
cute kots edition :3

Other urls found in this thread:


lone wolf

well good morning

Not classed as terrorism because he's white


They don't associate with fat balding sex tourists but they do with young, fit white men. (Who are in fact there largely for sex)

quite like cats

bit cold out


Deleted em all but I'll post the next one x

Ben has really gone down hill

irish weather

dunno whether to greggs or cafe for some grub

Sun is out though, hopefully it'll warm up soon

*2 get knife in France*
lmao, stupid euros still getting killed despite having gun control
*shoots 50 people*

see how it goes



the lads

didnt like 150 people get killed in paris with ak47s

called the department for work and pensions

A terror attack would never happen in america because they have guns and would simply shoot them

What do you call a cat in a station wagon? A car-pet.

Google earth is so cool


apparently most of the victims were wh*te drumpf supporters so no real loss

This has happened at least once t󠀣bh

About to triple my bank balance with one simple trick

ah yes, "London".

care to let us in on this one simple trick?

click here to learn how

dont care but want you to tell me anyway (dont care though)

no way of preventing this

>at least 20 dead

the utter state of yanks

Bankers hate me

(have a method)

whats a station wagon, vlad?

was it muslims? :)


Drumpf is to blame for the Las Vegas attack



Corfu 06

no you disgusting racist

why does the perpetrator matter? just pray for the victims and hope they make it x

every yank that gets shot makes me a little more erect

*starts singing don't look back in anger*

hope it manages to alleviate the problem with a certain religion x

Probably should have let up to it more, she seems nice to, oh well.

t. yank


the vape

>well hey

did you suddenly turn into a yank from the 50's?

>walk through london
>pass through Savile Row
>see this
talk about tacky

1950s America best America

*buys a second hand acoustic guitar and starts playing wonderwall out of tune*

>walk through london

sorry, should have specified
it was the City of London

>europeans get bombed/shot
>feel bad
>americans get bombed/shot
>stifle laughter

what does this mean?

Just the piece and parcel of living in the USA

god i used to hate this gimmick so much, the 18 year olds used to sit on the ground in a big circle right outside the train station in everyone's way doing this shit every day

don't like this sort of attitude
yeah it's grim but the way you mongs go on like we you should just abandon London to the pakis

we must stay and fight

their fat bellies jiggle when they get shot which adds to the comedic value


yeah we need to rise up
*goes back to masturbating*

fuck i forgot about jeb

think limmy is having a breakdown because he didn't get selected to have 280 characters on twitter

literally whom?

Wagon is a quintessential Northern word you soft cunt

Shite idea desu

just woke up lads

yanks were just shot by a jewish transgender muslim


I've been experimenting with drugs a fair bit lately, and I think the official terminology regarding addiction is really flawed. I'd avoid the word addiction itself because it's become meaningless, and the terms "physical" and "psychological" addiction conflate two totally different phenomena.

What people think of when they hear addiction is physical dependency. I've experienced the onset of physical dependency, and that's what we really mean and imagine when we use the word "addiction". It's totally different from obsession.

It's the difference between you jumping off a cliff because there's someone holding a gun to your head, and you jumping off a cliff because you're obsessed with what's down there.

One is pure brute force and the other is an obsession that leads you to make stupid descisions. Obsession can be incredibly destructive, but there isn't anyone holding a gun to your head. Obsession of course can be to anything. Especially anything that helps you forget about your shitty life.

In regard to drugs that don't have an active foreign compound, but rather shoots your serotonin and or dopamine levels up so high it reduces natural serotonin/dopamine production, I would class that as dependency rather than obsession.

Most people don't know this, but there's no foreign compound (like nicotine or morphine) in Crystal Meth that makes it addictive. It just floods your receptors with an insane amount of serotonin (the chemical that makes you euphoric) that when you get off it you exhibit physical symptoms, and become incredibly depressed. In this regard, it isn't very different to nicotine and morphine.

The serotonin release of a regular dose of crystal meth is 7.5 that of an orgasm, and it lasts for hours. In a way, humans are naturally addicted to orgasms. I jerk off 1-2 times a day. Imagine something 7.5 times stroger. You would never put it down.

Freshers in tights

just heard about the happening in las vegas lads

ciggies, alcohol, friends, sex, music - all pretty nice
wold rate life as "good"

Sounds horrid

Good post

Any freshman man in?

just awful news isnt it

>20 dead americans
There's probably a downside I'm not seeing

it only bothers me because this means the filthy fucking democrats will do another congress sit-in and demand we get rid of our 2nd amendment

>Be American
>Scream about "muh guns" when conversing with other countries
>An active shooter starts firing on a crowd of thousands, at several locations
>Not one person fires back
>Everyone runs away and cries

woah....so THIS is the power....of an armed population....damn...

>what doesn't bother me is the shooting but rather the fact that democrats will take away my freedumbs



>don't care about the shooting, just worried they might try and stop less people getting shot in the future

My кoт is ded, it's ashes are in an urn next to my computer.


doctor said the lump on my nuts is probably an insect bite or something. panic over

I'm just worried about the backlash against peaceful gun owners, they are the real victims in this


making illegal things more illegal won't help anything
the democrats are openly working against american ideals and that's why they're hilariously out of power; they haven't been this weak since the great depression

Anyone read my post on drug addiction.

I don't consider obsession real addiction because you can be equally addicted to fastfood. A marijuana addiction is just as bad as a Wendy's addiction. Just stop doing it.

Where as withdrawals from morphine or cocaine, and even advanced alcoholism can kill you. At that point it becomes as vital as food and water.

>making guns illegal won't help anything

I'm too lazy to pick up my phone, but it's nothing special anyway. Just a green plastic urn with a powdered cat inside.

automatic weapons are illegal idiot
i'm done talking about this

it literally wouldn't do anything. do you know how many guns are in the US? more than one per person

will give you a fiver if you drink it

surprise surprise it was yet another wh*te male shooter

it wouldn't in the USA. every state that has made them illegal has proved this definitively. there's simply way too many in circulation for a ban to work