear jewess


Should be under the settings page.

Need to wait for a week after activation, oh well

maintenance of the website

Put some famous persons photos (like really famous) get deleted today.

why user ?

I made a fake profile and it's gotten like a thousand messages overnight. I've said the most stupid bullshit you can possibly think of and girls still go for it

How could anyone possibly get laid of interpals when theres so much competition? Particularly when its not technically a dating site.

Yes. Its easy to talk. Whats difficult is turning that into getting nude

I got laid from interpals, even if I didnt even go on interpals for it. but then again, it is probably easier and more straightforward using tinder/okcupid/otherdatingsitevariety.

Show us some screencaps?

Describe the events that took place. How much time investment did it cost you?

Oh, I'm suppose to try and get nudes from these chicks?

>How much time investment did it cost you?
Again it wasn't my intention or goal at all. But to sum it up: A lot. More than a year.
But with tinder/okcupid with a bit of luck i think you can do it within one or 2 weeks.

nearly died 2 nights ago lads.

No, you're supposed to do whatever you want.

If you want nudes go for them, if you're after conversation go for that.

you can do it even on the same day you start talking.

what happened?
some do. I am there just for friends and language exchange.

I got laid via interpals. We met a few months ago and then she came to my city and we fucked.

Yeah I just want to talk to people
I don't really want to get nudes from some random girl if I'm not going to do anything with her anyway.

yeah you can get some friends for life if you are a normal person.
Actually tomorrow I will meet up with a japanese penpal and her friend, who I also met in Japan. They are couchsurfing at my place.

>stop talking to QT after months
>unenthusiastically get back on it and fire off a few messages earlier this week
>suddenly today, 4 decent conversations with 7+/10s

What a difference a day makes

I've been laid 3 times for interpals and could easily have had a couple more from it.

If you haven't been laid because of interpals then you should just give up with women

This is why you should kill yourself at the first chance you get, if you delay it something good might happen which makes you reconsider your life and then you will just get disappointed again one year later.


In all honesty I wasn't particularly upset about cutting off contact with her. I'm very good at deadening my emotions when necessary.

>getting along well with a qt Ukrainian
>she's into me and I kinda like her too
>she's 17 and I'm 23

god damn it A fresh bert comment

Is Bert Gustavo's Dutch uncle?

Post the picture to all are commenting, please

Can we just give up on this website already?
Link some other apps or websites in the next OP
I heard before that some Anons were lucky with Hellotalk (

fuck no
it might be a broken piece of shit website, but at least it is our broken piece of shit website.

Isn't Hellotalk filled with normies? I like the interpals qts and their psychotic autism.

>didn't want my Catalan qt to go and vote in the referendum in case she got hurt
>sent her an email pretending to be Spanish police threatening to beat her if she went to vote
>didn't think it through and sent it in English
>she realised instantly something was wrong
>knew it was me because I am the only person fluent in english with her email that isn't a company
>now is butthurt

i just wanted her to be safe

this is the email, I didn't think she'd know it was me

Just got absolutely pissed with my Greek friend lads

i just got a new qt, rate her

I swear this is the only general where the Brits fucking own it
10/10 user


I have a Catalan friend too, I hhope to fuck it's not the same one and she thinks it's me
Give me her initials to make sure

studying more languages than I know



well duh...

My ruskie today is full of gems.

This desuYou people are honestly the best posters

This is some serious autism, but I'm not even surprised

Why is interpals nothing but fake profiles and children?

>the found a hot Christian girl from Jordan
How do I save her

Also why are Turkish qts so underrated

You guys want to see my peener?


>qt says she'll pay for the hotels and trains since I paid for my flight
>she shows me the hotels she booking
>they are all 5 star rated

>Also why are Turkish qts so underrated
this so much.

fug, I would have talked to you, greatest ally. all I ever wanted from this website was someone to talk to me on a consistent basis. its given me some hope at times but its crushed said hope when people just stop talking to me or delete their accounts

I think InterPals is not right for me.
Maybe having friends/qts are not right for me.

