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Cumtown bitch
Hi nick
>ywn kill gay aaron and replace him as 3rd mic and be best friends with Nick and Stav and autistically discuss kinos and bully people on the pod
It hurts.
>it's a nick autistically quotes the simpsons episode
>it's a stav speculates about a celebrities sex life episode
>it's an adam has a long boring anecdote with no payoff episode
>it's an amber saying something off mic episode
>it's an adam has a long boring anecdote with no payoff episode
Sometimes I think adam gets more hate than he deserves but hes been more and more shit lately. He has no payoffs and shitty jokes that trail off into nothingness. I do like how Nick has been shutting him down and being a dick to him. Adam sucks.
The last 3 free episodes have been great, especially JP mcdade and Jake flores and Menaker is great though I cant listen to chapo. Just shows how much better the show is when its anyone else on 3rd mic
I wish adam would just fuck off to south africa or something. Hell I would even take dumb brandon wardell. Seems like Nick is starting to dislike him on the podcast and paying attyto all the patreon comments.
when ever adam says something its like sticking something in the spokes of a bike just bringing things to a screeching halt.
Stop trying to viral market Cumtown on Sup Forums you fat greek baby
Adam wants so badly to be one of the smart leftist dudes, but he's just an annoying retard who constantly ruins bits and humble brags nonstop. I'm so glad they shit on him.
But the funniest eps are the ones where they make fun of Stav for being fat.
What the hell is an ass babe? A tiny donkey?
We all have one hidden talent...Nick's is to make people mad at him online
i hated aaron at first but then he grew on me but i'm beginning to find him annoying again and only enjoy when they make fun of him.
i'm excited for nick to get off the road though so they can record some recent content.
the guy who "exposed" nick last weekend on twitter is such a dipshit. he always tweets about how he has infiltrated Sup Forums and /k/ and has "evidence" to bring them down. like as if some DSA yuppie is gonna find shit before the fbi.
What was the while nick and twitter thing? I didnt follow it but saw it was trending by the time i looked into it it was too late to get the actual story just a bunch of complaining and trolling.
Hes in LA hopefully I can see him live does he post his dates anywhere?
he posted some link to an article about a troop of chimps killing and eating their alpha leader with the caption "RIP Obama"
Hahaha holy shit nick is the best
he explained the reasoning more in an ep of cum town, but he was probably just BSing lol
Was it a premium ep? Dont recall it in anything on itunes
I would unironicly fuck stav
But Nick is a perfect husbando
might have been on a premium ep, you can find them online though
I'd fuck Adam.
I'd BE fucked by Nick.
Stav can watch
real shame that he's 5'7 because he could legitimately be a successful actor, his youtube videos where he ironically does monologues from movies are unironically good
Nick is actually legitimately handsome. Like he might be 10/10 even. He's got it all.
these articles are even funnier when you know that Nick wrote them in like half an hour while living in a tenement slum with a chinese family of 8
he explained that everyone that called it racist he was gonna be oblivious and go like
"i have no idea what you're talking about, it's about our leader not being our leader anymore. why would it be racist? oh wait, you think black people are like monkeys? why do you think that? that's racist"
Even as he intentionally fucking them up its good. His time to kill McCaugnahey is perfect.
His recent instagrams about acting had me dying too
>its an air raid siren autism episode
>its a Stav plays Ralph A'Rousey from Baltimore episode
>its a Seth Dickfield slips on a banana peel and dies at Auschwitz episode
This show makes me laugh like a fucking idiot. I had to step out of my office during the Autism Powers, Woke Bastard, and Dr. Evil riff
Yeah he looks really good. Im actually jealous he has the face to pull off ironic mustache and pedo glasses complete with croakies.
I think that episode is still one of my favorites. There was a zika baby joke in there that killed me too. I have posted before my all time favorite nick line is when they come back from break and he does the robin williams
>GOOOOOOOOOD MORNING VIETNAM! I killed myself because I had parkinsons
It was just so unexpected and cruel. It still makes me giggle to this day.
