Tell me about Thatcher, why do Brits hate her so much?

Tell me about Thatcher, why do Brits hate her so much?

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Brits hate her?

In an earlier thread some Brit said she ruined Blighty

They're commies

Brits don't hate her, Commies hate her.

She was based as fuck

Many of the working class do

she fucked over a lot of people, closed the mines many of which had loads of coal left, fired shit loads of miners, sold our industry to india and china etc
though she did kick the shit out of argentina so that makes up for it

Governments since Baldwin and especially since Attlee had been subsidizing uneconomical industries at the expense of productive ones and ruining the country in the process. When BASED Mags put a stop to it a lot of "working" class people had to get real jobs producing things people wanted to buy. They were not big fans of this policy

Thatcher is a dumb whore slut

Fuck her desu

She basically sold all the British wealth through privatisation. Britain used to be the home country of industrialization, but now they have nothing other than banks

i agree reforms were needed but the way she went about it was too brutal, though i'm from an ex mining community so maybe i'm biased

only really northerners and socialists (same thing) hate her


>"working" class people had to get real jobs producing things people wanted to buy.
I have never owned anything "made in uk".

>closed the mines many of which had loads of coal left
Stopped state subsidy for an industry that was hemorrhaging money producing something that could be gotten very cheaply elsewhere.

Just because there's coal in the ground doesn't mean you should mine it at a loss.

Even if you don't care about hoe badly she fucked the bits of Britain that aren't London er deregulation of the banks back during her term directly caused the global financial collapse of 2008.

The people who really fucked you were the Labour governments who nationalized the mines in the first place. Had the market been allowed to work coal mining communities could have declined gradually as the return on investment in mining decreased. Instead the return to reality meant half a town losing work overnight which did need to happen but should have taken a generation

because we don't produce cheap plastic shit
unless you've bought an airplane engine or a tank, i'm not surprised nothing you own says "made in UK"

According to this Canada exports more in cars than oil

I have Swiss and German made blades and drills and Taiwanese made hand tools.

Hey, I've got a bottle of genuine Canadian maple syrup in my cupboard

Why did my post get deleted? Are the mods Leaf-fags who can't handle the truth?

I'm sure she was a tiger in the bedroom.

You have probably filled your car up with petrol that was refined and exported by BP or Shell at some point.

She privatised industries without proper regulation and allowed monopolies to exist, for instance your bus and even fucknging water are privately owned with no alternative competitor.

Honestly, the water thing still makes me fucking mad. Privately owned fucking water. What next? Air?

Really? Canada is a net oil exporter.

I was just using it as an example. According to we export £8 billion a year to Canada in

boilers and machinery
electrical and electronic equipment
distillation products and mineral fuels, including oil
plastics and plastic products
optical, technical, photographic and medical apparatus
pearls, precious stones, metals and coins
furniture, lighting, signs and prefabricated buildings
iron and steel products

>he doesnt want air to be privatised
What are you, a fucking commie?

The problem is that Britain has no famous and recognizable brands
Canada can buy precious stones and coins from other countries aswell

small goverment is bad for the people

anyone who dislikes are maggs is a crypto-argie

more like twatcher amiriteboys?

>unless you've bought an airplane engine or a tank
or a cute Aston Martin
:3 yes i loved Goldeneye

Fucking Kit-Kats, mate. Has there ever been a more famous foil-wrapped wafer-based confectionery? I think not.

overblown gigantic government is worse
in the middle there lies the answer

>The problem is that Britain has no famous and recognizable brands

Marshall, Vox, Laney, Solid State Logic, Neve and Focusrite are some of the biggest brands in the audio industry and used in pretty much every song you know

I mean they could but Britain invaded most of Africa for a reason and the British companies are still there and own the diamond mines.

Not that other retarded Canadian (there are tons of British products here) but don't the Dutch own most of the diamonds?

Can someone give me a reason that I should like Thatcher outside of her attitude in the war? Just because she did the right thing against the argies doesn't mean she did anything else right, after all

De Beers owns about 40% of the worlds diamond trade, which was founded by the guy in the picture I posted. It's a "British" company.

A lot of the diamond companies have merged into one giant Illuminati tier conglomerate though.

