Audrey Hepburn

What's her best role?

being cute

Roman Holiday. Don't @ me.

My Fair Cunty

Muh waifu

Two for the Road

The one she won the Oscar for, duh.

Better question would be what is her shittiest leading role. Bloodline might be boring as fuck R-rated 70s thriller with no balls but her character isn't actually that terrible, War and Peace is a walking atrocity as an adaptation but again, her role isn't offensive. No, if I would have to name one, it would be her role in Paris when it sizzles because it's incredibly cringe worthy performance to watch with zero romantic chemistry during an era she was still making several other great movies.

Breakfast at Tiffany's

i plotest


Love In The Afternoon just for the pigtails alone




delete this you scoundrel

Her documented scat fetish films.

Julie andrews must be laughing and dancing on her grave for losing the role My Fair Lady

>tfw Audrey Hepburn is probably dead

she died of of a rare tumor called Pseudomyxoma peritonei where copious amounts of thick mucousy fluid accumulates in your belly causing extreme abdominal pain and the characteristic "jelly belly". Sad end to such cuteness

Audrey Hepburn was good but Katherine Hepburn could swing with the fellas

goddamn that dead granny really makes my dick move.

fuck man

user I....