This confuses the british

>this confuses the british

what is this

some of our toilets have this though

It is a single faucet that lets you control the temperature of water

>can't afford 2 separate taps for your sink
embarrassing 2bh

>control the temperature of water
don't play god laddo

I have the power. The water shall obeyeth me.

>putting the fuse inside the plug

>manually operated block for sinkhole

What? Plenty of people have mixer taps here.


>be bong
>wash hands
>die for both hypothermia and hyperthermia

The famous british engineering. One tap is boiling hot, easily giving you burns. Other tap is feezingly cold water which will harm your hand in long term as well.

God bless the queen!

I'm sure the queen has access to this technology but what about the commoner

How do you rinse after the scrub? It is either hot or cold???

you put the hot on, then you quickly wash hands before it warms up to boiling hot

You're making me really nostalgic for my grandparent's house.

desu you're right czech repubro

i realised how many fucking times i've had to alternate between the two taps to avoid burning myself or freezing myself

fucksake - someone just nuke this island

I have heard the ancient reason for this is your plumbing system where hot water (with backteria aka death) would contaminate the cold death free water, but frankly i havent taken this seriously enough to remember details.

Just order polish immigrant plumber and get 21st century water tap which can do both. You could do it easily under 1 hour yourself as well. Just remember to STOP water before you actualy start working on it.

Do these unironically still exist in Britain?

according to tom scott is very rare nowadays.

Yep, I have them in my house

since you specified unironically.. yes

You just don't understand, I can't let the hot and cold pipes touch or else I'll get lead poisoning

They're rare, one of those things boomers kept around out of stubbornness.

nice damage control lad. I literally encountered these beasts in a public houses' water closet yesterday.

>public house
h...haha I'll take your word for it...

Wait what?



You know we have 2 pipes?
>They only meet at the end
Time to write a novella!

fucking bourgeois cunts with closed boilers

isn't the point that you plug the sink and turn on both

>this confuses and enrages the europeans

Why did you post an execution device?

eletricity is safer than gas

People wouldn't cringe at those thing if it wasn't for the fact that 90% of the pictures even the people that defend them upload, with half assed wiring all over the place, and shitty craftmanship on the piping.
At least use a neater picture

oh the lonrenzetti I miss them.

This, tankless heaters are awesome.