I thought "kys" means "kiss you sweetly"

>I thought "kys" means "kiss you sweetly".
>but it means "kill yourself".
>people here didn't kiss me but hope my death.

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youre wrong it means Keep Yourself Safe dum jap

>tfw kys means "kiss" in danish
>tfw everyone is nice to you

kys yourselves

Zitto animale

Kiss my anus-san je.

Kyssar dig, danon


men jeg har lige spist peanuts, det kan være du dor






Fuck me, she's hot as hell

Please come to Japan.

>fuck me
>the absolute state of swedish men

By the way I bought this in ikea.

smelly nigger

In silenzio, bestia


One day I will come to Japan, Tanaka-san
Looks good and the price is reasonable. Good purchase, bro

do a frog jump you AIDS nigger

Japan is overrated piece of shit. Such a shame all my friends want to go there, I will never however

Still gonna visit it, Pekka

I will go to Japan and get cute twink bf

its Riku-Pekka for you lol
>and if you meant me then no way in hell


What?! But that's incredibly rude

I thought it was Sup Forums language. Like ayyy


nips don't even look like humans

everything has an origin, even "ayyy lmao" (hispanic in that case)

Kys usuratonkachi!


I'd smash, in the name of Amateratsu. Just to whitewash them.

Just go already you fucking creepy weeb faggot

kiss yourselves sweetly x

Finurando usuratonkachi!!!

>fucking a subhuman that looks like a female human with down syndrome

being picky is the reason you're still a virgin, you know?

bestiality is illegal here

If you think thats hot, then I have bad news for you. Id rather become gay than fuck that honestly lol

What's wrong with you, finno-ugric gay subhumans? Japanese women are the epitome of beauty.

It means "killing you softly"

nah, theyre really not that special. We can go on this bullshit forever. Its just my opinion and your opinion sucks obviously

>but it means "kill yourself".
OMG. I did not see that coming.

Also, recently i discover that SS stands for Schutzstaffel, and not "Socks and Sandals" as i had learn.

Sorry could you tell me what "OMG" you mentioned mean?
"Ola my gorilla"?

Oi/ola meu gorila.
Ola is more formal, oi is more casual.

Hola me gusta Japón.

this woman in the middle has sexy lips hmmmmmm

My mum thought lol meant "lots of love." When she used facebook she would send people lots of love for everything. Once she sent it to some people who had a death in their family.

Lol to your mother

WTF I thought kys is kiss your sister.

Mature worker bees "kiss" younger (>3 weeks old) ones to transfer honey into their mouths. This is because, before the 3 week mark, a worker bee does not leave the hive to find it's own food.