I wanna die
I wanna die
Then die already you waste of DNA
Be the change you wish to see in the world
i wanna fly
Stop being a faggot and do something useful for your life. And if you're going to be useless for yourself then at least be of use to others.
I bet you're an annoying bitch that ruins everything and blames others rather than admitting you've been fucking up hard. Own it up, it's your damn life.
Stop sabotaging yourself and crying about it like an attention-seeking hoe, nigger.
Get the fuck off this board with this shit. We are here to talk about television and film.
Boo-Fuckedy-Hoo, cunt.
>Dying before Avatar 2 gets released.
You will.
>We are here to talk about television and film.
I'm sorry to hear that.
but what is the different between television and film?
there are films in television too
Holy fuck, this cuts deep.
He looks like lego Batman.
Who is James Cameron, Alex?
>We are here to talk about television and film.
Good joke
Shit. I'm 24 and I'm like this dude. I have social anxiety. I don't wanna end up like him. Please help me Sup Forums. I'm scared of people.
What's the point of this picture
Sup Forums hasn't talked about that stuff since 2010
See this right here is what fags like OP need to realize.
You are in charge and if you don't act and quit yapping about "muh fears" you'll stagnate and rot.
>b-but other people should do it for me!
>why don't others help me
Hold yourself to a higher standard and maybe others will give a shit rather than avoid you as the scorge that you currently are.
i wanna fly fly away from this awful place i want to discover a planet and live there alone and forget that this blue shit hole ever existed humans are ruthless savages
stop watching movies
and start watching kino...
>tfw 49 days left to study for 4 finals
gtfo back to Sup Forums or /r9k plox
Fuck off leaf, how many (you)'s have you stolen today I bet you have 30 threads up
>STOP (stop) watching movies
>and START (start) making movies
go back to redd it bitch
I'm with you there user, but all we ever need to remember is that we're going to make it, and that's all needed to get us there is some spunk on our part.
Good luck.
They have more reason to be afraid of you than you have of them. Go for it, cunt.
Improve your image of yourself maybe.
But then you would miss out on all the great Sup Forums threads. Oh wait...
Don't do it though op, we would miss you.
too many trannies on /r9k/ these days
Shut up cunt. Your poorly typed out aimless rant is of no help to anyone.
you should kill yourself reddit
OP, you must entertain the notion that if you can even bring yourself to express the desire to end you life, perhaps you don't truly want to do it. You're still thirsty for a reason to cling onto life. It's people who can feel such a grief as you who deserve to live. Please... don't break our hearts.
It helps because what you need are mean words, you sheltered pussy.
If daddy had hit you more maybe you wouldn't be such a cowardly fuck-up that hides from life.
You can't hide, nigger, grow a thicker skin and stop being bruised by the goddamn wind blowing.
>what you need are mean words, you sheltered pussy
It really isn't. Be an asshole all you want, but it serves nothing but your own pleasure. Now go and do what the last 3 digits of your post suggests and neck yourself
Not him, but I have actual scars from my dad and I'm also a wreck.
>Hahaha being an asshole is for fun!
No, it's because you faggots will circlejerk about needing "help" ans ignore the only source of true help you need.
Stop. Being. A. Pussy.
And stop white knighting for anons, you're a goddamn adult. You're not a kid anymore.
And if these comments bother you enough, then they are having their desired effect: I want to bother you. I want you to actually consider these feelings. And I want you to grow as a human being and learn how to react to them without hiding like a bitch.
If some random guy's words hit you hard then learn to brush them off, or you won't survice a single day in the real world.
This is a learning experience, sheltered featful cunt.
He overdid it. You need just the right amount of suffering with the right amount of care.
Don't do it user, you have so much to live for?
Don't die a virgin.
Easiest, most painless way to kill oneself???
Can I get your stuff when you're gone?
same only reason i dont do it is because others that have bullied me will think they won and i cant let that happen. still fighting but most of the time i think about ending it
Breath Helium
>27yo KHV
>no skills
>no friends
>live still with parents
>never had gf
>all I have is this shitty board
i'm neither user
>Please... don't break our hearts
Speak for yourself. Op means nothing to me.
I know how you feel.
You're shit at this mate, it's masturbation at this point.
fuck off reddit
Sometimes I want to die, too, user.
Find a hobby and a shitty job, friends will come from those with some luck
Once you have friends look back and realize how far you went and then keep moving forward
Step by step
Don't make excuses, bitch
I need to feel, I need to be touched by another human being.
>with some luck
in my experience there's no such thing as luck
I don't want a shitty job, I hate working.
The last time I worked I didn't make any friends there, same useless annoying assholes as always.
I'm tired, burned out man.
There is nothing I want anymore, time to die.
I have a job and I don't have any friends, never had...