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Television and Film #805
Television and Film
42 years old
If Charlie were a real person I don't think anyone would want to hang around him...
Alot of people sit around and bitch about the reboot of Ghostbusters being feminized made with a political agenda first...
/PRG/ Power Rangers General
ITT: Actors who are clearly of mixed race...
Are British accents difficult to perform or are the performers just bad at their profession?
You're in the club with your girl and this guy comes up, slaps her ass...
Savage Opress was a Dathomirian Nightbrother who became a Sith apprentice under his brother, Darth Maul...
Marvel tv series
Arnold is the last action hero, no other actor had a better run of action flicks and no one ever will. Prove me wrong
So we all agree dominos is the go-to pizza chain when watching kino?
What was this movie about?
Why don't black people make kino anymore?
Everybody is beautiful
What does Sup Forums think of this film?
"okay kids, act like you've got superpowers now!"
THOR: RAGNAROK Information Round-Up
This was wayy better than force awakens and way more heart and epicness to it
Any more movies about cute girls doing cute things
Fuck all the haters. Fuck all the negative reviews. Iron Fist is Kino
How long until he actually offs himself lads?
Scenes women will never understand
Power Rangers
/PRG/ Power Rangers General
Find a flaw
ITT: Your dream movie ideas
Would you have done it?
This scene thou
Is he the most pointless character of any TV show? Seriously what was his character's point...
Is it worth watching? or is it just more sjw noise?
What's the Elvish word for friend?
Why are they making L black? It looks nothing like him
Does this get good? Just watched the first episode and I didn't really like it
Show called last man on earth
Why is Sup Forums not excited about Valerian?
This is a joke, right?
The feather duster got niggered
Is this what love feels like?
Power Rangers THICC
King Kong vs. Godzilla remake
Marvel's Iron Fist Scene
Tfw might get daddario bewbs again or the rocks cock
Beauty and the Poz
James Franco had such a promising career, then he started hanging out with the DUDE WEED JEW and now he is like this
He'll be fine
Actors who you always associate with that one role they played
Overrated piece of shit or a masterpiece?
/PRG/ Power Rangers General
Power Rangers Marathon: Cyborg Asstronema Edition
What's her end game?
How does this film make you feel?
Let's discuss Adam Sandler's body of work
Without memeing, what is your honest opinion on James Cameron Avatar?
ITT: Guess the television or film from a single screenshot
ITT: actresses you want to see more
Who would cast in a Lolita remake?
Highly-advanced model is defeated by an older, obsolete model
A decade later, and no other cartoon even comes close
Red Letter Media
Why did you just post a random still from Shrek and nothing else? And why his outhouse? I don't get it
How the fucking fuck did this movie not get nominated to the Best Picture? This is disgusting...
Jim Norton Confirmed Cuck
Movie is longer than 90 minutes
What is the quintessential russian kino?
Power Rangers Marathon: PANIC Edition
What the fuck did he mean by this?
Now BATB has saved her career
What are some ways theaters could up the moviegoing experience?
ITT: We post the biggest piles of garbage we've sit all the way through
Jim picked Pam over Prime Amy Adams
What are your thoughts on this film? It seems kinda divided
Can we have a serious discussion on this film without it devolving into memes?
Holodeck create fifteen Diana Trois all in varying lingerie
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Luke, did I ever tell you about Darth Maul...
Comfy The Americans thread
Makes a genuinely horrible Netflix special
Power Rangers Marathon
I just finished watching this. Is this kino? Sure felt like it, the Fish Out of Water episode was god-tier
Is BvS kino?
Even for 2009 this was garbage CGI
Iron Fist was fine until this ugly bitch showed up
Ghost in the Shell
There will never be a sad movie that will overcome this one
Name five kinos
Can you recommend me movies like Akira? I'm not a big fan of anime but this movie was cool...
Power Rangers Marathon
This thing is supposed to take on godzilla
Favourite films of all time
Is this kino or just substitutional dose of machismo for sissies
So... Carrie is looking good in Iron Fist. Keanu is looking good
TARS, set honesty to 0%
That blowjob picture
/prg/ Power Rangers General LOVE PICNIC EDITION
What are some good films about the universe being a hologram?
/got/ general:
Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway Thread - /SNT/
2 > 1 > 3
Did the Joker simply have a brain fart?
ITT: Trivialise a character's motivations using the word 'muh'
Where are her armpit hair?
