No matter what country you come from, I assume (hope) every man here would respond like webm related to this situation

No matter what country you come from, I assume (hope) every man here would respond like webm related to this situation.


>hoping I would act gay

I would drive my pillar into that girl until she could no longer walk before saying she's not worth it and walking out, leaving her alone with a child.


Non whites are for fucking, not marrying.

look at these fags, lmfao

>not having a 日本人の主婦

>falling for the Japanese meme

>I am nordic, pls accept me Sverige senpai

I would respond the same way as the guy, but my words would be
>You're not a trap


good post

horrible post

>Bra and panties don't match

Fucking disorganized whore

good eye

I have that thing that makes me to violently reject women when they try to approach me. Feels like I'm having my revenge for all the shit I have to take from them throughout my life. So I would've done the same thing as that dude. Don't know what's the catchphrase would've been though.

>Don't know what's the catchphrase would've been though.
I hate women and I give you the treatment other people who were not you but had a vagina gave me. This will solve all my problem and make me feel less forthless

Isn't that a negative feedback loop? Are you a MGTOW?

i would assume it's a joke and refuse

Guy like that isn't even worth beheading, we would soil our precious tzompantli skull racks with his head, send to American as migrant.

if i was blessed with a 10/10 like that

i'd sell my soul

you mean
>You're not 2D

I am gay.
So, I pass.

That guy is very cute though :)

pit whore

You have to be 18 to post here faggot.

mexinigger mad as fuck lmfao
no one wants your greasy pussy


lul, of course it could only be a British poster

Where do traps stand in MGTOW?

The man is 10/10 though.

>make me feel less forthless
It will make me feel less worthless though.

Not really but I have some sympathy for them.

yo is that pablo's wife from narcos
dangerously hot desu