Where were YOU when Malick was redeemed?
Where were YOU when Malick was redeemed?
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more like rememed, amiright?
Wtf I used to hate this movie but now I love it
I was at my local IMAX theater watching Voyage of Time, because that was his return to form.
Not this piece of trash, and certainly not Knight of Cups
Where will it fit?
>it's a terrible youtube personality spams his videos on Sup Forums episode
Switch Tree of Life and Days of Heaven
switch TTW and ToL
trust me
You have a voice for silent films.
I'm posting your IP address next time I see you shill on here
samefagging, eh malick?
Go away shill.
can you doxx him again so I can save it for future use? Sick of this guys redundant commentary
you're kidding right?
stop shilling dong to dong, malick
Lol, no.
what kind of fucking pleb doesn't like Blow Out? christ is this Armond I'm arguing with
I'll do it for you.
Alex Simmons, or Andrew if you are the retard who tried and failed to dox me even when I give out my name from the Silence threads. I live in South Florida
Ya dun goof'd, son
This, ToL is pleb-tier
Still way ahead of the reception TTW and KOC got, and about on par with TOL
I've been doxed by people clearly in the same thread who've saved my pictures and would be more than happy to tell you the area I live in.
that was months ago. You've got nothing.
explain why videodrome is bad.
hint : you can't
>stop shilling dong to dong, malick
another classic
how are you getting dubs each time? now I'm getting scared
>It's a one man conspiracy against my shitty youtube channel with 50 subscribers!
I think you made a mistake senpai.
I gave it a 7, which is what it deserves
not much of a conspiracy. It's just you complaining, in this thread anyway
>Sup Forums actually thinks KoC and TTW are great films
You contrarian fags are seriously sad.
it's literally just Malick. I'm serious.
He ain't alone, friendo.
>You've got nothing.
We shall see, Alex, we shall see
you sure I wasn't lying and it was just andrew?
I love Malick but, he is regressing, visually his all of his films are beautiful but, his last two films have been crap (haven't seen Song to Song yet but, it doesn't look promising).
christ use the snipping tool you moron. It isn't showing the user rating. Is this just bait to get me to reply at this point idk
How come critics hated his last two movies but are nicer to this one? Are they finally catching up to Malick?
it's literally the leftovers from Knight of Cups.
Same beats of wistful relationship nonsense with most all of the same actors, with the same scenes even down to the chewing the feet thing with portman and now roon I think.
like yeah it looks nice? you could make a nice artbook out of stills or something. he should just make books of stills with the movie's plot as a theme. they'd sell way better than they do being shown at like 2 film festivals
you can have your pleb opinions, but don't embarrass yourself by insulting everyone with good taste calling them "contrarian".
You know with the IMAX version you're only getting a fraction of Malick's real vision, right? The feature edit's drastically different - it has Cate Blanchett addressing Mother Earth interspersed with a bunch of heavily-saturated DV footage a la Goodbye to Language showing the highs and lows of humanity, plus slightly more brutal wildlife footage and occasional moments with CGI that play out like deleted scenes from Tree of Life (and probably are).
No shit. Guess who doesn't live in Europe? ME.
I did not and still have zero means to see the Blanchett version unless some kind of rip is out.
The 45 minute one was more than fine and didn't drag at all. I wouldn't have minded it going on longer ,but given malick's sense of pacing has exponentially gotten worse since Thin Red Line, I'd bet it isn't as good as the 45 minute one.
You probably use the term kino.
Redpill me on Malick, I've never seen any of his movies.
About to start Badlands right now.
that's the best one so you already got it figured out.
Watch Days of Heaven, Thin Red Line, and Voyage of Time if and when it comes out.
The rest are skippable, unless you just wanna see pretty pictures in which case just watch everything
KoC isn't skippable, that's one of his best movies
Pleb here.
I hear his movies have religious themes, is this true?
Is Tree of Life good?
>I hear his movies have religious themes, is this true?
Yes religious themes feature heavily in many of his (especially later) works.
>Voyage of Time
Is this ever coming to Blu-ray?
I think it's better than TTW, but it's not a patch on the main 4 I mentioned.
religious themes and Malick are nearly synonymous and you know it
probably not. Maybe within the next 5 years it might leak on something
Alright time for some Tree of Life
1. "To the Wonder".
2. "Knight of Cups".
3. "The New World".
4. "The Thin Red Line".
5. "The Tree of Life".
6. "Days of Heaven".
7. "Badlands".
>tfw Missed the opportunity to see Voyage of Time in IMAX
fuck off tripfag contrarian