
lazy niggers wont make a thread edition

chase a check

never chase a bitch

the holy martyr Tsar Nicholas II was a great monarch and everyone who disagrees is a commie faggot

y is he so good?

Tsar Nicky was a great person but not a great statesman
prove me wrong

there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish

acceptable opinion
still wrong though



are the almpanian?

Greeks don't have any right to talk about anything ww1 related, stfu.

sup xpozed
Sorry seakike but if he was good at his job, the CCCP wouldn't exist
we got kiked too

>an inbreed German a good person

he was good the problem was you couldnt have forseen what was coming and there were processes at play that no monarch could have stopped
in short his time was up and there was nothing that could be done

You guys holding up alright?

Anyone from the Balkans that I've gotten to meet IRL always seemed kinda sad.
Croats and Bosnians especially.




>he was good
Not really, he was very naive and gullible
He had good intentions, but he was, by no means, a good ruler


the inbreeding reverses their germanness and they become good people

his biggest achievement is his quote in metal gear solid V t b h

>doesn't enter the war on the side of great ally of Serbia
>doesn't enter the war when Bulgaria puts a knife into Serbia's back
>doesn't enter the war when allies attack Dardanelles
>king abdicates like a pussy
>only for his heir to enter the throne
>can't break through Bulgarian defences for two years
>starts some genocide shit when the war is already over
You could've shortened the war by 2 years, but you just kept fucking up

stop intoxicating yourself with mass culture


slavs are best wives

post salo

no offense but greece didn't have the zerg tier manpower to lose like russia had

Why would they join the allies?

>/balk/faggots only obsess over slavshit

what went wrong?

>doesn't enter the war on the side of great ally of Serbia
Yeah, getting steamrolled and losing even more people
Great idea
>doesn't enter the war when Bulgaria puts a knife into Serbia's back
They're sore losers, that was to be expected
>doesn't enter the war when allies attack Dardanelles
An attack that failed awfully, and the Military High Command of Greece predicted it, but the Entente didn't listen
>king abdicates like a pussy
*king abdicates after French troops storm the south and Brits bomb Piraeus so that they can put their Jew in office
>can't break through Bulgarian defences for two years
We weren't really on the offensive though
>starts some genocide shit when the war is already over
No such thing


mass culture is fun, there's a reason why it's popular, snobbism makes you dumber than the masses

Yeah but we were successful

starting a street wear brand lads, wish me luck



what are you gonna call the brand?

dubs decides



Good lad

xpozed wear

shoo shoo snow nigerian



Good luck nigga

(Supreme) Shqiperia







>>doesn't enter the war on the side of great ally of Serbia
doing so automatically puts you on losers' side


cCc will sell great in bulguaria cCc


Bulgarian gorilla fuck my ass







rick and morty t-shirts


what does alahmudilah mean tho

here we go again



To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.



(Forgive me for I am about to channel my inner Patton, /balk/)

Never has the hate for Rick and Morty been so strong.

The time has come to act, /balk/, we must push back against the Family Guy fans on here who mock us and treat us like shit. These are our threads; this is our board, we were here first, we must punish the meme-kids who fuck with us, raid us, who assault our threads, who make jokes at our expense and we must generally bring an end to the dark age of R&M intellectual discussion.

I propose we fight back:
It is time to reclaim what is ours. Friends, we have been through hell and back. We have had to reason and bargain in our own threads just to talk about the show with these morons. We have been treated like scum by the newfags on here. I know we are all sick and tired, believe me, but that dark age is over.

From henceforth we go on the offensive: We must battle the shitposting scum who invade our threads in our threads with our wits and tact, in the long run what we do here may even reform nu-Sup Forums in to the bastion of quality movie and television talk it once was. We must not go quietly in to the night as idiots try to uproot us, we will not bend the knee to some cowardly, little, troglodyte trolls.

Rick and Morty discussion has a rightful claim on a piece of this board, it belongs here. The threads we make should affect nobody but us, yet people bombard us with their hateful rhetoric and vitriolic nonsense. They poked the bear, now we have awoken. The only way to ensure the continued survival of our threads is to face up to our oppressors.

Rick and Morty is something good, something worth fighting for and I'll be damned if some smelly, fat kissless virgin sitting in his bedroom is going to stop me from posting in our threads.

If we don't act now at the going rate, where will our threads be in a month's time? Two months time? Three?

This has to end, and it has to end today. For all who are with me: Let's get started.

alhamdulillah and it means praise god basically

How about call the brand "Dubs"

Is that a genius idea for a street wear company?

>allah akbar

how many words for praise god muzzies have

Throw some aesthetic in. I want sweatpants with a pink turquoise flamingo stamp. And a miami sunrise black cap.

no, street wear is worn by people who actually go outside, not 4channers

as many as needed to shame the kaffir, inshallah


This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It’s me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you’d see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say “Yup, that’s me”. I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I’m assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I’ve found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It’s really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it’s almost like we’re identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?

gonna edit the moon with a crescent and i think im ready

well they are used in different contexts

>wow your son has grown so much, mashallah
>i hope i get the job, inshallah
>*see something epik* allahu akbar

and so on

what do i say when i behead an infidel?

Who is thras?

Tfw before balk I wouldn't notice shit like mosques

I used to just see landscapes and houses like a good normie

Now I see mosques and muslim demographic breeding and displacement

A fallen hero

my wi-fi name and password has been "Takbir" for the last few year, can i get GDBOP for being a terrorist?

allahu akbar i guess, thats what arab inbreds do

ate almost 2 full, huge plates of sour cabbage with pork ribs lads, think im gonna die

tatar......... go easy on the cabbages


where do you see it? you live in makedonlar not london

ignorant diaspora retard

if youre talking about albanians youre the retard, even when albanians become a majority in macedonia its not like theyre going to round you up and genocide buddy

really makes you wonder who could be behind this post


based Adem Shqiptler

I wasn't even talking about macedonia now tho lol

I went through other muslim parts of the balkans. There are a lot of fucking muslims