Well, as a German, I am nationally biased towards social market economy, so I dont have much love for neoliberals like Thatcher. To me it feels like she sold out the country to big business

Well at cursory glance she produced the absolute shit show that is the housing market in England and also planted the seeds of islamic terrorism in the 21st century with the help of Reagan. Plus any so called English "patriot" who supports her but whines about globalism must either be a brainlet or a dishonest ideologue.

It's not so much it feels like she did, it's that she did, demonstrably
We're never going to recover from what she did barring a war on the continent that we profit from

>I am nationally biased towards social market economy
>I dont have much love for neoliberals
Mate, social market economy is the new clothes of neoliberals. It's a dandy way to consider economical issues

UK's economic performance was much worse than Germany's between the war and Thatcherism and has been much better since. Britain is the only country in Western Europe that hasn't declined in income relative to the US since the 70s. Before Germany's neoliberal reforms UK's performance was stellar in comparison

>declined in income relative to the US
Which is a moot point when compared alongside the way the cost of living massively increased as well.

Well duh, selling all the state companies will create a cash flow in the short term, but in the long term, the country is unable to compete with other countries that have a tighter grip on their corporations

care to elaborate?

Most of the privatization was done in just a few years in the 80s. UK income performance has been relatively better for almost forty years now. Compare to when UK had the tightest grip imaginable on its corporation and it had gone from being the richest country in Europe to poorer than Italy in just a few years because of it

>Compare to when UK had the tightest grip imaginable on its corporation and it had gone from being the richest country in Europe to poorer than Italy in just a few years because of it
do you think maybe the reason for that was the lack of money from the war

They basically just sold off the last remaining scraps of the silverware, after Thatcher sold the bulk.
What happens once we've run out of public services to sell off?
That's what Thatcherites never seem to understand.

We burned Germany to the ground and then made them pay reparations. A bit more costly than issuing debt at low interest mostly to your citizens like the UK did.

>care to elaborate?
Don't have much time.
Neoliberal purpose is to asserve many by the few. That being done by monetary status. The trick is to pretend you can achieve a less pricey life for all BUT you got to play the game at Who's-can-suck-more-my-dick-for-less-? Now come and try to be as cheap as a chinese worker. Protip even the übermensh© can't.
This way + flowing immigration + disguised wars for higly valuable ressources (such as petrol) = ultrabenefits;

That being said, it's obvious the pill was not that easy to push down the throat to Europeans. That's why you got to sugarcoat it i.e. "explaining" to european workers how they are too lazy and how Europe was thaaaaaat much of an amazing thing because you will spare a few cents on the store. This is the social market. A chic way to present things, because Europeans are all high class people right?
Political corrupted puppets that only fulfill the command orders from megacorps threatening them to fire shitamount of workers.

we used almost all our gold buying material from you
we used all our manpower dying in that stupid fucking war
all our industry was in war production
we still had rationing for a good time after the war ended
Britain lost almost everything then

monopolized privatization is bad, but nationalizing public industries is absurd also
allows a company to act however they like in terms of performance and public relations, while being bailed out by the gov't if they retardedly lose money
Ontario's power company charges people through the teeth and is slow to respond to any power outages outside of a metropolis, and yet they don't give a shit because gubbermint lmao
also british columbia has provincial driver's insurance, lmao

to be fair m8, post war vs thatcher era had a fundemental difference that factors into government, their budget
post-war, the UK got an absolute fuckton of funds through the marshall plan, while thatcher era UK's economy was slipping before thatcher even stepped into office

UK had far fewer casualties than Germany and had most of its physical plant intact after the war. UK debt to overseas creditors was only 33% of GDP in 1945, about a third of which could have been paid off with Marshall aid.

Thatcher did the worst of both worlds though, she sold off the public services while making the taxpayer liable for losses. I shit you not. That's what she did.

Thatcher killed the middle class phenomenon in the UK.

It's what we're still doing in places
Where a bus route isn't profitable, we pay to make sure the company runs a profit while they make the changes to the route, then as soon as they start making money they take the profits
It's mental

Nothing wrong with this

oh well fuck her then
damn, also
>tfw Canada has the wealthiest middle class in the world

Americans seem to like her more than Brits.

UK and France wasted part of their funds on costly wars with former colonies, whereas Germany and Japan went full-tilt into reconstruction.

she was a bitch
t. parents left northern ireland because of her shit

muh railroads innit