Man rapes pajeets sister

>man rapes pajeets sister
>pajeets cuts off his head

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Based pajeet, never let someone else than you raping your sister until she get married

He looks so peaceful

azayaka ni koishite ninja ri ban ban

I stand with Pajeet!

is he ok???

Rapists in south asia are treated worse than pedos in America

the sister would be beheaded too for dishonoring family, am i right?

>no blood

Try again sweaty

just needs some stitches


Adultery (even if she was unwilling) leads to stoning

He is brown so he was never ok

>Getting raped by a literal plank
How does this even happen

By being a stick

If u guys were standing and talking in front of me like bad about indians ....i juat cant imagine what i would do to you...u would have admitted at hospitals for years.....remember ..u talked to me its allright ..dont ever cm to talk like this to a indian....he will break all ur bones in ur body....every shot beatings given by indianns is like lightning ware u bleddy fuck guys....ok bye go fuck all ur own nation....only meant for who talk bad about india

If u guys were standing and talking in front of me like bad about indians ....i juat cant imagine what i would do to you...u would have admitted at hospitals for years.....remember ..u talked to me its allright ..dont ever cm to talk like this to a indian....he will break all ur bones in ur body....every shot beatings given by indianns is like lightning ware u bleddy fuck guys....ok bye go fuck all ur own nation....only meant for who talk bad about india

If u guys were standing and talking in front of me like bad about indians ....i juat cant imagine what i would do to you...u would have admitted at hospitals for years.....remember ..u talked to me its allright ..dont ever cm to talk like this to a indian....he will break all ur bones in ur body....every shot beatings given by indianns is like lightning ware u bleddy fuck guys....ok bye go fuck all ur own nation....only meant for who talk bad about india

If u guys were standing and talking in front of me like bad about indians ....i juat cant imagine what i would do to you...u would have admitted at hospitals for years.....remember ..u talked to me its allright ..dont ever cm to talk like this to a indian....he will break all ur bones in ur body....every shot beatings given by indianns is like lightning ware u bleddy fuck guys....ok bye go fuck all ur own nation....only meant for who talk bad about india

The lesson to be derived from this is that you should stop while you're still ahead

If u guys were standing and talking in front of me like bad about indians ....i juat cant imagine what i would do to you...u would have admitted at hospitals for years.....remember ..u talked to me its allright ..dont ever cm to talk like this to a indian....he will break all ur bones in ur body....every shot beatings given by indianns is like lightning ware u bleddy fuck guys....ok bye go fuck all ur own nation....only meant for who talk bad about india

If u guys were standing and talking in front of me like bad about indians ....i juat cant imagine what i would do to you...u would have admitted at hospitals for years.....remember ..u talked to me its allright ..dont ever cm to talk like this to a indian....he will break all ur bones in ur body....every shot beatings given by indianns is like lightning ware u bleddy fuck guys....ok bye go fuck all ur own nation....only meant for who talk bad about india

If u guys were standing and talking in front of me like bad about indians ....i juat cant imagine what i would do to you...u would have admitted at hospitals for years.....remember ..u talked to me its allright ..dont ever cm to talk like this to a indian....he will break all ur bones in ur body....every shot beatings given by indianns is like lightning ware u bleddy fuck guys....ok bye go fuck all ur own nation....only meant for who talk bad about india

If u guys were standing and talking in front of me like bad about indians ....i juat cant imagine what i would do to you...u would have admitted at hospitals for years.....remember ..u talked to me its allright ..dont ever cm to talk like this to a indian....he will break all ur bones in ur body....every shot beatings given by indianns is like lightning ware u bleddy fuck guys....ok bye go fuck all ur own nation....only meant for who talk bad about india

>If u guys were standing and talking in front of me like bad about indians ....i juat cant imagine what i would do to you...u would have admitted at hospitals for years.....remember ..u talked to me its allright ..dont ever cm to talk like this to a indian....he will break all ur bones in ur body....every shot beatings given by indianns is like lightning ware u bleddy fuck guys....ok bye go fuck all ur own nation....only meant for who talk bad about india



was wondering why no fellow BASEDBhartiya had posted yet.

what's that

Bharti means someone from india

Fucking Scottish people are scum

Eat Mine Pant!

>br*Tish people are scum
ftfy x

fuck dick sex

> Arafat's sisters becomes a successful model
> Arafat honor kills her.

Only in Muslim families.

Begone thot!

Pakifags annihilated

But did they have proof? I get extremely suspicious of female rape victims these days, because so many of them are lying through their teeth.

If u guys were standing and talking in front of me like bad about indians ....i juat cant imagine what i would do to you...u would have admitted at hospitals for years.....remember ..u talked to me its allright ..dont ever cm to talk like this to a indian....he will break all ur bones in ur body....every shot beatings given by indianns is like lightning ware u bleddy fuck guys....ok bye go fuck all ur own nation....only meant for who talk bad about india


Everyone is a white knight these days

That may be the case.

How does this shit even happen? Kill all these fucking sub-humans who were on that set, holy shit. They're not fit for any society.

sounds like someone is too beta to put a thot in her place

He clearly meant the white knighting was subhuman tier. Such is life where everyone is a beta orbiter and "male feminist" for the sake of pussy

>u guys were standing and talking in front of me like bad about indians ....i juat cant imagine what i would do to you...u would have admitted at hospitals for years.....remember ..u talked to me its allright ..dont ever cm to talk like this to a indian....he will break all ur bones in ur body....every shot beatings given by indianns is like lightning ware u bleddy fuck guys....ok bye go fuck all ur own nation....only meant for who talk bad about india
