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I don't know if this is the right board to ask this but what are your thoughts on Rohingya matter happening in Myanmar?

two state solution Tbh

What do you mean?

Peace Prize is a joke, she should give it back.

Ideally co-existence but that's never going to happen now since the Burmese government completely fucked relations between the two a long time ago

that's an Israel tier ""solution"" but even more retarded

the Rohingya aren't native to the region and don't have any religious connection to the land. they basically live there because no one else wanted them

Peace prize as always been a joke.

There's no reasonable solution in the future to solve this chaotic shit show. Literally just nuke SEA already.

Unlikely that's going to work. Rohingya's aside, Burma's going through multiple insurgencies right now so we might see some real change (good or bad) if the Burmese gov collapses.

Tbf there's some Rohingya that have lived there since the 13th century. Not comparable in numbers to the ones that came in the last century but it's a shame that they'll have to go back too desu.

i wish we could deport all the fucking gypsies too

You know things are bad when you're feeling to fucking Bangladesh.

>so shitty that you even make fucking Buddhists act violent towards your co-religionists

The absolute STATE of Islam

I hate it, its ugly, genocide is bad. Sad we need to keep having this convo in 2017 and likely will for decades to come.

Myanmar is shit I said it.

Buddhists can be violent plenty, ever heard of imperial Japan (WWII)? Or any of Chinese history? The whole idea of Buddhists as being a bunch of peaceful pot smoking hippies is something white new age baby boomers invented iirc, has zero bearing on real life.

they didn't do much other than live there when the buddhists started repressing them

buddhists in Sri Lanka also sparked a civil war with the hindu population there. just because the religion is against violence doesn't mean everyone will follow that rule. christianity is the exact same

>buddhism is a religion of peace meme

Myanmar junta killing every single minority is nothing new, they will kill someone else when they get bored later.

>empire of japan
>various chinese dynasties
So this is the power of American education...

>american education

I am biased against muslims for historical and political reasons. Trying to be impartial will be hard. Either way islam is expansionist religion that kicked buddism from it's place of birth and the central east. Now it's trying to push even further by exporting muslims abroad with the aim to proclaim autonomy at some point in the future in many regions. So I have no sympathy for them. They went to a country that did not wanted them and should fucking leave.

Myanmar has fucked up buddhist organisations. I mean ones that influence the government to make shitty laws.

were you taught in America?

>Rohingyan found their own land and built their own kingdom in rakhine state (myanmar)
>got beaten by burmese, take refuge to bangla
>anglos came and occupied burma, Rohingyan backed again to their own land
>japanese occupation, Rohingyan took side with anglo while the burmese took side whith japan
>japan lost, now independence time
>Rohingyan: 'Sure, we don't mind under your control, but please just recognize us as this country citizen."
>Burma: "Ahhh....... No. Also it's for you all, rest of minorities, you all won't be recognized as this country citizen"

present day
>Rohingyan: "Dude we just want to live in our origin state......."

Just yet another reminder that Asians truly are subhumans

when even fucking buddhist monks want to remove them you know islam must be purged

>Now it's trying to push even further by exporting muslims abroad with the aim to proclaim autonomy at some point in the future in many regions.
erm it was the English that moved them there


tbf the final part is right

The rohingyan is a unique case
Not like other minorities in Burma who've been started their own rebellion for several years, the rohingyan started their own rebellion in 2012 after 2012 mass riot in rakhine states
the problem is rohingyan is not recognized by burma as the citizen, while the rohingyans are actually the native of Rakhine

>only americans hate muslims
nice meme.

they just want to protect their country from mass religion conversion. that's it.

Buddhism was considered as a peaceful religion way before "baby boomers"

How did Muslims end up there if they're not an invasive presence?

Ponder on that.

>>Burma: "Ahhh....... No. Also it's for you all, rest of minorities, you all won't be recognized as this country citizen"
what were they planning on doing with them

by whom?

The only "peaceful" forms of Buddhism have been the result of the forced modernisation during the Meiji Restoration, when Buddhism in Japan was effectively made to either 'get with the times' or be completely purged from society. From this followed the founding of a newer Rinzai practice and institutions that later educated D. T. Suzuki, who would be vital in bringing the "peaceful zen" into the western world.

Basically, you're completely wrong and have no idea about the history of Buddhism throughout Asia.

hoping they'd fuck off

love this image

if it is an invasive presence how come it never spread beyond the Rohingya population in Burma

what the hell mate, this is bait right?

I guess you just proved that Malaysia and Persia and Africa were always Muslim states :^^^^)

user isn't wrong. Westerners have no understanding of Buddhism outside of a western context.

thank you my friend

He is wrong though, while he is correct that Buddhists can act violently, the notion that the EoJ and China are Buddhist countries is retarded. I think this is what the replies to him are saying.

>Rohinga Crysis is an islam vs budhism thing meme
i came here to laugh at you

Jap buddhism supported militarism and openly called for violence before and during WWII


It's great really.

They prove that there is a good way to deal with muslims and that illegal immigration will not be accepted. Just because they rush in and breed for a century does not make them legal.

This can be a blueprint for Europe.

Wtf, all these people thinking they know my cointry. Ask a real Burmese person anything

Have you ever set yourself on fire?

No, that sounds painful

What religion are you?

Atheist bhuddist like most Burmese.

But my mom is Christian

>you're a muslim insurgent in myanmar and about to burn down the local buddhist temple
>suddenly this man approaches you and orders you to tell him about the noble eightfold path or get your shit kicked in

what do?

Yea, when I was in monastery, I just worked out 4 hours a day and I got some huge gains

I admire them for actively removing their Islamic problem

Buddhists have always been violent subhuman shitskins, you delusional New Age hippie

>islam is expansionist religion

Literally every single religion and ideology is expansionist

Myanmar is yet another third world shithole which will be remembered only for its genocidal history, just like Rwanda and Serbia.
