Evil Roman slaveholders got rekt by an African general

>Evil Roman slaveholders got rekt by an African general

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>In the second century B.C., a supremely gifted young black soldier rises to command the Carthaginian army, raises and leads an army of sixty thousand soldiers and eleven elephants on an historic charge over the Alps, surprises the Roman Army with a series of unforgettable defeats, and fills the hearts of Romans with a sense of terror that outlives the man himself. Hannibal goes on to live four lives: soldier, commander, King, and fugitive.

what the fuck. Carthegineans are black now? why don't they make a film about the Moores instead of rewriting history?

We wuz carthage n shiet


He is doing this shit again? 2 "blacks rise up" movies back to back? christ we get it...and I'm black ffs. Shit is just getting cringe

And didn't vin diesel want to do a Hannibal movie? Damn took too long I guess

>mfw Carthage being portrayed as black by authors is just a subversive way to say "fuck black peepo."

I know, there are real badass stories you could tell about black people throughout history (the moores, zulus, probably some badass black muslims when their empire was huge). Why do they do this? And I know whitewashing is prominent too, gods of egypt is retarded for instance.

If Nate Parker knew anything about Carthage he wouldn't be trying to portray Carthage as black.

Why Nation of Islam retards try to claim Carthage as black is beyond me.

They contributed nothing, were fiscally irresponsible to the point of lunacy ("Let's just keep debasing our silver!"), and burned their own babies en mass for their city god.

Carthaginians looked no different than Romans, does that means Romans are black too?


>still loses the war
>city razed to the ground in the next one

>Slavery in the Roman times wasn't even race-based
>Romans didn't conceive of race in the same way we do
That dude is completely retarded.

Whiteys tricked us again reeeeeeee



So Italian isn't white?

suck my white dick


He reminds me of Tommy Wisaeu


You mean the Moopes, right?

it's not supposed to be historically precise, it's supposed to make you think


Carthage wasn't a Moorish city. The Punic wars happened over 700 years before Muhammed was even born.

Carthaginians were from the Eastern Mediterranean, specifically modern Lebanon.
They were "white".


Very ironically, the closest relatives of the Carthaginians are the... Hebrews.

The Phoenician/Punic languages were very close to Hebrew (all are Canaanite languages within the greater Semitic language family) and even a lot of their cultural practices were similar to them, to the point one could do worse than say the Hebrews were monotheistic Phoenicians.

They should make this into a movie: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanirenas

>5 year war between Kingdom of Kush and Rome
>Kush armies led by a one-eyed black queen
>Kush eventually wins and remains independent

It's actual black history, and can be spun for the feminist angle.

ayy yoo

Nate Parker doesn't want to wear a dress.

LOL, ignoring the fact that Hannibal wasn't black, he fucking ultimately lost and the Romans L I T E R A L L Y burned his entire country to the ground and salted the earth.


We already had a perfect Hannibal.

>phoenicians were black
More like phony nicians

This tbqh

Go to the main page. There is only one posting associated with it and its listed as a piece of trivia saying "Hannibal wasn't black".

Is he aware that Romans won all Punic Wars and that Hannibal story is only interesting when you establish his enemy, based Scipio, who ultimately won and razed Carthage to the ground?

>implying it won't 2 hours of Cannae with blacks killing whiteys

This dude has an inferiority complex.

Scipio Africanus didn't conquer Carthage you utter cretin, he was long dead by then it was Scipio Aemilianus. Fuck you.

>opening shot of the movie
>islamic chants over arabic architecture of Carthage
>or N.W.A. chants over the housing project of Carthage
You know it's going to happen.

>islamic chants

Would not surprise me, but then again, Hollywood is a fucking joke.

>refuses to play gay characters because they're emasculating and wants to play characters who preserve the black
>has six kids with a white woman

He conquered Carthago Nova behind enemy lines which is even more impressive you cuck

>Battle of Thermopylae
>Persian footsoldiers are dressed like Umayyad Caliphate troops
>Spartans don't wear armor

>Battle of Stirling Bridge in Braveheart

>gladiatorial fight
>people massacring each other
>they go to fight Roman legions
>everyone wears lorica segmentata

You said Carthage you stupid fuck and he didn't burn Carthago Nova to the ground so you are wrong on all accounts. Cretinous pleb.

No shit.

99% of the time this is the case with black dudes with money. so fucking hilarious

>It took a black genius to defeat another black genius



The jews were already a very well established ethnic group at that stage. I've heard that levantine people (original syrians, lebanese, not arabs) might be the closest to Punics


>young black soldier rises to command the Carthaginian army

he was literally the son of a general and part of one of the most prominent families in carthage

but watch this crap make it seem like he was some knobody

More like the Canaan peoples were widely influenced by the more prosperous and cultured peoples of Phoenicia, whom hey shared linguistic ticks and cultural and religious motifs with. The Israelites of today are as distant from their Pre-Persian conquest ancestors as are the English from the Brythons that Caesar smashed in 55 BC. Pheonicians stopped existing long ago.

