I'm not ready

I'm not ready.

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Haven't been this hyped for a season of television in a long ass time.


The final season of television... wow.
Probably overdue desu, but I'm not complaining.

>tfw you'll never have Kevin bend you over and have him deliver divine intervention into you

>Bra but no underwear
What did she mean by this?

My grandmother just died so I'm pretty sure this season will fuck me up.

Guy is in his 40s. How is he still ripped?

CGI and exercise.

if they fuck this up i'll never forgive them

Stop eating fries.

THIS, I am 22, work out 4 times a week, run 3 times a week and don't eat fast food what the fuck am I doing wrong?

Your lifting regiment probably sucks ass

You're probably a low intensity faggot

Or you don't eat enough. Packing on muscle requires a shitload of calories and protein

He really doesn't suit the beard.

To be cut doesnt require that you lift a lot. Any lanklet can have abs

Seriously. I'm at a 500 calorie deficit based on my TDEE and am still gaining weight. Sometimes it just comes down to genetics

I think its a weird flesh colored gown

small exercises everyday, and vegetables

Do you look like a twink?
You need to eat more probably.

I stopped exercising years ago but when I did I was eating like twice the normal amount.


lift more, fast more often, get shredded.

>Or you don't eat enough

this is never, ever the correct answer.

>Any lanklet can have abs

we all have abs, but being skinny and lean and showing separation between them, and having legit abs and obliques from training for years are two different things.

This faggot is on steroids

empty pretentious hipster crap for redditors. lost was better.



Like clockwork

Do you want to feel this way ?


if you needed any more proof that this place is reddit, look no further than this thread

Where did The Leftovers WebM guy go?

Trailer looks ass. Dude Kevin's Jesus lmoa. Should've ended after season one.

Reddit doesn't like The Leftovers .


then let me take it from you

oh so its pure contrarianism

*Piano intensifies*