/prg/ Power Rangers General SILVER RANGER POWER EDITION
Is this any good?
I'm just breakin your balls over here, you gettin fuckin fresh?
Lets have the girl never talk and practically never interact with the Logan until the last 20 minutes of the movie...
Do you own any TV or Film merchandise?
Netflix/Marvel shows ranking, Iron Fist included
Hi I'm Eric Roberts, you may remember me from such films as The Dark Knight and The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence)
How was captain america able to beat iron man?
I've seen a little on Sup Forums!
ITT: Actors who deserve an Oscar more than Leonardo DiCaprio
2 weeks since any new RLM content
Go to dispensary
/prg/ Power Rangers General YELLOW PANTIES EDITION
Serious question:
Why do you think Rambo became a multi-film franchise about senseless, gratuitous violence...
I'm not ready
This is Jill
Monsterverse > capeshit
Well what do we have here?
Who's ready for another episode of Samurai Kino tonight?
/prg/ Power Rangers General MEGA VOYAGER EDITION
ITT shit tier openings
Name 1 Bollywood kino
What the fuck was his problem?
You need to lose 50 pounds before you respond to this thread
Post aesthetic movies
Is it worth watching?
Paramount's BAYWATCH is finally giving the people what they want--Rated R for language throughout, crude sexual content...
Are there any other kinos about jewish life
TV & Films men are allowed to cry to while watching
Post a painting and others rec a film based on it
/prg/ Power Rangers General SLEEPY ASTRONEMA EDITION
Am I an unfunny fat cunt who deserves the poor reviews I receive?
Audrey Hepburn appreciation thread
World Peace
My 600-lb Life
ITT: THAT scene
*blocks your math*
Did you know Robin Williams killed himself because of alimony?
Scariest scenes in the history of cinema
Iron fist
Has anyone seen Song to Song yet?
Was JD's friendship with Turk realistic?
ITT: prefect comedy films
No Bane thread? What a shame /tv
Reminder that this is an Oscar winning picture and Marvelcucks are eternally BTFO
Rogue One > The Force Awakens
/prg/ Power Rangers General JASON EDITION
Who is best girl in the DCEU and why is it her?
Thoughts on this kino?
Sup Forums btfo
Do you think so?
*blocks your path
Gotham Bruce V Jerome Battle
I just saw the Addams Family, anyone wanna talk about it?
Are you prepared for THE major kino event of 2017?
Any day now
Rate the RT score if they simply hired an Asian guy to play Iron Fist, and literally nothing else changes
28 year old, single male here. No one to go see this with. About half the movies I see in theaters are by myself...
This photo was taken after she received her Oscar
Conservative """comedy""" shitposting thread
/who/ Doctor Who general
Jim Norton - Mouthful of Shame (2017)
Cheats on his wife constantly with basically every woman in the show
Why there's no decent anime on netflix?
LOST Thread
Who has seen Persona by Bergman?
/prg/ Power Rangers General PUNISH ME MY QUEEN EDITION
Why is Haley more tan than the rest of her family?
Discussion of Silence bluray release
I just watched this because I have a thing for goth girls...
Darth Vader vs Rebels
To bend the spoon, you have to realize there is no spoon
Is he /ourguy/?
ITT: Celebrities that you swear have to be related
Arrow's Katie Cassidy Victim Of Photo Hacking
Movies where depressted protag loses his temper/mind
I just watched this last night. Great 1080p rip out came out in the last few days btw
What kind of role would you like her to play?
What's with that 'I'M IN CHARGE HERE' quote? He never says that
Is there even a single episode that's actually funny?
The only reason to watch Iron Fist
/prg/ Power Rangers General ASTRONEMA'S LATEX ASS EDITION
Sam hyde
What was the moral of the story?
What are some movies which start with some captive bad guys in transit but they manage to get the jump on their captors...
WTF, almost 2 weeks without new RLM vidoes?! Are they dead? What's happening?! I miss my virtual friends
Can we get some german kino?
Greatest actress of all time or most beautiful actress of all time?
What did they mean by this?
Kill Jester
So when does it get good?
What are some good Kafkaesque films?
Is Banshee worth getting into?
/prg/ Power Rangers General VIVA LA DIVA
Is Hesh the most accurate portrayal of a jew on television?
How often do you go to the cinema?
He's a big boy
Is there any chance that Chloe will play as Hillary in 25 years from now?
