I just got fired from my job for supporting the catalonian independence...

I just got fired from my job for supporting the catalonian independence. Yesterday we were taking coffee at work and this thing obviously came up and I was the only one who agreed with it and my bosses where both present, today they called me into office and fired me.

fuck Spain, honestly... I also used the company's credit card in several whore houses but I'm dead sure it was because of supporting the referendum.

What was your job, OP? We usually don't work on Sundays.

removing bubble gums from barcelona's streets.

Thats ok but getting fired for being racist is not.

t. Sup Forums

>What was your job, OP? We usually don't work

Are you and your bosses Catalan or Spaniards?

Read the whole post

WTF I hate Spain now

I did

>removing bubble gums from barcelona's streets.
sounds like a career

>I also used the company's credit card in several whore houses

volquetes de putas para todos


>...I also used the company's credit card in several whore houses but I'm dead sure it was because of supporting the referendum.

are you actually starting a civil war or only on the net?

this is the power of spanish autism
Also fuck you OP for supporting the destruction of your country


Today I lost my job collecting data for a bus company because the violence of the spanish police has disrupted the society and data would be unreliable. Much more people than usual is taking public transports to go to concentrations and shit and the company cannot determine frequencies and prices based on this numbers.

Thanks Spain.

>I also used the company's credit card in several whore houses but I'm dead sure it was because of supporting the referendum.

They are just exposing you to the Spanish culture of being unemployed.

>losing job because express political feeling without anything related to work mistake
enjoy living in shithole

It's like we are not trying to change it or anything.

No, he lost his job for using the company CC in whore houses.

>I also used the company's credit card in several whore houses but I'm dead sure it was because of supporting the referendum
>I also used the company's credit card in several whore houses
>but I'm dead sure it was because of supporting the referendum

>I also used the company's credit card in several whore houses but I'm dead sure it was because of supporting the referendum.

El op es el hippie roñoso mwajwajajwhahwhaw

Viva españa traidores

>I also used the company's credit card in several whore houses but I'm dead sure it was because of supporting the referendum.

0/10 troll