Did you know that Occitania is rightful iberian clay?

Did you know that Occitania is rightful iberian clay?

Do Occitans care about their language, customs, etc?

No, frenchs crushed them forever

I have heard that the French state is very oppresive when it comes to cultures that aren't French. Sad!

Wonder if portugal will help Spain to stop catalonia for a srcond time

Catalan-Occitan state when?
Gas the Parisien, Burn the Madrilenyo. Magna Gothalonia now.

We actually destroyed their culture properly, not like the spanish, who did half the job and suffer from the consequence

Yes, I did know that, so much so that I've posted it so many times people are starting to fucking realize already.
this is the beggining stage: meme posting.
give it a year or so, then you'll see the truth being said by everyone.
With Occitania back, France.

Awesome pic, is it OC?

Fun fact: the only military unit in the Spanish Civil War that was exclusively composed of Catalans was Franco's "Tercio de Nuestra SeƱora de Montserrat", famous for being extremely reactionary and religious.

hello new fag (hay muchas de estas)

why are catalonyans so racist towards spaniards?

andalucia and muh burguesia catalana

Catalans are better than other humans
I am Catalan you subhuman shitskin

It was necessary in order to have a real nation state, not a failed one like Spain.

We destroyed their culture during the Albigensian War then sent colonists into Southern France when it was depopulated by the Hundred Year Wars,

It was quite nasty and kike-ish but they had forgotten their Celtic roots and choose to LARP as Iberians at that time.


>Those spots in Southern Italy
Nothin' Personnel... kid

no haha

they dont even exist, they can not care

The butthurt can be felt through the screen, just give it back, Pierre.
>LARP as Iberians
You don't LARP about what you are, though.

They didn't exist when I had enough of Sup Forums and left

They all speak French now

France is an Oil country