1. your country

1. your country
2. are you losing your sanity?

i don't know

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it's 2:40 am here, what is the time there?


Never had any

I have schizophrenia, what do you think?
I went to several psychiatrist and not a single one could help me, just waste of money.

how did it start? I'm not sure if I'm legitimately going insane or if I'm just trying to make myself believe that I am

Yeah opioids are the only thing keeping me alive tbqh.

I had exploding head syndrome my whole life, but I haven’t got a single episode for whole year and year before that the intensity and frequency was gradually droping.

I am worried it might be sign of neurodegenerative disease.

>are you losing your sanity?
Yeah. Not sure if it's the alcohol abuse or some pre-existing condition but I'm definitely losing it

>tfw got a new job making a crazy amount of money for my age
>richest of all my friends
>theyre all getting married
>Im wasting my time in a stupid long distance relationship

I feel like a piece of shit and feel like Im going crazy. My life is weird

When I was 14 (I'm 27 now).
It was sudden and without apparent reason. I was just lucky to be blessed with mental illness I guess.

There are several symptoms, but the one that fucked me up the was a feeling of nothing being myself, of being dead and watching my life through someone else's eyes. The description of derealization is really similar to what feel on a daily basis for the past 13 years.


Paranoia and isolation also made things worse, and I'm not getting any better as the years go by. I tried medications, sports, gym, university but nothing helped.
Sometimes when I was at my work desk and things were bad, I'd stop recognizing the place where I was or the people around me. I lost my job because of my 'weird' behavior.

1. Flag
2. Fell into a severe depression that's getting worse, so

No I lost it long ago. I am gaining it back now.

I feel like that too and it only gets worse. I isolate myself more with each passing day, I'm pretty sure haven't even been outside my house for over a year. This life is taking a toll on my brain but don't have the drive to change anything, there's nothing I want to do.

How old are you? seriously you sound like a 16 year old going through babby's first bad period.

Derealisation is different for everyone tbqh, I started intensly bad and got even worse before I got better, though still not good, all without having to get locked into a matress cell even if that's what I literally wanted above all else.
If you continue being in the same place doing the same nothing predictively nothing will change which is of course easy to say.

Yes. I have no hope in my government or its "people", which led to me stopping talking to everyone but my mother. Meanwhile, exposure to the internet made me xenophobic and racist.

In fact, seeing you wh*te richfags complaining about life piss me off.

At this point I'm just going on to see what North Korea and China will do. I will live long enough to see the """first world""" go to shit and then off myself or go on a rampage, preferably on the """first world""".

You have to find something to occupy your mind with, otherwise you will turn yourself into a vegetable.
Even though things are getting worse, I have some hobbies that help me distract from these problems, programming is the one I spend the most time on. Also, if it wasn't for the support of my family I would've probably killed myself a long time ago, they are the only ones that understand and support me. Try to find someone to talk to, just to get these things off your chest.

1. flag
2. yes


do you take drugs to combat the voices?

1. Denmark.
2. I have Schizophrenia, sometimes i cant tell the diffrence between reality and not.

I have heard voices once. This was in alcohol withdrawal. Rather scary & midly interesting. Been to an asylum three times but always released early, within 3-5 days, after the doctor's interview. Those places are extremely deteriorating and you should only be admitted in psychosis.

1. Flag
2. Yes. I frequently doubt that reality is real and I talk to myself. Turns out being socially isolated for years is bad for you