

poor guy he was far ahead of his time. truly a visionary

this is why its so important to save their qts from such a horrid life.


Fuck you



>be Indian
>suggest shitting in a toilet rather than a public street
>get beaten to death


>indians have to pay to use public bathrooms

Well no wonder they all shit in the street. I would too, if I had to pay to use basic necessities like toilets.

chutia you better taking that back right now badirchand

Guys, I'm actually starting to feel bad about this, what if this was someone we bullied into action?

Can't wait for Indian religious police to catch the blasphemer who made this heresy

I hope they gang rape one of his female relatives, proper Indian justice

A pic of one of the killers, along with his words at the time of the fatal encounter.

May God have mercy on the one foolish enough to suggest toilet use to an Indian.

How do we get rid of the indians?

>Breathes in
Can you witness the smell of the world's next power house?

Lol that guy's gonna shit on his jacket

Truly ahead of his time


>Sup Forums
Are you joking, this board is Sup Forums with flags

What do you want to imply by this?
Truly proud indian man aren't ashamed of bringing home the fruits of his labor.

More like Sup Forums with fags lmao

And your one of them

Randon international things should be in /banter/