/prg/ Power Rangers General THIRSTY AS FUCK EDITION
Minas Tirith City Of Kings
Iron Fist is the best thing netflix has done so far
Why is it necessary that in the year of our lord 2017 this is still a thing on television?
I was HOPING a brighter ending would happen...
MST3K revival!
He's a titguy
/prg/ Power Rangers General JUSTIN WE MISS YOU EDITION
Why doesn't the west make animated action kino like this?
When the boy was born, like all Spartans, he was inspected
Could somebody post a list of movies I should watch?
Is Pirates 4 the worst movie ever?
All memes aside, what's the best Tarantino film?
Brrrpt posting is more common than cuck shit now
What was his fucking problem?
I liked it
You know what I'm sick and tired of, Harry? I'm sick and tired of having to eke my way through life...
Thoughts about this? I liked the movie a lot, up until the end
Power Rangers Marathon
Eric Roberts has 45 movies in 2017
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly>For A Few Dollars More>Fist Full of Dollars
Gen-Z ''Batman'' BTFO
Serious question: why would the T-1000 choose to run in human form...
Charlize Theron
Great movies that are never mentioned
Logan is gonna win best picture. I'm calling it right now
What's your memory of MJ's death on June 25th 2009? How did Sup Forums react?
Video games are better than movies
Best /twinpeaks/ girl?
Still no Batman Beyond movie?
/prg/ Power Rangers General
This was B movie tier in the last hour holy shit.No semblence of direction of flow
Be honest, you would shit your pants at the sight of one of these things
What are the most rewatchable films for you...
Shots fired
16 year later
Best film she's been in?
Arab Kino
Who here /Manlet Fist/
I enjoyed watching keanu shoot people in the face for another 2 hours. Looking forward to 3...
Pick one to marrry & protect you
Implying Logan ending had even a fraction of emotional impact of the game it ripped off
Holy FUCK the drop in quality from the first season is awful. How do they fuck up this bad...
Movies where dumb sluts get exactly what they deserve?
How can we compete? v2
Can someone please explain to me, why are there no funny right-wing comedians?
Mfw The Temple of Doom isn't his favorite Indy movie
Don't look at your keyboard and type "Joe Rogan"
Tfw old enough to realize Harris' character was in the right all along while Cage and Connery were just asshole...
No popcorn today, sir
/prg/ Power Rangers General
After watching Logan...
Truly kino
What are some other movies that have the same level of violence as Kill Bill?
Will this show be good?
ITT: nice posters
What is the symbolism of this picture, Sup Forums?
Are there any movies where a man properly suckles at a woman's tits and is fed with lovely nourishing milky?
What was his fucking problem?
The exact moment when you realized that Sup Forums is always right
You want to do WHAT to our hooves?
Quentin Tarantino makes good mo-
How can we compete?
Now that she's transcended into capeshit, is she /ourgirl/ again?
First day joining a kickboxing class
Power Rangers Marathon
Two Towers > Fellowship > Return
What is european cinema going to be like 50 years from now?
Chunking Express
Was he right?
I was offered a chance to see new "the beauty & The Beast" movie today but I refused because Emma race-mixed with an...
I have yet to see anyone realize that this movie is blatant globalist propaganda
Can she be saved?
Is Michael Cera's character in Juno the biggest cuck in all of movie history?
You will never watch THAT movie for the first time ever again
Cute outifts in movies and tv
Can we have a thread sincerely discussing Eric Andre? Is he a talentless hack or underrated hack...
Director: The evil henchmen need to use a futuristic looking gun
Show has gay character
Hidden Gems of the 80's
Post yfw last movie you watched
Power Rangers Marathon
Is bumfights kino?
Character drinks hard liquor
Just finished marathoning the '90s Gamera trilogy. They were great, pure kaijukino
Was George Lopez the best tv sitcom of all time?
Online Television and Film-Related Content Thread
Star Wars: Rebels
Redpill me on capeshit, lads. Is there a movie or series that isn't Disney friendly quip trash?
Shows normies ruined
Meanwhile, on bizarro Sup Forums
What is european cinema going to be like 50 years from now?
Would you watch an operator movie starring Lexi?
Why was he blacklisted for such a long time?
How do we save her boys
What would you have done in this situation?
Will the Paige biopic happen?
Power Rangers Marathon
This show is bad. The writing is poor, the motivations are muddy. All the fight scenes are just boring...
