WW2 Finland!

Who was worst player in WW2 who lost with perfect cards?
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it why Finland so special and beloved

Because they are the Elves of humanity.

>have to ally with the absolute madman because everyone else refuses to help
>perfect cards


they had a high kill count when soviets sent inexperienced commanders and troops, totally disregarding human life.
Now with the teen fashion among basement dwellers, it is cool to like the nazis and hate commies, add to that the fact that russians took away Crimea from Ukraine (commies vs nazis again) everyone went to their keyboards to fight against Russia in a way. On of those being posting shit about Finland, how they could and will wreck the Russians again. Or something like that, i dont understand it either.
Any nation that fought for the germans in ww2 is considered white and based on this web forum. Even mine

Not ally, but accept the deal (fair deal)
Soviet even not punish well Finland cose Finland shown completely stupidness.
Save to have this level retards near borders.


Must accept the deal (fair deal) from Soviet.
It can be good start of the game.
But Finland made Soviet stronger and ally with loser. Not well punished only cose evereone love fools



Must accept the deal (fair deal) from Soviet.
It can be good start of the game.
But Finland made Soviet stronger and then ally with loser. Finland literaly play agnust self.
Soviet even not punish well Finland cose Finland shown completely stupidness.
Save to have this level retards near borders.

Finland like autist live inside self. Zero understanding of the international situation and the forces of the parties.

Finland must buils space ship and fly awey from wolves inhabiting the planet earth.
Finland good but retarded.

So, a little history lesson.

Finland (the country in question), gained it's independence from Russian empire from 1917. The country was not industrialized and had the population of ~3 million. Almost immediately after that a civil war breaks out since the cool guy Russia had one too. This divides the nation and wreaks havoc until the Whites with the assistance from German empire crush the red rebellion.

Now what we have is an upstart nation with little to go with. let's skip 20 years in future. European political climate starts to get heated. Germany signs this pact with Soviet union which had a secret protocol, which gives baltics (Finland included), Half of poland and Bessarabia to soviet landclaims in exchange that Soviets won't intervene in Hitler's own expansion plans. in 1939 Stalin starts to send ultimatums to Baltic nations where they Demand control of pieces of land and access to move and base troops in their militarybases. All of these little nations have to accept. Few months later they've been integrated to Soviet union since they simply cannot fight back against a force that's already inside their borders.

Similarly stylized ultimatum was sent to Finlands administration. (Give control of few military bases and Karelia in Exchange of unimportant extra strips of land in Kola. Finland refuses in the wake of the current climate and in the reasoning that this violates their neutrality, Finland also had an Non-aggression pact with soviet union so they relied on that. After the refusal 4 days later Soviets bomb one of their own bordercities and claim that Finland had done it. This gives them enough leverage to declare war and break the non-aggression treaty. At this point soviets had already set up a new government for Finland in the inevitable case of total victory. Fighting ensues and the great proclamations of Having the war over in 2 weeks on Stalin's birthday starts to feel like an old joke.

Continues in the next post

At this point The government of Finland was shocked how the United nations was unable to prop up and intervention to defend a neutral democratic country. The interim peace of 40-41 ensues and is a very uneasy peace. Soviet's try to overthrow the government with propaganda. The Allies inevitably aren't interested in the defense of Democracy so the only Nation left to turn to is Germany who suddenly starts to open diplomatic relations and provides guarantees. At the point of barbarossa our government was convinced that the extensive relations with Germany at that point mark us an hostile nation to USSR so invasion is inevitable. With these realities in check the German high command persuades our high command to strike first alongside the germans. And the rest is history but we retained our independence twice both in the face of extermination.

Complety wrong estimation of Soviet intentions
here is:
And complety wrong estimation of intentions/abilites of all ther players
i cannot answe fast cose my english not perfect

you are an idiot

translation of ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Советско-финская_война_(1939—1940)#.D0.9F.D0.B5.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.B3.D0.BE.D0.B2.D0.BE.D1.80.D1.8B_.D0.B2_.D0.9C.D0.BE.D1.81.D0.BA.D0.B2.D0.B5_.28.D0.BE.D0.BA.D1.82.D1.8F.D0.B1.D1.80.D1.8C.E2.80.94.D0.BD.D0.BE.D1.8F.D0.B1.D1.80.D1.8C_1939.29._.D0.A2.D0.B5.D1.80.D1.80.D0.B8.D1.82.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.B8.D0.B0.D0.BB.D1.8C.D0.BD.D1.8B.D0.B9_.D0.B2.D0.BE.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.BE.D1.81

Providing Russian sources is like providing sources for the holocaust denial from the dailystormer

at time of WW2 Finland was only 2 potencial frends:
1. Soviet
2. Germany
good play will be play with both
1. Wrong estimation of Soviet intentions
2. No one will help Finland in winter war was oblivious to evereone expect Finland
3. After loose in winter ally with Germany was big mistake
With good play Finland will easy keep independence without terrible war and lost of land
With some luck will get all Scandinavia

have paper proofs for everething


Hardly even relevant

>Who is win the most?
nice meme gook

USSR repeat after me U S S R

the only reason ww2 was won by allies. if you disagree you're a butthurt retard trash whoreson

>Who was worst player in WW2 who lost with perfect cards?

