Was it kino?

Was it kino?

I still don't get how it was racist. No body hated black people.

not a chance

>TSA saves the day

only in hollywood

seriously tho it was a pretty funny albeit predictable movie

Yes. No body. But all the minds are hating the black race.

Issa coon

100% nigger shit


yes and i enjoyed it

definitely peelekino but maybe not goatkino

I honestly can't think of a single flaw.

My family is hardcore liberal so when we watched the movie they all laughed at the obligatory "black humor" parts when everyone else in the theatre was black and didn't laugh.

I was too busy trying to disappear into my seat but it was clever, but nothing special.


I don't like black people.

I'm not Sup Forums in anyway, I try to avoid both sides of their propaganda shit.

I just want to watch a movie where it isn't "you have to choose a side". This movie looks like "rich people are evil white guys" or something. Can't I just enjoy a movie anymore without it having some sort of political implication in it?

The whole Sup Forums vs BLM is getting tired now.

Has this movie even had good discussion here yet?

>good discussion
>Sup Forums

Yeah I know but I personally thought it was one the better psychological thriller movies in recent years. There are obvious influences from The Stepford Wives, and tiny details that layer on through out the film (like Rose purposely subtly accusing the police officer in the beginning of racial profiling to deter a paper trail of Chris existence in that area) just make it so enjoyable to rewatch and connect more things.

There are obvious themes about interracial dating and "liberal middle class" subtle racism in the movie, but it's never in bad taste through out the film.

It was also enjoyable to have a rational, and intelligent main character thrown in such a weird, fucked up situation as well. The ending was very satisfying and the comedic timing was great for the perfect tension of relief.

It's best to watch the movie knowing about about it, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

>this movie looks like

maybe try to watch it before you comment

>Can't I just enjoy a movie anymore without it having some sort of political implication in it?
No. You have to choose a side. It's us against them. You're either with us or against this. This isn't about enjoying yourself anymore, because we're in the middle of a culture war and everything has to be a political message now. Even if you don't want to be involved. This is the shitty world we live in now.

True. But based on what everyone said it's just like that.

I don't care if an actor's black. But I'm tired of "white people are secretly evil" plotlines. I don't care if they made Spiderman black, I don't fucking care, but all this movie is...is just that. African American secret fears turned into a thriller and if you don't like it you're a bigot"

its more nuanced than that and what is why people like it

*that is why

>haven't watched the movie
>posts anyway

>in the middle of a culture war

Back to /r/kotakuinaction gamergate. Bickering over Twitter isn't a culture war, you faggot. And you faggots are the one with the us vs them mentality and you project it on others who don't know or don't give a shit about your arguing on Twitter and Reddit.