What is the best way to preserve and protect recessive white genes in a world where anyone can move anywhere...

What is the best way to preserve and protect recessive white genes in a world where anyone can move anywhere, and white people are so outnumbered?

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Convert to Islam
Multiple wives and honor killings

Kill all wh*Tes.

Actual border control

take 10 black wives. they need to get BLEACHED

invent artificial womb and establish an eugenics program with them


But it's too late now, the damage is already done.

but then you just get brazil

What do you not understand about the word recessive? Those babies will come out brown or black.


>recessive white genes

Don't think you all understand what recessive means or how genes work.


red and blonde hair, and blue and green eyes are recessive. Brown hair and black eyes win every time. Skin colour may vary, but how many mixed race children look exactly like the white parent?

>how many mixed race children look exactly like the white parent

None, and they don't look exactly like the nonwhite one either.

Interracial breeding grounds, but instead it's non whites being inseminated

They look more like the non-white one though
Whites look at half-castes and think "they're black"
Black don't look at half-castes and think they're white

genetics is so much more than fucking looks you troglodyte

I am just curious, fair hair and skin and clear eyes are more recessive than any other on the planet. I am not endorsing any political views, just how do you protect the phenotype in such an interconnected world?

Obviously, didn't say they weren't

Editing genes will be normal in a few decades,
More and more babies will come out white with bright eyes by then.
No problemo for the white race, being white will always be more popular

By getting rid of postmodernism and having strict immigration laws.

Move north.

By making shitty threads and posting with redditfrog on Sup Forums. You're doing your part.

I mean...yeah I guess I am part of the problem. I just want to know what an international board thinks about this and see if I can gain some perspective as a mixed race person

Who cares?

If you want to seriously discuss solutions to the "white genocide" or whatever Sup Forums probably isn't the place to do it.

As you can see in this thread, almost everybody is shitposting. Try Sup Forums instead.

Pol will be even worse though, they probably hate people like me anyway. This board has people of all nationalities, I thought it might give me some perspective. Why does this question offend?

Only white men should be allowed to breed.
They should fuck not only white women, but brown and black too so as to whiten the population. Any white male not fulfilling his duty to procreate should be culled.

It's not so much that it's offensive, but it's a boring and unnecessary question because it's been asked so many times.

Sup Forums is a shitposting board and has been for a very long time. It's hard to have an actual conversation here, and even harder when its a question about race, especially whites because it's so overdone.

If you want and actual discussion here it's best to ask a more interesting question that the people here aren't already tired of.

Anyone could move anywhere way easier back in the day. It's becoming harder and harder to go anywhere bud. To fucking leave the country i have to have this special bureaucratic relic called a passport

Just have lots of children, teach them proper values and move to a white area. Better yet, return to your ancestral home and abandon your colony culture.

You can't stop others from committing racial suicide though, but there aren't too many of them anyway.

>mixed race
Nevermind, South America is definitely your home.

I don't know why you see it as a problem.
There are plenty of countries and ethnicities that exist because of race-mixing which has been occurring since a very long time ago.

I wish! I am from central america, it is actually much worse haha

Recessive alleles are still in the gene pool if you mate a homozygote with someone without the allele, they're just not visible anymore. If you're trying to preserve the genes themselves, just fuck as many women as possible regardless of race.

Soon genetic engineering on humans will be possible and legal, couples will be able to customize their children to their liking, "whiteness" is the standard for beauty thanks to, ironically, globalization, so women will order their babies white


>return to your ancestral home and abandon your colony culture.
Is this what you will do? Please return home white man

>mixed race user caring about the declining white population

What does the white population even matter? Boo fucking hoo

you can't wh*te boi

What are "white genes"? Light skin, light eyes, light hair will always be preserved genes don't just disappear. Recessive traits are always around too.

Honestly stop with this stuff its just not healthy.

Top Kek . Do you browse Sup Forums?

Don't worry user, you lot have potential despite all the violence. Europe was built by the Romans so the recessive genes are a bit overrated anyway.

Ja, dis die plan. Maar ek moet eerste Hollands leer lol

Dat es niet nodig nie
In het dorp waar ik ben opgegroeid kwam destijds (15 jaar terug) een Afrikaanse familie wonen die zich prima redde met hun taal.
Uiteindelijk gingen ze langzaam over naar het Nederlands maar daar ging jaren overheen.
Jij bent altijd welkom jij, met welke taal dan ook

Baie dankie user. Ek's hartseer om te gaan maar ek dink Europa sal in elk geval beter wees. Miskien was hierdie land 'n fout.