That explains why they lost entire Ingria or whatever it's called

Pretending to be ignorant is not cool

>Soviets offer a deal to change border for a lotof lamnd
>Even Mannerheim agrees but people are like "Give our precious clay? No way!"
>USSR attacks but due to zerg rush tactics and "they are already done" mentality front is a stalemate with thiusands of casualties
>When USSR started to take war seriously, Finland front collapses in weeks
> Finland signs peace treaty, gives all the land USSR wanted with no benefits
>Mom mom tell them I've won, muh k/d ratio, muh SimoHäyhä REEEEEEEEE
>Butthurted Finland allies with the absolutely totaly mad loser
> Sucks hard in continuation wars
> Betrays its ally
> Even USSR don't want to annex Finnish territories

Stronk Finland is stronk

>this damage control

deceived and betrayed by its allies Finland was used by Soviets for levelup war mashine.
All WW2 Finland doing war agnust self

at the same time, England using intelligence, deception, bluff and betrayal emerged victorious with having near zero chances at start

and Soviet was superior game maker- everething other include Guitler was England`s play agnust rising Soviet`s titan

>Must accept the deal (fair deal) from Soviet.

We accepted the deal and we lost a good deal of our national identity forever.

>We accepted the deal and we lost a good deal of because you were a village hut standing on the road where tanks went

>We accepted the deal and we lost a good deal of our national identity forever.

because you was a village hut standing on the road where tanks rolling

Britain(not "England") was a global superpower

Germany had no navy

Russia lost the first time around.

>Tartu Peace Treaty (Estonian: Tartu rahu, literally "Tartu peace") or Treaty of Tartu was a peace treaty between Estonia and Soviet Russia signed on February 2, 1920 ending the Estonian War of Independence. The terms of the treaty stated that "Russia unreservedly recognises" the independence of Republic of Estonia de jure and renounced in perpetuity all rights to the territory of Estonia. Ratifications of the treaty were exchanged in Moscow on March 30, 1920. It was registered in League of Nations Treaty Series on July 12, 1922.[1]

Estonians still had to kill them like the vermin they are, just in German uniforms.

What you are saying is Finland should have suffered the same fate, you communist fuck.

>Soviets offer a deal to change border
Yup, border change including an entire country.


This is also funny to post everytime, to trigger r*ssians. Russia and nazis worked together too, so don't whine about our alliance with germany

evaluate the situation as a whole, considering the goals and opportunities of all players, and do not make decisions based on one paper in a game of complete lies and treachery
dont be like auistic child


For us there is no game, just our own countries. Estonia was stupid and played the game, Finland was smart and didn't play it and remained independent and intact without Russification and genocide.

The only mistake is letting Russhit boots cross your national borders, ever, for any circumstance. If they try, you have to give them the war they are asking for or give up everything.

>do not make decisions based on one paper in a game of complete lies and treachery
Like you posting all this soviet propaganda?

more like en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_War it British propaganda

>British propaganda
>wikipedia page
The hell are you on about jungle gook?

Do read Russian-one "Winter_War" page


You mean this one? Should've guessed this was a bait, now fuck off

>now fuck off
and autist go back to hes imagination world

Trying to have the last word m8? You already embarrassed yourself, why keep on this humiliation?


The variant of the agreement, presented by the Soviet side, was as follows:

Finland is moving the border 90 km from Leningrad.
Finland agrees to lease the Hanko peninsula for a 30-year lease for the construction of a naval base and the deployment of a four thousand-strong military contingent there for its defense.
The Soviet military fleet is provided with ports on the peninsula of Hanko in Hanko itself and in Lappohya (fin.) Russian.
Finland gives the USSR the islands of Hogland, Laavansaari (now Powerful), Tiutarsaari and Seiskari.
The existing Soviet-Finnish nonaggression pact is complemented by an article on mutual obligations not to join factions and coalitions of states that are hostile to either side.
Both states are disarming their fortifications on the Karelian Isthmus.
The USSR transfers to Finland the territory in Karelia with a total area twice as large as the Finnish one (5,529 km2).
The USSR undertakes not to object to the arming of the Aland Islands by Finland's own forces.


>muh secret protocol gived my British "frends"

evaluate the situation as a whole, considering the goals and opportunities of all players, and do not make decisions based on one paper in a game of complete lies and treachery
dont be like auistic child

This pact has also been acknowledged by russians.

and so?
anyway WinterWar was mistake even this "secret pact" will was get in power

and so?
anyway WinterWar was mistake even this "secret pact" will was get in power
Filnaln lost ability to select ally preffer to ally with powerless Britan

God damn your english is horrible, I don't know why I'm even habing this ''conversation'' with an absolute retard like you
>and so?
You brush off this pact as false brit propaganda which is not true. Soviet plan was to annex finland, but ended up with only baltic countries and eastern europe.

anyway WinterWar was mistake even this "secret pact" will was get in power
(english is shity langiage)
>Soviet plan was to annex finland, but ended up with only baltic countries and eastern europe.
even it "plan" was real WinterWar cahange nothing

anyway WinterWar was mistake even this "secret pact" will was get in power
(english is shity langiage)
>Soviet plan was to annex finland, but ended up with only baltic countries and eastern europe.
even it "plan" was real WinterWar change nothing

>WinterWar was mistake
Yeah, by soviets. They got humiliated by a small country

Soviets gets evereting what he want + levelup hes war mashine

Soviets gets evereting what he want + levelup hes war mashine
WinterWar was like cat play with mouse before kill em

>Soviets gets evereting what he want
But in reality they didn't, plans to annex finland failed
>levelup hes war mashine
What the fuck are you talking about dude? :-DDD

>But in reality they didn't, plans to annex finland failed
What stop em?

We. The attack became too costly for soviets and they had to start mobilising troops against germany when they declared war against them

>The attack became too costly
So why Finland surrender?
>when they declared war against them (germany)
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