Nick is at his best bullying. He tries to hold back recently to not get in trouble but when he goes off its just the best.
I really miss Dickfield episodes desu.
>it's a bullying random low tier comics from baltimore like Mike Diesel and Tom Myers episode
Makes for the most comfiest podcasts
That was fucking hilarious. I live when he goes on the bullying kicks. When he was reading Eth Cockfields facebook post about Cumtown and was calling Seth a holocaust denier was great.
Anytime he does a racially driven charector is the best too.
>African guy
>Chinese Jew
I tried showing this to a friend who was a big O&A fan, but they said they couldn't get past Stav making gay references all the time. Odd critique
Cum Town fans should check out Legion Of Skanks. Nick's been on it a few times and you can see how when he finds something funny he grins autistically instead of laughing.
Well Im going to have to go on a binge and relisten to every episode since the start. It's been too long since I heard Dickfield.
I love stav though I can get his laugh and his interjections. Surprised Adam wasnt the glaring issue. I just think stav is the cutest since Dan Soder had him on TACS when Ant was in Rehab. Great ep, thats how I discovered cumtown.
I used to listen to them religiously since before Compound but stopped after they left. Big jay Sorta got gay and then not being able to listen to past eps on GAS.
Nick on RAP have been great episodes. He riffs with the (not original) puerto rican rattlesnake well.
Now I just listen to cumtown, skeptic tank, and red bar radio for all my podcasts. And old ron and fez clips.
I live all his weird interjections, its pretty much just a quick "hell yeah" or a "he fucks, right?".
Recently went back and relistened to every episode again and they hold up well.
I used to listen to Roundtable of Gentlemen all the time to get through work, and this is leagues beyond that, although i still like Larson and Kissel
Nick Mullen is the funniest comedian alive today
Adam wants to be on Chapo and he got Cum Town instead
>he fucks, right?
Never gets old. Such an odd interjection.
Nick's use of the word autism is masterful
>Stopped inviting Nick and Stav on after a slight disagreement
This guy is a turbocuck
Officer Dewey lookin ass nigga
>not getting the irony
Why are the boys such manlets?
What was the disagreement? I thought the last ep they were on went really well. Or was it the LoS episode? Haven't heard it but I remember they had an argument.
As if we need Joe Devito or Joe Matarese on TACS again.
His story about telling that gurl she was autistic over the Oreos killed me
That and when does a something like "like what my dude? Suck and fuck each other til we cum"
Uhhhh you can have 1(one) oreo
>she says as she walks on the balls of her feet back to her room
>nick proceeds to eat 10 oreos whike muttering fuck you autist
>Nick says that walking on the balls of your feet is an autistic trait
>catch myself doing it the other night while im drunkenly walking downstairs to get water
Fuck yeah bitch
>tfw cumtown has been going on for almost a year now
>tfw can't wait for whats in store for year 2
the northeast was the first to get chemtrails targeting white men
adam is jewish and grew up in nevada
Adam is still manlet
Nick and Stav grew up malnourished in poverty as the only white kids in Baltimore
he's 6 feet tall (probably 5'11)
he isn't tall but he isn't a manlet
Someone isolated a sound clip from a patreon episode they did where they talk about that thing where a bunch black people kidnapped a mentally disabled white guy and talked about how Cumia was wrong then they sucked his dick and told how amazing he was, but the person who did the isolating cut out the part where they talk positively about him and Cumia played that on his show
he's like 5'9
then nick is 5'5 and stav is 5'3
i dont believe you
he's not that much taller than them dude
Could aaron be any gayer looking? That wardell is a little creepy boy too always stealing black twitter memes.
who else high society radio here? i found the girl chris stanley fucked off /r/stims
she's actually kinda cute, how do we get him to give us her nudes?