>42 years old
>not married
>no kids
42 years old
Other urls found in this thread:
Too intelligent.
Too busy banging super models.
Because he's rich, famous, and can fuck whomever he wants. Otherwise you'll end up like Brendan Fraser.
Because he's an ugly motherfucker.
Why does it matter? Not enough married celebrities with kids in the world or something?
Maybe he shoots blanks.
he wants to able to enjoy his life, money, and fame
He learns from the mistakes of others.
Try it some time.
Maybe he knows he would be a shitty father. My dad was raised pretty traditionally on a farm in the 60s, but he still ended up awful when it came to raising his own kid.
That hairline is in trouble.
Does he really? Did he have mumps?
>not married
See: Brendan Fraser
Because he's not going to be cucked by societal expectations.
He has a quarter of a billion, fucks models all day long and can do what he wants. Why would he want a wife fucking that up?
I'm sure he'll do a Ronaldo and have a surrogate born child down the line when he feels the need to conserve his genetic legacy but no way he takes a useless wife that comes with the potential for a costly divorce.
Absolute insanity.
>My dad was raised pretty traditionally on a farm in the 60s, but he still ended up awful when it came to raising his own kid.
>his voice sounds really annoying. its too high pitched for someone of his age lol
I wish that was me.
100% closet homo
Pic related, he would be signing away every penny of this to his wife after she divorces him.
>Wanting kids
Kids are for third-worlders.
Because like a true scholar and gentelemn he prefers the cunny
what a creep
you literally have to be crazy/deluded to be married with the status and money he has. I'm not saying all marriages will end badly or in divorce, but the risk for him is just too high.
What did he say to her?
He's sterile....poor guy :(
because he's smart and can bang literally everyone he wants, why waste your time on shit like marriage and kids?!
kek what am I looking at here?
"Call the cops, there's a grown man talking to a little girl. FUCKING PEDO!!!!!!!!!!!1"
What makes you say he's sterile?
Our society is fucked m8. Talking to a child makes you a predator now.
Or he could pick up an Asian bartender girl who would never divorce him because she knew he is the best she can get, like Nicholas Cage did.
Maybe he is smart enough to not be justed.
>bradd pitt
>george clooney
>johny deep
>emmy rossum
its endless list.
gold digging whores are camped out.
You realize Nick cage and his wife have been separated for like 2 years now right?
You take even the poorest, most humble girl and throw her into a millionaires life of luxury and there's a 99% chance it ruins her.
She has access to his many millions of dollars and that's all she cares about. Cage can't divorce her or she'll take his money permanently.
Have none of you heard of a prenuptial agreement?
Loves to fuck around too much.
What business do you have talking to little girls anyway unless they are your daughters?
>thinking a prenup holds up in court in the year of our Lord two thousand and seventeen
>"I was under duress when I signed it! He forced me to!"
And there it goes.
Wow. People like you are the reason for this:
>Talking to a child makes you a predator now.
Fuck you
He is secretly gay and partners with Tobey Maguire. He pays supermodels to party with him because he needs a straight image in order to be a leading Oscar winner type.
Prenups can be thrown out for litterally any reason
Oh you didn't have proper legal council prior to signing? Thrown out.
You say it wasn't a fair agreement? Thrown out.
It wasn't printed on a proper letter head? Thrown out.
He didn't disclose an asset on it? Thrown out.
Men don't have a biological clock so why rush? He can be fucking 20 year olds when he's 80 and so what if they try to Jew him in divorce court? Just drop dead and leave everything to the kids who didn't take the bitch's side.
Well you are on Sup Forums so thats nothing new
someone post the Sup Forums frontpage on that phone
;Like Wentworth, he's obviously in the closet.
You know, for as much as Hollywood likes to dig their fingers into laws, they don't seem to care much about divorce and alimony and all that shit. Almost like there's a group on the receiving end that doesn't allow them to get involved...
Ultimate red pill
Marriage is for retards who want to lose everything teyve worked for
They day a woman gets fucked over in divorce is when Hollywood will start whining.
I was surprised there was no fuss when Kaley Cuoco got cucked by her toy boy low earning ex. I guess there's really not that many women who earn more than their partners in Hollywood since women generally only date up so maybe they'll just sit on it even then.
He's probably red pilled as fuck about women and would dwarf eggman with his theories.
No way a man who cucked 100s of guys is dumb enough to get married.
>Have none of you heard of a prenuptial agreement?
Have you never heard of prenups being thrown out on a whim?
Read this and educate yourself: realworlddivorce DOT com
DiCaprio would have to be lava bathing INSANE to get married.
>No way a man who cucked 100s of guys is dumb enough to get married.
This is a fair point. Imagine the amount of women married, engaged or just in a relationship that he has fucked just because they had a chance to fuck Leo?
How could you ever trust women to be faithful to you?
whoops wrong thread sorry guys
Every thread is right when it comes to Conquiring!
Stop being a buzzkill.