Why are black people so obssesed with portraing themselves as losers?
I mean im not trying to defend Tunisia heritage, lol who cares, im not trying to point out either that Rome won all the three war while the real africans were still playing with their shit and im not trying to tell you Masinissa was probably the only real hero of Africa since he was part arab, im just curious. What will come out of this? More ignorant blm supporters?

Hamilcar Barca is one of the most important figures of 3rd century BC history even without his son, having fought the Romans to stalemates and won the Mercenary Wars, and was coming from a prominent family himself.

Average modern English people are about 70% related genetically to native stone age Britons, and It changes depending on where you are in England

People in Wales and the Western England are directly descended from the people that have existed there for millennia

People on the East Coast of England and Scotland are heavily mixed with continental Germanics

With that said the difference between a native briton and a continental germanic is minuscule anyway.

Do americans unironically believe Hannibal to be black or is this just a nigger being a nigger?

Alot of blacks do. This is essentially them and Nate Parker larping

Not denying it, but got a sauce?

Nigga, Hamilcar conquered Spain, and his son in law Hasdrubal founded Carthago Nova which became the 2nd largest city of the Empire and still exists today. He was a fucking boss

>The only piece of trivia listed

>Hannibal wasn't black. He was of Phoenician aristocratic descent. The phoenicians were Semitic people who originally hailed from phonecia, located in the modern day levant. They settled lands stretching all the way from Israel across the Mediterranean and even down the coast of Africa, although that is debated.


How long will it stay there?

However long it takes Nate Parker to learn how to read.

But why not talk about actual black empires?
Why not make a story about the kingdom of Mali?

No Africanization where Hannibal was from, he would have looked middle eastern, but you know We Wuz kangs

>blacks studying books

Blacks can't read

many american negroids have had exposure to afrocentristic-revisionistic history, and believe in things like "black egpytians." i don't know if the same is true for carthage and hannibal, but it wouldn't shock me

Hannibal would have looked like a levantine man, since he basically was one. Levant =/= middle east.

Or fucking Ethiopia, the first(or 2nd after Armenia?) Christian nation on Earth. A country that has survived with a short Benito break for 2,000 years. Africa has interesting and largely unknown history which is fertile ground for a good screenwriters, especially because it's mostly fragmentary and you can fill in the gaps. But why would Hollywood know about that shit right?

Daily Reminder that Nate Parker is part jewish part loo part gorilla.

But do they teach this nonsense in school or is it just stuff they read on the internet?
Or a movie about the great bantu migration.

All rapist.

it's more likely 'memes' spread through daily life and conversation, absorbed over years

It's basically nigger/pol/

I'd honestly watch a series about the Zulus starsting with Shaka and ending with Rorke's Drift.

Are black people even capable of making a movie that doesn't revolve around them being oppressed?



I cant wait for a Nate Parker kino where blacks conquer Africa 9000 B.C with alien pyramid spaceships while cutting the moon in half but lise to the evil white man who enslaves them and force them to have a job.

WE: Origins

>no Masinissa movie

Hollywood is so fucking retarded. He was a literal we wuz, and tied to Roman history so you could shoehorn in more iconic historical characters for the plebs.
But of course that would actually require some creativity, something Hollyjew doesnt have an ounce of anymore.

>movies about Zulus running 40km then stabbing motherfuckers with spears once they get to their destination
I'd watch that


What are some interesting stories from african history?

Serious question, i'm not even baiting. We never hear anything about african history or culture outside of colonialism, but they had kingdoms and folklore is there anything that would be suited for a movie?

You joke about this, but back in High School there was a girl who legitimately believed Roman slaves were black.

No, I'm not American.

Massinissa was a real dirtbag, that's why.

He betrayed Hannibal and joins Roman side after battle of Metaurus

Because those movies must have blacks killing evil whitey man. If its based on african history theres no whiteys to kill.

That's bullshit, it's actually the irish (which are a semitic tribe by the way)

>Why Nation of Islam retards try to claim Carthage as black is beyond me.
NoI claim shakespeare is black. They're completely off the deep end

they were semitic


wtf... there is an industry now blackwashing history?

fucking blacks would be nowhere if there weren't colonizer slaveholders move them to america


Another case of "we wuz... ". Fucking niggers.

The moors werent black either dipshit, they were arabs and berbers

>black people throughout history (the moores

Stop this stupid "we wuz", moors weren't black.

Oh, nig... I mean, blacks are making another movie. WOW. I'm so excited. Good job, blacks!

>the moores

Moors weren't black you stupid nig. They were Berber and Arab mostly.

>black empires

>Cleopatra was black
>Hannibal was black now too
Really? Does Hollywood intentionally try to alter history or are they just that ignorant of actual history?

What's next, they make Scipio Africanus black because he has "africa" in his agnomem?

Coming up next, Axum: Story of an Empire, starring Shia Labeouf and DJ Qualls

Americans don't know much about European history that dates pre WW1.

Wasn't there a quote from Mel Gibson when someone in production asked him about the bridge Mel had said something like "That would get in the way of the scene".?

I mean, I heard it somewhere online but I could see Mel saying that.



They were Carthagians, so looked Arab more than anything

>rises to command

He was a son of a general, so it's not like he raised himself from nothing.

Jesus, it's not like there aren't black African rulers to make movies about, why do they have to pretend to be Carthagians now.