Connery > Brosnan > Craig > Moore > Lazenby > Dalton
The Middle
What did they mean by this?
Lets talk about brie larsons tits in the Kong movie
Hey Sup Forums-
What was the point of this movie? What was the message here?
Power Rangers Marathon
SPR>Hacksaw ridge
Hammer Horror
ITT: Shows that went shit after two seasons
ABC's 20/20 Manson special
Want to watch LAO:SVU On Netflix
What's next for his career?
Unresolved things
What are some movies about the struggle of autism?
Rick Moranis Respect Thread
Best of the simpsons
Power Rangers Marathon
Is this show kino or God-tier Sup Forums?
Sex scene between Hannibal and white daughter of a Roman aristocrat
Oh oh
Blocks the Subway entrance
Greatest actress of all time or most beautiful actress of all time?
It's been 7 goddamn years
Now, why would you do that?
Boy I tell ya I hate Nancy
Why did they never produce a kino?
This authentic Russian babushka approaches you and asks you to buy her some ice cream
Dear Billy, I saw the Kong movie, and was decently surprised that I liked it a darn lot...
What's next for her career?
What's the best Mr Show sketch?
Tfw the dog from the Wizard of Oz is probably dead
*breaks 4th wall*
Son, why are you watching that?
Best sci-fi shows?
What film would you recommend for someone who is 24 and has never had a job but has to get one soon and also is...
It's a Steven Seagal sex scene
ITT: films that make you say " why did they make it ? "
What movies motivate you to work out?
ITT: times your favourite celebrity got in some serious drama
What are some good movies about staying calm and perservering even when everything is bleak and there's no hope at all
Friday night
Which one Sup Forums?
Power Rangers Marathon
Hand over the numnums
It's another Friday night of manically refreshing Sup Forums hoping that someone's thread will give you a...
Is he a bad guy?
I think... I want you to fuck me in the ass
Make oscar bait
Thoughts on this ?
ITT: Pottery
ITT: Bollywood Kino
Ron perlman appreciation thread
Give me lists, Sup Forums
I never watched Trans4mers. How bad is it in comparison to the previous 3 movies?
Audrey Hepburn
Is this the most patrician film of all time?
Iron Fist
"I'm considering their 15 year old daughter"
Power Rangers Marathon
Sup Forums BTFO
What are some movies about falling deeply in love with computer-generated images?
The classic 1946 French version of Beauty and the Beast (La Belle et la Bête) featured an opening epigraph that...
Chuck Norris Facts
Why did you tell me this was bad? It's great! I'm just getting to the end of season 3
Movie has great reviews
Who should direct the Horus heresy films in order to ensure it's pure kino?
Yes, it's good. Not like Daredevil, but it is watchable, more than LC or JJ, actually...
All men are psychopaths with mommy issues and/or tiny dicks
Post your top 5 films and others guess shit about you
Where do I start?
ITT: Broadway musicals that you want to see get the big screen treatment
Was it kino?
"I thought we were friends Jonah."
MST3k reboot
What was the moral of the story?
Webm Thread - Friday edition
Will he ever make a good movie?
Has there ever been a more fitting combination for a mother/daughter role?
What's your experience with Deadpool...
Plays a Russian in The Americans
Where were YOU when Malick was redeemed?
Finally saw Kong, it was pretty fucking good, I thought even much better than 2014 Godzilla...
Any day now
Logan could've survived if he had just let the kids deal with this guys
Who was the qtest director?
So did her pictures leak too?
Why is "the world's greatest computer hacker" always a role played by a young woman?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Power ranch general - /prg/
The only thing "confusing" about it was why people got "confused"
The Accountant or Nocturnal Animals
>movies everyone has seen that you haven't
Something falls and covers the character's head
Fuck, Kill, Marry: in-character edition
What the fuck was his problem?
Why'd she do it bros?
What was his fucking problem?
What did she mean by this?
Is she autistic?
How can superheroes who work day jobs get by on so little sleep?
Power Rangers Marathon
Power Rangers Marathon
Whats her FUCKING problem?
Is it safe to say that with Logan and Legion...
Community thread
Well done Sup Forums
Come on, I'm the fun shark!
Definitive Leprechaun Rank order
Is feminism is about to take over movies?
Power Rangers Marathon DIVATOX EDITION
In LOTR "Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys" implies that Orcs know what a menu is...
