Would catalans want to stay if this was the new national flag?

Would catalans want to stay if this was the new national flag?

no you fucking retard

y tho

why would you willingly deface your own flag like that?
I'd sooner shit on my flag than put weebshit on it

i'd also shit in your flag but for free

>"What is this?"

send pics

Piss off normalfag scum.

Yes. Putsch-chan and Junqueras promised to make anime real. All of it is about this.

Why give them the option to decide that when it is not their choice to make?

Viva la Barcelona

why being rude when we can all be friends and united in anime!

"What's going on in here?"

I'll put your teeth through the back of your skull you little bender


Usurpers must be quelled, with force if need be.

No because independence will make anime REAL.


go back "Edward" Zhang

If you used superior anime like yuyushiggy, kirino mosaic and gochiusa they might.

Go back to the grave, Paca la Culona, we don't need more traitors

May we post Catalan qt's in this thread?


> 3dpd
good point desu

yes it would appease their simple heads

It's simple. Anime being real > some shitty anime flag. This man is a botifler traitor and probably charnego as well.