I'll talk to you

>bitches say "no perverts" in their profile

>ask out her messanger ID

>show my full nude being erect

>bitches be like "omg so lewd~~ I wanna suck your dick. here's my nude pic"


>full nude being erect
All 4 inches of you?

about 6 inches. le small Korean dick is total meme anyway.

and bitches seem to be actually wanting this online-fap way too. although they describe as if they hate sexual talks of all time. they are fucking obviously wanting it.

If it's not sex talk the conversation always ends up "hi" "how are you?" "im good" this trash routine since bitch's dosen't really have anything to say in a conversation.

btw im tired of this online Qt meme. It's just all the fucking same man. even online fap is getting weary

hmm not sure if i should sign up for interpals

im tired of this usual shitty bitches standing on passive side.

even if they have some crush on your first, they don't want to appeal anything. it's just constant "let me see how one of you treat me as good princess :3"

why would I mess up with these kind of whores. I truly understood the reason why bitches are valuable as sextoy only.

girls that you can do real conversation is extremly rare. getting nude is easy but at the end it just means nothing.

>getting nude is easy
for you it is, your inbox probably has 400 messages in it

>a total meme
My friend I've seen my fair share of penisies... and it's not

Daily reminder that betas are not only weak and unattractive - they are also stupid.

>tfw 26 yo cutie has never been to a bar or club in her life
>has only drank alcohol twice
asians keep surprising me


>tfw my qt doesn't like to drink or go out and we spent every evening cuddling in bed

>qt tells me she's talking to her mum about me
>won't tell me what they said

She's nervous

What was it like when you first met? did the two of you just take things really slow to get comfortable with each other. Or were you already making out the first day?

we made out on the first day
it felt comfortable right away, we knew our likes and habits already and the way of talking was like we did over text and phone

Did you fug?

How did the first few hours go of meeting?

the next day we had sex


She was probably nervous. I can tell my qt is feeling a bit nervous as she's never met anyone off the internet before. We video date weekly so we are definitely very comfortable with each other. It's just that first IRL moment that's a bit nerve wrecking. I told her what we'd probably do is she'll meet me near the hotel after she gets off work and we'd drop her bag in her room and then go for a long walk together. I guess let things just happen as they happen from there?

>cuddled for two hours
>on a bed
>didn't even get to third base
Jesus man

Every time I read about you guys fucking Asians I remember how I screwed up a chance in China

Story time

>Meet QT
>Realise you love her too much to ever cause her pain or anguish and decide that at least for now we'll continue to love each other as friends
>Get new lease on life and become determined to make myself a better person for when I next see her because she'd want me to be happy

Is this good or bad /cp/?

I knew her for 6 months
It's not like I picked her up from a bar and fucked her the same night

That's not bad

So while I was over there we were staying at a uni and the students were taking us to the tourist shit and out at night and stuff. It was two people in one room though.
Pretty quickly realised that one of the students had taken a liking to me so one day when we went out to a club I made a move and blah blah blah she came back to my room
My roommate hadn't gone out so obviously didn't know so I didn't get to lewd until the next morning when he went to breakfast.
Long story short a combination of him walking back into the room, me realising I didn't have a condom and no other opportunity for her to come over occurring meant we never fucked


How could that possibly be bad?

Is getting married possible on CP? Sham marriage counts too, I suppose. I just can't live here any longer. Will I need lots of money for that?

>I just can't live here any longer.
are you gay?

Some Malaysian guy from these threads married a Lithuanian girl from this site and I think a few other anons have too.

Not really. But if it will win me some points, sure

Honestly, I'm surprised. I'll check the archives

A few anons got married.

If i remember correctly

1. Brit married a Russian
2. Ameribro married a Russian
3. Someone married a Lithuanian
4. The Cornish lad will probably marry his Italian
5. Ameribro married some Asian las

I'm happy to hear that so many anons found happiness on this website.

Does the Cornish guy still post here? Is he still in Spain?