"Oh is that so? You know that Brad and Leo don't like Subway, ha? So joke's on you. How you like dem apples?"
"We have now but one choice"
ITT: Films that are universally liked by Sup Forums
If you don't like Predator 2 you best go back to you know where
Can we have a thread about these
Internet "trolls"
Power Rangers Marathon Good Night Sweet Jason Edition
What is the proper way to criticize film...
Why isn't Wonder Woman as ugly as me?
Best season of tv ever made
Favorite Simpsons moments
All right, Sup Forums, time for a serious talk
Power Rangers Marathon Archerina Edition
What do you think of James McAvoy as Prof. X?
Is Tim /ourguy/?
Beauty And The Beast's Thursday Previews Beat Furious 7's
"""Aunt May"""
It's happening
Ridley Scott Says ‘Alien: Awakening’ Next, Says Four More ‘Alien’ Movies On The Way
It's okay, it's dead
This was Dan Stevens in the Guest
I saw Mad Max: Black & Chrome, the black and white version of Fury Road the other day...
Manlets,when will they ever learn?
Tfw stevenposting is no longer a thing
What was your worst experience in a movie theater?
Power Rangers Marathon ROBOFU EDITION
What is Sup Forums's honest opinion of Black Mirror?
She she basically gets to dictate who the king is since she was the first one to open her stupid mouth? what the fuck?
Wow, when will alt right nazis finally get it through their thick shaved heads that women are funny?
When will Hollywood fuck off with casting obnoxiously handsome people as scientists? It always looks and feels idiotic
Sweden has Ingmar Bergman
Fist fight
/bb/ /bbg/ /bbc/
Tfw you piss away your chance at becoming GOAT Bond for capeshit money
Where were you when this was the best top tier mini web series kino?
This is really just an overrated movie, which eschews story in favour of hitting the correct political points...
Venom Movie is coming in October 2018
Do you think he?
Power Rangers Marathon THICC ROBOT ASS EDITION
Tfw Best Emma
What actress aged most beautifully?
1. open mspaint
Is this the best animated film ever?
Thats it guys ive had enough of shit films and tv shows and will now start writing my own masterpiece wish me luck
I know she's not the most attractive actor/comedian
Does Sup Forums use netflix?
ITT: worst movies of this decade
Are there any times it is appropriate to remake a movie?
Batman' parents death scene
Hello Sup Forums
Holy shit, absolutely fucking awful. Can't believe Marvel shills were unironically claiming it was good
Bruce Campbell as Cable
/lbg/- Letterboxd General
Power Rangers Marathon JASON IS BEST EDITION
It's a good movie, there's lots of great acting but it's like a mumblecore movie. Everyone's talking over each other...
Iron Fist
Do you think Dakota resents the fact that she became eclipsed by her younger, taller, more attractive sister?
Ready for kino, Sup Forums?
Is this movie actually good or I'm just going to waste 2 and half hours of my life?
What's your opinion on her body of work?
When did Disney morph from THE go to source of wholesome family entertainment to a Godless SJW liberal pandering...
The Lobster
Reboot TNG??
Why, Mr. Doss? Why, why, why? Why do you do it? Why rescue them? Why keep fighting...
Computer, run "Holodeck Thread" simulation
Black Canary sucking dick on the front page!
Early word of mouth is actually positive
Well no because
"Uuuuh, Aragorn? Do you have a plan B?"
I wanna die
18 Years Old
Sup Forums, I must call upon your encyclopaedic knowledge of popular culture
What was the moral of the story?
Underated Kino
He was a good villain, he dindu nuffin
More fappening
Was it reddit?
Who /Toffee/ here?
What Asian film is the best of all time?
Iron Fist
Power Rangers Marathon TOY TITS EDITION
Ugh, I didn't remember Futurama being this problematic
Power Rangers General DARK RANGERS EDITION
Which filmmakers often employ tableaux vivants as part of their mise en scène?
What's the best show from Arrowverse?
Casino or Goodfellas?
New Transformers when?
LOTR Reboot
What can we learn from this movie?
What's the best cameo in film history?
Sam Hyde has done nothing but rip off Andy Kaufman his entire adult life
What's some essential Irish kino to watch on St.Patrick's Day?
Was Knoxville not getting paralysed here the luckiest escape of any jackass stunt?
The Last King of Scotland
Jesus Christ the fight choreography is fucking terrible!
