This is Megumin irl

This is Megumin irl.

shut the fuck up red button nip monkey

what is wrong with her legs?

I'm not sure but I'm willing to explore them carefully to investigate about it.

would manhandle

>finnish twink
Don't make me laugh, you sissy boy

She looks goofy, I love ber.

I want to marry TakaRie

y-you too

I can manhandle you :3

ugly slant eyed subhuman like any other nip female

>tfw no swedish bf to manhandle you
life is struggle

She's quite good for an asian desu


>She's quite good for an asian desu


This is Tom Cruise in italian

Those are normal japanese legs

This is Denzel Washington and George Clooney in italian

k-kawaii desu ne~~

This is Eddie Murphy and Homer Simpson in italian

she is probably a 10/10 in her shithole. in a white country she would be a 5/10 at most

Why are Japs the only kind of 3D women that's not disgusting to look at?

Are you dating a 10/10 girl? And you've got a nerve calling Japan for shithole?

nips are subhumans

Hey. Do not bully Japan, you communist faggot.

fuck off shitskin

Japan and Mexico are allies. Do not bully Japan or you will feel my wrath, I am warning you. I have crippling depression and I ain't afraid to use it.

>calling anywhere a shithole

how do I get beautiful japanese gf, English teacher kun?

kys weebs



t. literal subhuman

They're all so cute. I can't even imagine a Japanese girl hurting me like all those disgusting western degenerates have.

The cat on her head is from Renai Boukun. I guess she also cosplays a character from this series. Both have the same badge.

A little boy?

f-fuck off uruguasho