Why did his career stall?
Was it the gay thing?
Why did his career stall?
Was it the gay thing?
Because he has no charisma.
Didn't pick good roles.
breaking into hollywood isnt like breaking into a jamba juice
He should stick to writing. Stoker is awesome
I think he's very charismatic.
how the fuck did park chan wooke and him end up working togther anyway
he wrote the script under a pseudonym and shopped it around
friendly reminder that they actually made a new season which will premiere next month
then you fucking hire him.
How about I cave your face in instead?
he got fat and then he got depressed and then he got depressed when he got made of for being fat and then he got fit and wrote stoker and now he's doing prison break again
his career stalled because of the gay thing but it got killed when he got depressed and fat about it afterwards
he was able to bounce back, good on him
I'm really excited about this, seasons 1 - 3 were great and it looks like they're going back to the formula. 4 and the TV movie were a misstep.
didn't he get ultrathicc?
yea, Jew producers only want to butt sex straight boys
pretty sure he quit acting and now streams league of legends full time
those are the most tryhard tattoos I have had the misprivilege of seeing
isnt he on the Flash? Hes Mr Freeze or something
It's hard to sell leading man as a faggot in straight stories, which is why most famous leading men who were gay, hid it. And I'm sure quite a few still do for their careers.
He was a pretty boy, his acting in prison break was basically whispering and blue steel.
Women don't like when their dreamboats are fags either.
tfw no captain cold on lot
He wrote Stoker? That movie was so fucking good, and flew completely under the radar.
*American women
If anyone hasnt seen it 1 and 2 are good then it goes JUST
I think he's handsome as fuck
The script was less than mediocre. If it ended up with the wrong director and DP it could have ended up as a Lifetime movie of the week.
He only appeared in like 4 episodes over 2 seasons then left for LoT and got killed off, though he's coming back for the last few episodes.
There a map to the prison and also his plans for escaping
He didnt get that fat. He could lost this.
I only watched s1 and s2
can you fill me in on the later seasons so that I can watch their new work?
Is that what skinnyfat looks like?
Season 3 could have been good but then the writer's strike happened and it turned out to be a complete mess that was cut short to 13 episodes.
Season 4 has an absolutely retarded premise, it's basically a shitty convuluted Mission Impossible with convicts and was doomed from the start.
>People have heard of it so it sucks
Yes a lifetime movie about a girl with inherited serial killer tendencies who gets them woken up by a too close relationship with her uncle. Makes total fucking sense you fucking tryhard.
He also wrote The Disappointments Room which was Mental Illness Kino.
I'd recommend watching season 3 at least because it's really good, and 4 is worth watching once, it's really awful but still entertaining enough, especially if you're a T-Bag fan. A brief summary though:
So, season 2 ended with Michael being thrown into Sona which is a prison in Panama where the guards withdrew after a bad riot a few years ago and the prison is basically run by some negro gangster with connections on the outside.
T-Bag was caught and thrown in for murder, and Bellick was also in for one of the murders T-Bag framed him for. Mahone is also in there for possession of the drugs they planted on him. There's also this weird guy in the wall in the basement called Whistler who murdered someone important and anyone who kills him will get a pardon.
Basically it turns out The Company (the one responsible for all the political stuff earlier) engineered Michael being sent to Sona so he can break out Whistler, who is a Company agent. Whistler betrays Michael during the escape and fucks it up so, but The Company has Sara and LJ so he has to try again. So Michael, T-Bag, Bellick, Mahone, Whistler, The Negro and some kid dig a tunnel out of there and break out during the night (it was a trick; Bellick, T-Bag and The Negro get caught, the rest escape).
Then season 4 is a fucking mess and can't be described. Everyone who was in jail escaped off-screen and make their way to America before being caught. They have to steal a plot device from The Company in exchange for pardons for breaking out of prison in season 1 or something, but it turns out the guy offering the deal betrayed them all, and they have to steal it back off him again. Then the show ended showing Michael's grave because he had a blood clot and died whoopsie.
Then there was a shitty TV movie set before the grave scene in which Sara went to women's jail and they broke her out but Michael got caught and it wasn't clear whether he was killed or captured at the end.
Yeah nobody likes fags
the hair is what doesn't suit him, not the weight
I enjoyed it up to season 3 but I couldn't finish s4. Season 4 sucks ass.
Is S1 of Prisonbreak one of the best TV seasons of all time?
>that scene when abruzzi cuts of t-bags hand
you like him, that isn't charisma.
Morgan Freeman
James Franco
Jack Nicholson
Britney Spears
Seth Rogen
Jessica Chastain
Sean Connery
Woody Allen
Sigourney Weaver
Tom Hanks
will watch every episode no matter what the quality is, same as heroes reborn
>Morgan Freeman
Stopped reading right there. Being black with a peculiar voice =/= charismatic.
What a garbage list.
Real charisma:
Timothy Olyphant
Jeff Goldblum
Craig Ferguson
Jon Hamm
But he died in the movie, what's the new season going to be about?
It's actually ambiguous, it ends with the door closing and then a gunshot. There was a grave but we don't know that it was really Michael in it, it'll probably be that someone (probably The Company or someone else in the government) faked it because he's useful and locked him up somewhere.
I've been purposefully ignoring any information about it since it was announced so that may well be confirmed true or false by now.
he died awhile ago but was just in the last episode of flash
he'll be back in the last 3 episodes of LOT
that wasnt really him but he will be back for season 4 of the flash
based. he was the best part of lot
He should do another "Dinotopia".
He got fat and depressed for a while after coming out as a huge faggot. Probably set him back a bit