Power Rangers Marathon
Next bond announcement??
Why is wire so funny?
Ancalagon the Black appears in the DCEU. Superman is still dead
Was it rape?
Thoughts on the new Wonder Wyman?
Is this really the moral of Beauty and the Beast?
Women aren't fu--
/who/ - Doctor Who General
How did her arm get cut?
Let's talk about harry potter
Rose McGowan -NEW L E A K S
Nothing Happens - The Movie
How to tell if your friends are faggots:
Post the best of 2016
Terminator 3 - Fappening
Literally did nothing wrong
Where did all this comic book movies faggotry come from in the first place?
Expanse Thread
How can Marvelfags compete?
Arab children's TV
Is there anyone this fat fuck wouldn't kill? greedy pig
Power Rangers Marathon
Critics said this was bad
Where's her career?
Wanna fight?
Title screens
"I'm gonna kill myself tomorrow."
ITT We name a SINGLE movie where everyone agrees it's kino
ITT: /ourguy/ from their respective kinos and tv kinos i'll start
Power Rangers Marathon
*URRPPP* God's not real Morty
5 minutes into frozen and chill she gives you this look
Which captain's chair is this supposed to be?
Which movie characters are the most fun to impersonate?
*blocks your path*
Hey Sup Forums-
Thoughts on the new and improved Audrey?
I wanna licki then sticki my dicki in Debicki!
Expecting generic capeshit
Recommend some movies that give a pic related vibe
Was it kino?
Power Rangers Marathon
Cast them
OMG this is gonna be soooo epic!
Fuck you I liked it
What are some movies or tv shows that deal with mental illnesses?
Ehuhhhhhh wut r sum mobies??
Would u fug pink ranger ??
I legit have no words to describe this
Ryan Stiles sat next to me today backstage in the green room. He likes to vape and drink vodka before performing
Hollow Man (2000)
Why is she the new Aunt May?
Oh, you risked your life for those 5,000 people. I love you again!
This was bad
Power rancher general - /prg/
Adolescence is choosing Jackie
Tfw best GOT,SW,Marvel, Disney and Terminator Girl
WTF, why where there Godzilla people growing out of his tail at the end?
We liek Mobie!
What was his problem?
Celebrity Encounter Stories
Plate arrives
Oh thank god
Powder ranger general - /prg/
Where were you when commercials became naked propaganda?
Forgive me, because I wasn't interested in discussing this before...
There will never be another tremors movie
Evil Roman slaveholders got rekt by an African general
What are some good movies about the New Europe?
The Wire
ASMR girl features a guy in her video
Why did Sup Forums tell me that this movie was good, when in reality its absolutely uninspired, normie bait shit?
Dude comics lmao
Can someone give me a quick rundown on these guys?
Power Rangers Marathon
Was he /ourguy/?
Name one (1) actress/actor that has a better combination of looks and acting skills...
Henry Cavill Joins Tom Cruise In MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 6 As Film's Villain
Biopic when?
Its definitely the grower of his filmography
Tfw Jughead gets cucked
Actress on the left is 12 years old
Sir Patrick Stewart has opened up about his struggle with arthritis and how he turns to marijuana on a daily basis to...
Recast LoTR
ITT: It's 1998
True Blood
Power Rangers Marathon
Will power rangers get a sequel?
So what did you think of the ending?
Did SNL go too far in mocking Alex Jones?
What are some movies about weak Christians?
Is there anything she can't do?
Can anyone help me out? Trying to remember what this movie is. Before anyone asks, it's not the Cats musical...
At what point did he get blackballed?
Post a picture and other anons have to guess what your favorite movie is
Power Rangers Marathon
People actually pay attention to the stars on netflix and youtube
CA lost 63% of its core reviewers
Since Viggo Morgenstein is in his 70's now
Member Kristen Bell
Aubrey Plaza is so good in Legion. This show is pure cinema
When will the WWII franchise finally end?
What age does hollywood consider too old?
How do you stop them?
Powers Rangers Marathon
I'm the Sheriff 'round these parts, Bane
Let's write a screenplay, Sup Forums. One line at a time
Started watching Wes Anderson films
Tfw we're in the Golden Age of Television and they can't make a decent Star Trek series
I can't stop watching this film Sup Forums
So not a single person was like "hey, who's this new guy with fucked up facial scars"?
