East asian union when?

East asian union when?

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How are we supposed to unite when we try to kill each other even in separate countries

Ask Jong-un

Central asian union when?

NO East Asian union

there are only Pacific Treate Organization by USA

Don't involve Japan in that retarded team.

I think you'd have to kick out the Americans pretty much

If you approach Xi Jinping about a regime change in North Korea I bet it can be arranged.

Kicking out the Americans is the best way to ensure that an East Asian union never happens. Peace only exists in the region because an outside force maintains it. Without the US's security guarantees, Japan has no choice but to re-arm, which will put them in direct conflict with China. Japan shares many of the same deep sea routes that China uses to export goods and procure resource, and even if the Japanese weren't keen on hobbling China, the Chinese cannot allow an unconstrained Japan a free-hand.

Not before we welcome a dozen more members into the family

It's too much.
This is enough

Where is hongkong

they must independent

The people of Geotland will not be happy if they know that you put them and Shangdon(Confucius's home) in a same country tho


I mean Goetland

Okay I will fix it. I just made it looking taiwanese made future china map

My choice of map made more sense because the borders of southwestern countries are drawn according to actual cultural and language differences. Easier to invent new nations that way

Is China going to split up or something? I thought Xi's consolidation of power was going well.

I was knew there was only one culter in all Chinese land

Isn't it?

Regrettably you are close to the truth. But traditions can be invented. Since nations are imagined communities, difference between dialectics is enough material to start making new nations with

He is. But we have to think long term don't we? The Poles can regain their country after 200 years of occupation by three imperial powers. For Manchuria, Tibet, Taiwan at least, the task is much less daunting

Is Manchuria even a thing anymore though? Like, a met a girl from Liaoning at university and when I referred to it in passing as 'Manchuria', she got really upset and assured me that it wasn't actually a thing.

I'm not sure if she was Han or not. I'm pretty bad at telling all of you apart.

The Manchus still have their legitimate monarchs, they are just in exile. It is an unique advantage that most occupied East Asian countries do not possess. It is as you say, that Manchuria is heavily sinicized at the moment . We are thinking about introducing educational programs to restore Manchurian identity, with the help of Japan and America

it would be possible without south shit korea.

>We are thinking about introducing educational programs to restore Manchurian identity, with the help of Japan and America
Will Beijing allow that?

Four of those flags belong to one country though. And as long as Japan and Korea are American puppets, China isn't joining a happy rainbow Asia society.

With CIA funding, I'm certain. Manchuria is dead.

It's not like a dictatorship that oppresses all peoples it rules will last forever. I don't dare to wish to see it collapse in my lifetime. As long as there are people abroad who remembers their true identity, "Poland is not yet lost, so long as we still live."

Bejing will crush them with tanks like 天安門

Right now its Communist funding, actually

By 2049 you'll have China-Macau-HK union at least

I'd expect Taiwan to either join or declare independence by that point as well

There's already a China-Macau-HK union. It's just called China.

You gotta be kidding me!

I can't imagine average Chinese supporting this. That's very cool of you.


An union of 3 countries?

Yes a union would work so well. economic boost. increase in trade. free travel between countries. Oh wait.

Thanks, 太君

Can we join?

The only one that actually makes sense in terms of secession is Tibet. Everything else is just a meme.

d-dont you wanna join us instead?


Fuck off

I'm pretty sure we've been over this already, Hans.

different times

b-but they have cookies

Same attitudes

I only accept ROC as the real China.

it will be better that to be part of ue union then be fucked up with uzkoglazie

nice cookies


So, are we in?

but you aren't asian?

that's lacist

We literally border China and North Korea. We are more East Asian than Japan.

That settles it. Russia is EU clay.

I support a East Asian union to purge all communist filth from our continent!

umm think again sweetie

but communists are good people who only want to make the world a better place

on the other hand japan is more of pacific islanders than asian

what's funny is that that symbol was invented in Germany, probably by a German as well

You're technically North Asian.

China promotes 一路一帯One Belt One Road
Russia promotes trans Siberian railways to make a direct connection between Moscow and Tokyo
Both plans are convenient for them to send their army to foreign cunts quickly...

What is One Belt One Road and is it a good thing?

Just blow up the railway like you did before. Problem solved.

arent north asians like a bunch of nomadic eskimo shaman people. there's definitely m*ngols and t*rks.

Russian battletrains are amassing on the Japanese border as we speak.

Semantics. We belong to the same cultural sphere as east asians.

Are you afraid of Sino-Russian invasion?

>same cultural sphere
When did Russia ever adopt Chinese culture?


>We belong to the same cultural sphere as east asians.
what now

We were both heavily influenced by steppe nomads. Plus, constant interaction for the last 400 years.

in peaceful time, it's very good plan since it expands trade between China and foreign cunts dramatically
the belt region contains 60% of the entire world population and 30% of the GDP
but in war time, Chinese army will quickly invade wherever connected (Europe, central and east Asia).
we are happy to stay in isolated islands

why not?

Wait, this reminds me. Is it true that Russian intellectuals have been cursing China for the past 800 years since a lot of authoritative Mongol policies are learnt from China and applied in Russia?

『This place is now Marisha and Reimyu's easy thread!!』
『It is hereby declared that this thread became marisha and Reimyu's easy thread je!!』
『Take it easy!!』

『You mishter Asian slaves can lick-lick Marisch's easy asshole, je?』
『Do it at once, je?』

Hello American English teacher-kun

What? No. There is a saying even that Russians and Chinese are brothers forever.

Russia doesn't fit in with East Asia geographically or culturally. Steppe nomads aren't East Asian. Mongolia itself is only counted as East Asian due to geography. Not to mention the majority of Russians live in the European part of their country and not the Asian one.

Please, tell me more about my country, anglo man.

where do mongols originate anyway? people keep calling them central asian

>Russians and Chinese are brothers forever.


We are asians, yes, but we are not EAST asians. And most of these steppe nomads got assimilated into russian culture anyway


hey gook, don't exclude Mongolia

>trying to unite the gook equivalent of the gopnik baltic states

>gays and lesbians for communism?

More like "China and its followers"

>east asia
lol they worshipped tengri not confucius

>a westerner immediately thinks about homosexuality when he sees smiling people hugging each other

>be Russia
>want to conquer world
>start Slavic union meme
>realise Slavs are trash tier
>tries to get accepted by Asians instead

there are clearly some homoerotic undertones in this caused by repressed homosexual urges and you know it best

no there aren't any, stop swallowing that homo propaganda your tv is feeding you with

madoka magica union fucking when?

>that wishful thinking
Kek. Germans never miss an opportunity to be gay

>taiwan and japan are gay for each other
how fitting

>China lost its head

If only

I thought Russia's new BFF is North Korea now

I hate them because their language is strange and weird

Western propaganda is getting more bizarre every day.

Why so many mishter Scandinavian mistake marisha for mister English teacher? Maisha is not any of mister Gaijin human at all je?
You mister Sweden is so stubborn, je?

You and china support NK to block korea getting unification