What are some nostalgia you have in your country

What are some nostalgia you have in your country

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law and order

>The best TV-show in all of Swedish history

You just posted it, op

who /used to stash drugs/ in their ps2 here

that looks terrible

No one, junkie


that's why its the best.

My PS2 was already broken before I injected my first marijuana

PS is japanese.

(broken and bin'd)

I cry everytime ;_;

Being happy



Military coup.

t. born in 2001


that era of cellphones was better then the current one
now it's all the same-smartphone touchscreens
there was so much more variety back then

>doing drugs in the ps2 era
alri grandad

We were richer when i was kid.


This. I suppose idiots in your country also forced you to change the name.


omg now that is a meme system

Born in 85 actually.

Side Pocket. Good game.

Not really, saturn is fantastic. Pic related is a meme.

The only thing I'm somewhat nostalgic is the huge amounts of mostly uncensored dubbed anime you could watch in over-the-air TV channels before more or less the year 2005 and before the stereotypical "otaku fandom" was a thing.


Yes, we now call them "Negenzoenen" (nine kisses)

>Latin root words are offensive because of another word with the same etymology
Wew lad. Not like there are actual countries named Niger and Nigeria, or anything. If my tone sounds like I'm trying to mock you, I'm not. I'm making fun of the people that changed your snax.

mine still works
it's the small slim one not that beast

>ywn be this comfy again


I really do miss that era of phones.