ITT: Pleb filters
B Movies that are still entertaining
Hurry and claim your star wars wai-fu before some other user does!
Power Rangers Marathon
What's next for her career, now that she's flashed her breasts?
If he could have anything he wanted in The Matrix, why did he eat raw steak?
Claim your twin peaks waifu
Name someone stronger than Q
Do you think he killed?
Hey Sup Forums, it's Adam driver here. I heard you guys have been saying some mean things about me...
>movie doesnt end on a happy note
Watching a show or movie
Taking up contact with a girl who grew up in my neighbourhood
Power Rangers Marathon
What are some great musical films I could watch?
Would you want to be rich and famous?
This is a 10/10 on Sup Forums
What does Sup Forums think of Rick & Morty?
"President of what?"
Spongebob creator diagnosed with ALS
Can't we all agree this is most of us Sup Forums?
Is it worth 60+ hours of my time to binge Game of Thrones? Give it to me straight, no bullshit
*Speak in fake Mexican accent
I legitimately find Steve Rogers inspiring
Why did his career stall?
How did DC morph Harley Quinn into a symbol for feminism? She's owned and controlled by an abusive man...
/bb/ big brother canada: a fucking leaf in space
I don't get it? is she a trap?
Power Rangers Marathon WE ZEO NOW edition
Congratulations Sup Forums
It's actually pretty damn good
What movie should i watch tonight Sup Forums
NETFLIX changing user review system after Amy Schumer bashing
Recommend me a solid horror movie, Sup Forums. The last one i saw that I liked was Rosemary's Baby
Netflix is cancer, they make sjw shit content and are making everyone lazy by marathoning series and movies
Gilly thread
And your other badge
ITT: Saddest South Park episodes
Was he the only character to see Jim for the snake he really was?
What am I about to see?
Were there any women in these movies? I can't remember
Jay Baruchel: "BvS is The worlds most expensive indie film"
Dunkirk PG-13
Wait. Why didn't Forrest get aids?
What are some movies that use the on-set gun sounds in the final film?
Thoughts on the Final Destination franchise? How would you rate the five films from greatest to least favorite?
There is no woman in the world sexier than Scarlett Johansson
Hey look everyone it's Patrick Wilson!
Was it kino?
Fatal Farm interview
Power Rangers Marathon
Why are there no cult films anymore? Nothing past the 90's is quotable
Why isn't Nicola Peltz in more films?
Any satanic/hell themed movies or series worth watching?
JRE Thread
What the FUCK was her problem?
The Wire and The Sopranos are both pretty much universally liked on Sup Forums but what about OZ?
Worse than the Star Wars prequels
Aaaaaand Twin Peaks hops on the propaganda train. And I was looking forward to it too
‘Suspiria’ Remake WILL NOT Be Colorful Like Argento’s Original
When are we going to get a new WW1 kino with a proper high budget and high quality?
Why can't Yanks make good comedy that also has sad moments?
Anyone else find this scene stupid as fuck?
Got a big enough joint there, Rick?
This is sure to hurt the movie's business, right?
This is one of the best recent mainstream pop albums. Fight me
The Witch
Was it gay?
Cast the fighters
Filthy fat beast desperately aware that an actual fully figured female is on stage with him on LIVE tv
Power Rangers Marathon
Thoughts on this pretentious trash?
Amy Schumer Leather Special
Are you going to see CHIPS?
Please for the love of god don't listen to reviewers...
Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig to host Great British Bake Off
Right you are, Sup Forums
I really want to eat Tubby Custard
Mads Mikkelsen was up for a role in ‘Fantastic Four’
Characters that are literally you
There will never be a show as good as the sopranos ever again
What's piggie watching?
Kids movie
Power Rangers Marathon
Can we have a Sup Forums-free discussion about this documentary...
What are some good films for intellectuals?
Cast TNG
I'm sorry. I don't want to be an emperor, that's not my business
Watson - whore
Was this actually good?
YLYL - Sup Forums Edition
Disney is retarded for not releasing RO first
Can we talk about this kino without fucking memeing...
Download torrent to watch something while eating dinner
Webm Thread
Power Rangers Marathon
Is she Reddit: The Girl?
The Last Kingdom
Rick and morty
Slow motion for me, Slow Motion for me, Slow motion for me
Thoughts on Survivorman?
Totally forgot about this
Bill looks out at the water, and thinks of all the wonderful things he will do with his life
60% Americans are overweight
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...