
La Roux edition

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No canadians allowed

so what do you think about mélanie joly not taxing netflix

thanks liberals


i like the succ meme

Looks like he backed down

should I get Killer Instinct

Lost network then I remembered car has WiFi

blood is thicker than water

for the SNES? yes



>>falling for this meme
>If this was actually true dual US-Canada citizens wouldn't exist
>"... Congress passed the Expatriation Act of 1868, which granted Americans the right to freely renounce their U.S. citizenship."
>"Britain followed suit with a similar law, and years later, signed a treaty agreeing to treat British subjects who had become U.S. citizens as no longer holding British nationality."
>"British Nationality Act 1948 removed restrictions on dual citizenship in the United Kingdom ... and the Canadian Citizenship Act, 1976, removed restrictions on dual citizenship in Canada"

yes, blood (of the covenant) is thicker than water (of the womb)

i just did

for the PC

What are you talking about?


bed time fore me


>years later
>no year given
fake news

Good night, America.



Why are you learning English?

i feel alone

Cartoons rot your brain.

just play more zelda

So if Hillary won the election what would all these late night political shows talk about?

You are alone you fucking weeb

Danes are cool, though

to speak to the mexicans.

Sports and celebrities


if you think things would be different you are delusional

me too

Explain why they had to remove the restrictions if they never existed in the first place?

I am going to become a Christmas cake

why does your state flag look like croatia

danes are great

It's the lingua franca.

you make it sound like you have a choice.

because its better than albania, not as good as serbia

i am here

>asian gf
>brown nipples
Can't win em all

How old are you?

>No titcow polish milf gf
Life is pointless and not worth living tbqh famalamadingdong

Years later could mean 5, 10, 15, or 30 years later. Could have happened well after Graham became a naturalized American.

Fake news

when cum says asian gf we mean east asian not poo

I wasn't always gay. But that trip to Mexico

calgary is north korea

If they're not brown and they're not pink what are they

More like Tom Deadtty

why does your state flag look like an american state flag?

Jon Stewart's show was 100x better when Bush was president than Obama because he barely ever did anything hard hitting against Obama. When Obama was president he shat on Republican opposition more than anything.

its islamic arbys actually

Considering he stopped being a British citizen when he became a US citizen, I doubt it

>didn't even make it to the next day
Rookie mistake

wait, did you mean different from you "I am silly!" green text, or different from how they are right now?
"news comedy" has never been super critical of the establishment left

There isn't even a single source in the article that says that, just the citizenship section of the infobox. They are basing it off the quote saying he chose to be American.


my neighbors won't shut up

bullshit. everyone and their mother hoped on the anti-obama gravy train until the end of his term

He got outlived by a living skeleton that shakes to spook people and an alcoholic fat weird al impersonator more than a rookie.

i love everyone here

>tfw my cellphone data connection is faster than my DSL connection
fucking end my life

Drinking the pur-ple potion
Under them skies so blue

>I always report Cara's early threads
>he still loves me

>no lil Greenlander gf to fuck with
Just bloody well end me old boy

really now? what criticisms did they levy against him?
what did you learn about his policy from "comedy ""news"" "

>that face
everyone looks sexy when they're dressed like a whore, user.


Is the dane kill?


she looks like she has FAS

they nitpicked to high hell just like theyre doing now

Suicide. Pre-flight. Zero hour.

I wonder how gun companies feel about being referenced in hip hop songs so much

if they did, give an example?
i don't recall any of my friends levying criticisms against obongo

>not even 10 yet
>tired as fuck already

liberals are obama zealots, i'd be genuinely interested in someone finding establishment liberals critiquing him in a meaningful way

Name 6 songs that reference a specific gun brand

>iphone, she's a materialistic girl who wants me to spend a lot of money on her
>hiding her front left side, clearly doesn't want us to see the deformity
>framed picture of herself in the background, very vain
>wearing knee high boots over the leggings and panties, clearly doesn't want to give you easy access and will with hold sex
>Greenlander, so she will probably kill herself no matter what in the relationship

2/10 would not bang

fox did it alot, the other news groups did it but not to such an extent, and CNN never changes their narrative

The entire reason why people hate Trump is because they honestly thought a White man would never be president again


She probably does

this meme only works if the girl is actually attractive

She looks like she's 4'6" and I don't want any booster seats in the whip

glocks are mentioned all the time
I remember Dresta says he'll smack someone with a Smith & Wesson in Real Mutha Fuckin G's.

why do they let the indians in west world have cult that revolves around the real people? seems like a bad idea

maybe you should check your clocks user its almost 11

Live every day for the glory of Allah.
Think WWMD

No establishment people criticize him but loads of Left wing and especially far left academic type people criticize him. Like that gommie Cornel West.

i said liberals not left wing people


Tech nine
Mini uzi

I am the one
Don't weight a ton
Don't need a gun to get respect up on the street
Under the sun
The bastard son
Will pop the Glock to feed himself and family
By any means, your enemies, my enemies
We wet them up like a canteen
The yellow taps surround the fate
Don't have a face
So now you late
Open the gates

there hasn't been a serial killer on the loose in years. Everything is mass shooter this and ISIS that. When will we have a good old son of sam or Zodiac killer again?

its really hard to get away with it. serial killers exist, but they target street people

super hard to get away with murder these days, especially in nice neighborhoods
theres probably tons of serial killers in the hood though who've never been caught because they only killed criminals or bums that nobody gives a shit about