Be part of country

>be part of country
>be crucial economic backbone of country, that the government spent decades building up and investing in with the purpose of being the economic backbone
>life is p. good thanks to wealth and resources exploited by the government in your region
>constitution says you aren't allowed to secede, vote to secede, or engage in any other type of sedition
>well that doesn't matter, we've got everything we need to be autonomous now...
>"hey guys lets secede" -some fag
>"ok" - a whole lot of other faggots
>act utterly baffled when police and national guard show up to stop your literal, actual sedition
>cry 'fascism', when existing laws are enforced and the government takes action to retain control of the resources which it invested in, and the infrastructure it built
>have an illegal vote that isn't recognized by any other region, much less your federal government
>this vote is not overseen by any regulatory agency, and takes place in secret in many places
>anybody opposed to secession is not allowed to vote at these secret locations, and has to brave police and order to vote no.
>surprising nobody, the illegal vote with no oversight result is 'Yes' to secede
>time to celebrate, while nobody in any spanish region recognizes the vote as legitimate, and no country in the world recognizes it either
>"Hey guys why are the national guard and police loading live ammunition into their guns? :( ?? "

Fuck C*talonian dogs.

Other urls found in this thread:

>muh investment
Hmm, maybe Spanish police should try not beeing facist?

>muh fascist
Hmm, maybe C*talonians should try not breaking the law?

>we were just following orders
fuck off, facist

Fuck off G*rm

>irish kid supporting spain
lmao your a special kind of dumb

>we were just not following the constitution

daily reminder that catalonia:
>took all the personal information without asking and started to send them to private organizations to make the lists, we dont even know how the fuck they got the information in the first place and where is stored
>pushed a law in 2 hours that said ''this law is above the constitution and estatut d'autonomia and is immune to every legal response''
>held the biggest pro muslim protest days after the barcelona terrorist attack, letting the families of the terrorist speak in favour of islam and tolerance
>used the prego de la merce (christian pray during the barcelona festivities) to push for diversity and literally said that we will never know if the young guys from Ripoll (the terrorist) that died in the ramblas really wanted to die killing all the other people
>pushed for the ''volem acollir'' campaing that states that evil spain dont allow us to import more refugees and asked help to europe to try to gain their support and in exchange import more refugees
>knew that the police will come to the voting schools at 6 am and organized activites for the kids to occuppy the schools, when the police arrived they found the kids at the frontline used as a shield

>constitution commands us to beat up elderly people
ok nazi

>being this butthurt about Ulster that you have to project

t. Hitler


Like this desu


Ireland did the exact same thing you secessionist scum

The fact that C*talonians didn't have their own military organisation to combat Spanish police just shows that they are not ready for independence. It pisses me off to see these pussies crying about muh fascism. Fight back or lie down stupid pussies.

And we had an actual reason to be independent besides money.

>be crucial economic backbone of country
i checked it today out of curiosity and thats objectively not true.

Lack of money to buy food = still "about money" in the end

i want to congratulate my spanish brothers for taking care of their k*rds in the way that they deserve.

>irish kid supporting spain

That makes totally sense, fucking Danish pig. Spaniards and Irish have been allies for centuriesl

>cry 'fascism', when existing laws are enforced and the government takes action to retain control of the resources which it invested in, and the infrastructure it built

cry fascism while asking catalonians to point their fingers at other catalonians that do not want to secede or help them with any criminal acts, cry fascism while posting "wanted" posters of reporters and such that don't support them, cry fascism while insulting them and attack them in their work places.

Gestapo tier, Spain should retire the autonomy of Catalonia already. Loyalist Spaniards, who are the silent majority don't deserve this kind of shit.

*Loyalist Spanish Catalans

and I agree, kick them where it hurts, in their wallet.

you don't like Spain? so why are you getting a salary paid by all spaniards?

send this pieces of shit to the unemployment line and see what happens.

They are subsidizing you, retard. Catalonia has a higher GDP per capital than the rest of Spain

Of course, they should do bombings, amirite?

>Catalonia has a higher GDP per capital than the rest of Spain

Not true, Kevin. Check your facts, fucking retard.


>krauts telling people not to be fascist
you're in no position to talk

We know exactly how facism looks like, so we are in the best position to talk

GDP ≠ GDP per capita

catalonia owns 55% of the spanish debt, no matter how much they win they also produce the biggest public debt in here Hans.

Catalonia is 15% of population and 20% of GDP. Go figure


You know exactly how national socialism looks like

Italy knows Fascism, you're just fag-tier socialists

Isn't it thanks to having to pay like 8% of the GDP in transfers to Andalusia etc?

>Ireland flag

>fly by state flag

it is fascism and there's only one way to deal with fascists
you kill their capitalist enablers and monetizers

I am the supreme being

Hurr durr, Madrid makes up the 13.8% of the population and 18,8 % of the GDP, having therefore a bigger GDP per capita

So what? Catalonia still has a higher GDP than Spains average

Too bad you can't

no, it's thanks to all the corruption there, in case you don't know, the former catalonian president who was in charge for 23 years took 3% bribes for ALL things being built in catalonia.

yeah fuck c*talonians

And those are not even the real statics, Catalonia represents the 16,3% of the population

Easy to archive when the whole country is almost empty, check the population density

When will Ireland be returned to its rightful owner, the UK?

Forgot map


>C*talonians continuously warned that their referendum was illegal
>told time and time again that it goes against the constitution
>retard C*talonians still have their illegal referendum
>cry fascism when Spanish police uphold the law through force

Want to know the funniest thing? The first thing they did was cry to the EU asking them for help. Fucking pussies! Some """independence""" that is you filthy cowards.

I'll support Scatalan independence when they recognize the legitimacy of the CSA.

what's this meme that if your country gained independence, you can no longer be against the independence of any other country?

yes fascists will always be the useful idiots and capitalist lapdogs
it's a matter of better equipment and false promises

woah daddy

If a country like Spain supported a referendum in another country Catalonia could accuse them of double standards and demand one of their own

If Scotland opposes another separatist movement it's like saying that their own struggle is undesirable and bad, because if it wasn't they would obviously do the right and good thing and support Catalonia

It's pretty stupid

The European Union already said that Catalonia would be outside of the EU if they secede

How did the independentists leaders answered to that? By claiming exactly the opposite. They will say things like "Europe can't live without the catalonian industry". Their regional narcissism has no bounds.

America did bad things in WW2

name one

Eishenhower death camps



Lex iniusta non est lex.

Which Irish bombings are you referring to? Northern Ireland is not part of the Republic of Ireland, so none of those count.

>fly by state flag
What did you mean by this?

Checked, Janez
Ireland and Catalonia aren't comparable.

t. Gian "il nero" Terronini soldato della destra nazionale

Maybe 13% of Germany should try not being fascists

You want to know a fun meme? Check this:
>Carmen Forcadell, President of the Catalonian Parlament has it clear: If part of Catalonya considers itself Spanish, and wanted, in their case, no be part of a independient Catalonya, they don't have a right for it.


Why do Latin Americans all seem to have this tendency of describing anyone to the right of Marx as fascist?

Typical but do you have source?

We don't, American right wingers don't understand nuance and believe everything liberal is Marxist as in le cultural Marxism. That is ofc unless we are talking about being against competition and free trade, somehow those have become compatible with capitalism.

Fuck pro-castilian shills. I support Catalonian independence as all decent Swedes do. Fuck oppressors!


>muh fascists

Come on, now. How is trying to enforce unity fascism?