Jim Norton Confirmed Cuck

Jimmy exposed himself as a self loathing cuck on le weed man's podcast earlier this week.



>wew lad

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For a non-retarded link:

It was all but confirmed as it was to be honest.

he's been exposing himself as a self loathing cuck for the past 15 years on the radio

So that's the first time you've listened to Jim Norton, then?

What did you expect from a self-deprecating cringe comic like Jim Norton, honestly?

Has he ever projected an air of normalcy, or even classic masculinity in any way, shape, or form? Of course not. We laugh at Jim because he's such a fucking weirdo degenerate. That's the joke, autist.

implying anyone would be shocked or care

How does someone get to this point?
Jesus fucking christ

I always mix up Jim Goad and Jim Norton, I don't know why

Yeah Jimmy...

The Early Years

- As a young boy, he and his friend played a game called "Monster Rain", which involved getting under a porch and giving each other oral sex.

- Once hit his head on the steps after running away from an older boy who made Jimmy suck his dick. (July 30, 2016 on a Facebook Live)

- Used to have imaginary friends named Helen and Jimmy Robinson. Jimmy also fantasized about the rock band KISS pushing him down the stairs and then comforting him afterwards.

- There was a "haunted" creek near Jimmy's childhood apartment that the neighboorhood boys called "Devil's Creek" where an older boy would bullying Jimmy into given him oral treats.

- During adolescence, Jimmy was a wigger before it became fashionable to be so. He often wore a Kangol hat and once had it taken off his head by a Negro gentleman. He snatched it back and lamely told the guy, "If you wanted to see my hat, just ask!"[1]

- Belonged to a gang called The Lords.

- Jimmy and his friends would often perform horrible pranks on unsuspecting bystanders. These include: filling a man's newspaper with cat feces, dropping dog feces into the library's book return, placing feces in mail boxes, urinating on someone's faucets and mirrors, throwing cups of urine on pedestrians, spilling motor oil into open car windows, smearing melted chocolate ice cream on a fur car-seat, egging pedestrians, and throwing a flaming sofa off the bed of a truck, into the road. This prompted Patrice Oneal to declare "Norton was a fucking menace!".

- While on a bus, Jimmy had his boombox and played Quiet Riot's cover of "Cum on Feel the Noize" to a girl hoping she'd like him. He also had dandruff in his hair and a greasy forehead at the time because he didn't wash his hair a lot.

- Tried committing suicide by slitting his wrists, but called the FBI who then saved him.


tldw his gf had a video of her fucking her huge dicked ex-bf, he watched it with her and got off on it

is this pasta?

Wow, way to be 20 years late to the party you giant fucking retard.



It's from the oapedia but it's kind of a summary of things Jim Norton claimed happened during his youth. However some people have said that he made stuff up to sound more fucked up.

Yeah, OP is a dumb fuck

I miss Ant and Jim together.
I miss Ant being a guest on Ron and Fez.
Sam and Opie bug me.
Wake me up when Sirius lets Ant back in their building.


He was at the live show two weeks ago which was pretty cool. Still he needs to be there at the normal studio shows.


>that jpeg name
Fucking love Colin Quinn.


Didn't fugg diss?

ron and fez was radio kino

The whole getting the cat to say cookie thing was amazing. Ron is a god of radio to be able to make this interesting.

I think it was Sue Lightning.

I thought Bailey only fucked her bf

SUCK his PECKAH! while i watch

Really? I just assumed given her profession that I could pay for sex with her whenever I wanted haha.

>HIV Status: Positive
What? Seriously? Did he ever talk about this in an interview?

Tssst fuckin home run chippa. Check these double guns, sockcuckas.

Was thinking the same thing ,
He talked about this shot one O&A back in 2005

Naah I think that's bullshit. A miracle though considering his sexual endeavors during the 80s en 90s.

He stinks an' I don't like 'im.

Larry Kings on the line. Larry, what is your comment?

Anthony is fucking his underage niece

wwe is cuck central as well as the recent leaked sex tape show

can we really blame white american women for going black?
their options are basically
a) fuck a nigger
b) fuck a nigger while your white beta bf watches


joe rogan discovers the importance of comedic timing for the first time in his life

Writing was on the wall.


If you couldn't infer that already you're not very observant.

Do all women want to fuck horses?

>I just don't think Alex Jones is all that reputable


Alex Jones is the only person you can trust in the entire media. Anyone who thinks otherwise is legitimately mentally ill.

hi alex!

He's been talking about this stuff since literally the first day he was on Opie and Anthony. Like 15 years ago. Good job, OP.

Honestly most of this shit is probably made up. I believe Monster Rain is real though.

What even ARE these guys? Is it something you'd have to grow up in the Rust Belt to understand?

More like New York

Same difference.

I liked the first season, but it was all downhill from there. But don't see Jim Norton pulling it off

Everyone already knew that Jim Norton was a degenerate, but we love him anyways.

He and his friend used to suck each other off when they were kids. He also fucks trannys.

hello r/opieandanthony, are you on Sup Forums looking for material to post on reddit?

OP doesn't seem to understand: Jim Norton is the love-able degenerate that makes you feel ok about your own degenerate fetishes. As always OPie is a faggot.

They vaguely resemble each other.

But yeah after "monster rain", i think we all knew he wasn't quite right. Why did he think that was a good joke? It was just horrifying. and he made it the name of his special. Why?! That's not a joke, that's just you being gay and possibly molested.

This just in, Anthony Cumia has harsh feelings about blacks!

Who the fuck finds this degenerate cocksuckers funny?

*shakes almonds*


Whether or not this is true, he and many others in alternative media (The Young Turks are an excellent example as well) do themselves massive disservices by using blatantly hyperbolic clickbait style techniques in their content, especially in their videos' titles.

I'm open-minded enough, but that kind of crap almost always is off-putting to me, and often to the extent that I'll ignore the material altogether.

this is entry-level norton

>Jimmy exposed himself as a self loathing cuck

how is this news to anyone other than 18 year old nu-Sup Forums faggots?

Ant is just following in the footsteps of his hero

If you wanted to fuck my wife, just ask!

Thought the exact same thing when I heard it.
Can't stand this weird wormy fucking creep. Not even funny. Just a fagot degenerate creep.

>[laughs in Ventura]

joe rogan has been talking about how he's """marathoning""" house of cards for weeks now, that show isn't even that fucking long

>this is suppose to be news
He's been "joking" about how his mom used to take big black cocks before for the bbc/cuckolding meme