Would Middle Easterners be considered white if they werent mostly muslims?

Would Middle Easterners be considered white if they werent mostly muslims?

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No, but it would be a much much better area overall

>that France

kill us already pls


What do you mean?

people from southern Europe aren't even White. What makes you think mena would be?

Kys Palestine I was ruling for you

Skull structure

Still too much SSA influx, so no

Say's Tyrone that never ever set a foot on european soil.
And yes when i look at my people i see non whites

Are yo all mad? Definitely They are white. Or white is somebody from the nazzi propaganda posters in your opinion? But Then even Hitler was not white.

no, what does religion have to do with skin colour you fucking idiot

But thats just about 1% in the northern middle east

Only Assyrians score below 1%
It's around 5-10 overall in the Levant and 15-25 in North Africa

Why is this retarded subhuman German making this thread again?


a Turk would not make a thread like this for sure. it's 2017 not 2015.


etc etc the possibilities are infinite

Middle Easterners score as much as spaniards and portuguese. But you are right about north africans

Yeah nah, only a select few (as I said Assyrians, plus Lebs and Druze aren't that high either, but Palis, Syrians, Saudis are)
Don't have numbers for Yemen and Oman, but I wouldn't be surprised at 20%+

or a retarded German. But you're right, let's ask him about his ethnicity.
stop posting or i'll punch you in the face

Notice how the more Early European Farmer admixture a Euro country the more swarthy the people are. Look at the north Caucasian area too, chechians and dagestanis have more EEF than Slavs and they're also browner and swarthy than them.

This is unequivocal proof that Europeans are brown because of ancient migrations from the middle-east. Sicilians are the brownest Europeans.

yep Germans are subhumans confirmed

U mad that it reveals how you aren't 50% Mongol like you always like to cosplay as, but indeed just Arabs LARPing as such?

First: We don't claim we're 50% mongol. Besides our mongoloid dna varies from 10% to 25%
Second: sWe don't cluster with Arabs.
Third: Eurogenes is outdated as fuck.
Fourth: You're a German subhuman and inferior to both Turks and Arabs. Know your place. Subhuman filth.

Whatever you say, Salman "Genghis" al-Baghdadi

>Assyrians 0.42% negroid

They're still negroid, you have to 0% negroid.

Now next time make sure that i'm not around when you talk out of your ass about genetics, or else you'll be humiliated, my little german subhuman.

Turks are Arabs bro, get over it cigan.

Close enough

As long as i'm not a white subhuman i don't care. Post Kurds from Diyarbakır, won't give a shit. Because even Kurds are good compared to your subhuman race.

Semi white, like Italians.



I can also post PCA plots too, my little white subhuman.

>proves himself to be literally 10x closer to Arabs than to Central/East Asians
You sure showed me your superior intelligence here

Moortugal is not white.

>little white subhuman is unable to read pca plots
colour me surprised
do you even know what the pca plot actually shows?

The only "high" ones are north africans and arab peninsulans

Jews are white.

lel It's always a laugh how much the colonial shitskins fell their inferiority complex.
moors were north africans, caucasoids, after all they were expelled.
Portugal is since ever a white nation by all means, from civilization,to genetics, culture and heritage. The same we cant say about your shithole

Enlighten us on how you don't cluster closer to Arabs like Syrians than to turkics like Uzbeks?

I never said my country is white. We are Amerindians.
Nice display of insecurity white man.

because the map does not calculate ethnicity, it calculates 3 things: south asian (or something related to something opposite of whiteness), mongoloid and caucasoid dna.
and as i said here i don't claim to be 50% mongol or something like that. But since whites are too retarded to understand simple terms i understand why you're struggling to understand what i'm saying.

well the PCA plot map shows you plot closely to Syrians who in turn plot closely to Saudis.

>is not a non white argo,
>don't want to be alone in the mud world, so and claims that whites are not whites lel
>says the other have insecurities


so called "masterrace" everyone

So you have *some* Mongoloid (same amount as Finns, i.e. ca. 5% which also Eurogenes says) which no one denies, congratulations


it seems the little white subhuman failed to read the legit scientific article here, nor could read the pca plot here, nor looked at the picture i posted congrats, so called masterrace. you've just proved what i posted here

nice butthurt, so much for white superiority.

How am i buthirted? i don't care about argentina, it was you that claim out of nowhere talking nonsense about moors, you are the buthurted inf complexed.

Calm down white boi.


White skin was brought to Europe by Anatolian farmers, before that they were all swarthy hunter gatherers

Since when is religion associated with race?

I think the retarded OP is making the thread on purpose.

>Would Middle Easterners be considered white
They wouldn't nor do I think for the most part that they consider themselves white. Only our census counts them as white but if there were more they'd probably have their own classification. They are however Caucasoids.

Cmon you must admit that religions skews the perception of people regarding this issue

Wrong, skin wise Andalusians are the darkest ones, even more than Sardinians and Sicilians, and they have more WHG than both, Sicilians have the last WHG and are the whitest skin wise and also eye/hair wise




Middle Easterners vary from light to moderate brown
some are darker than that, and small minority look pretty white and hardly distinguishable from northern eruopeans

Do you see yourself as middle eastern?

tell me your heritage. what kind of a delusional brown are you?

Huh? How is that important?

answer the question.

Probably not

Tell me why

Please Elaborate

answer it. because i doubt a german cares so much about non whites being white.

But thats how it is


How so?

They're genetically 1/3 Euro 2/3 Levantine, but the Levantine part moved to Europe before those other ethnic groups who stayed behind there got KANG'd by Somalians during Mohammed's time, therefore (Ashkenazi/Sephardi) Jews have barely any SSA