/who/ - Doctor Who General

HYPE edition


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Tennant best Doctor

Go to bed David

That's not David; David still thinks his Daft Jamie was the best character in any Doctor Who ever, much better than any of the Doctors or companions.

>he's one inch taller than Capaldi


>Compared to Pertwee, or Tom if you count the hair, they're all manlets.
>implying that not counting the hair is ever an option with Tom



it's okay, capaldi's more than an inch longer

Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down. I'd to take a minute just sit right there. I'll tell you how I became a shitposter on a general called /who/.

Reminder that Power Rangers > Doctor Who

At least doctor who isn't for kids. Hey wait no fair! You Jew nigger!

Kick me out then. Go on. Fill your boots.

Sits Inside Your Head

Reminder Capaldi had a big ass boner after he hugged Clara in Deep Breath.

it's pure black down there, I can't see it

Who can blame him?

>longer than tenninch


Should we post it bros?
Does user deserve to know the truth?

capaldi's known for having one of the biggest todgers in the UK

do it

the look in her eye, you just KNOW they banged

peter capaldi is known to be THE most hung guy in hollywood, possibly one of the biggest in the world. his cock has been described as "like an evian bottle", with gargantual thickness that would rival shane diesel and shorty mac. im estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth.

I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.

at least he's part of the uncut master race

Anyone down for a stream? If so, which episode? Has to be 45 minutes (or a classic who 2-parter I guess)

>measuring when flaccid

really m8?


Dinosaurs on specshp

it looks bigger than mine when i'm hard desu


Horror of Fang Rock


Image of the Fendahl

I didn't think it was that great compared to season 14 or whatever tom's second season was.

I love that the gay fans can't tell you any more about Barrowman's cock other than "solid, pretty nice" even though have of them have experienced it, but the straight fans know Capaldi's measurements down to the quarter inch.

There was that guy that had the threesome in the convention hotel on /hm/


>I-I used to be in television ya know, the moving pictu-
>yeah yeah grandpa we heard you the first time. what's that smell, christ he soiled himself again



Legends of Tomorrow may get only 2 million viewers, but that's on CW, meaning at least 60% of them are college-age gay men, because who else watches CW?

Fivey is my favourite classic Doctor. Who's angry?

Oh yeah, I remember when that was still up on /hm/ and people used to always post the link to it at the start of every thread

Just tell Sylvester that he's your favorite Istari, and offer Colin some pies, and none of them will be angry.

>those thighs
>those dimples

Its not fair!


If Peter Capaldi or whoever the current doctor was was murdered irl tomorrow, what would happen?

Would the show be put on hiatus?


I'm not angry with you, just disappointed

Not another one!

There'd be another regeneration like 6 to 7.


>tfw this is Peter and he's so depressed over being fired from his favorite show that he wants to stick it to the BBC by committing suicide before filming a regeneration but doesn't wanna ruin it for the fans

If he died having mostly filmed his scenes for S10, and with them already planning to hire a new Doctor to take over in the Christmas special, it wouldn't make much difference. A few scenes they wanted to inserts for, they can probably work around. The Christmas episode would have to be rewritten to not be a regeneration story, and they'd add in some respectful reference to 12. But otherwise, everything would go on as planned.

If he died right after the first production block or something, obviously they'd cancel the season. Probably an out-of-universe tribute to Capaldi/don't forget Doctor Who show in place of episode 1, then nothing until Christmas.

Some Doctor-lite filler scenes to flesh out the current episode and then ending with a scene like this

Frankly, if he died, it'd stir up a lot of talk and people would probably tune in for Chibnall's era and Doctor Who would be really popular again


for like one episode

This just in. A suicide note was found at Peter Capaldi's house saying "I can't believe I'm not the Doctor anymore. Why live?" However, Capaldi didn't commit suicide. While he did walk into BBC Controller Charlotte Moore's office with a dirty bomb stuffed down his pants, he apparently changed his mind, stripped naked, and beat Ms. Moore to death with a guitar before walking out whistling.

And I've just been told that we're going to end the news early, because interim Controller Kim Shillinghaw is afraid to air anything other than classic Doctor Who episodes while Capaldi is still at large. Stay tuned for the Loose Cannon reconstruction of The Tenth Planet, coming up next on BBC One. And Two. And all the radio stations.

Yeah, but then Columbo or Randall & Hopkirk (deceased) or whoever would figure out that Chibnall was behind it and he'd be arrested, just like when that happens once/season on every detective show, so it's probably not worth it.

/who/ what's the best Moffat episode since 2005, but you can't pick Blink or Heaven Sent


>tfw when 12 will never Jam with Chuck Berry
RIP in peace.

The Empty Child

>tfw when

The Pandorica Opens

Seriously? He just announced a new album on his 90th birthday; I was pretty sure he was going to live forever.

Time Crash & Night of the Doctor

Night of the Doctor

Meanwhile in the TARDIS 1


emptychild/doctor dances.
Yeah, just hit the newswires just a few moments ago. Was just at his restaurant a month or so ago didn't see him, but I was sure to wave at the hidden cameras in the bathroom.

Night and the Doctor, collectively. The Doctor having adventures with other companions while Amy and Rory are asleep, the Doctor telling Amy "Fuck canon, what are you autistic or something?", three Rivers at one to piss of the River-haters...

Yeah, I just saw it.
>Rock and roll legend Chuck Berry dies

And I didn't honestly doubt you; nobody would use Chuck Berry as a made-up death on /who/. Just a little startled that he wasn't actually immortal. I wonder how much of the album he finished?


I used to fall asleep to this when I was younger. I actually didn't realize that he was even still alive — I guess I just never asked.

What a shame. At least his art survives him.

Funny. If he was indeed fired would it have been Charlotte "National Moments" Moore who did the deed?

>Loose Cannon

>I actually didn't realize that he was even still alive
I thought he was already dead too, until that news story about 6 months ago about him working on his first new album in decades as an early 70th anniversary present to his wife.

No worries senpai. I didn't think you thought me a liar. It's news one wouldnt expect. Saw him a couple of years ago. The adage black don't crack seems to be true, he looked great despite being positively ancient and still played the guitar like he was ringing a bell.

If he was fired, and it wasn't by Chibnall, there's only two people who could conceivably do it after the 2016 reorg, her or Mark Linsey. And it seems more likely that BBC Television would be unhappy with the bad UK viewing figures than that BBC Studios would be unhappy with the record-breaking international sales deals.

>Death in Heaven
>I love you… Danny, I'll never say those words again. Not to anybody else, ever. Those words, from me, are yours now.

>Hell Bent
>Clara tells the Doctor something we will never know

I think it's crystal clear now. Bravo Moffat.

meant for

The Pilot.

She told him Big Finish wasn't canon

>I love you… Danny, I'll never say those words again. Not to anybody else, ever. Those words, from me, are yours now.

Yikes. That line is bad. Death In Heaven was a mess.

>>I love you… Danny, I'll never say those words again. Not to anybody else, ever. Those words, from me, are yours now.
That would be pretty fucked up if he survived and they had kids.

>Mummy, I love you.
>I know, thank you dear.
>Why don't you love me?
>You know I will never say those words to anyone except your Daddy. Now go to bed.

Hell Bent>>>>>>Death In Heaven

And don't forget.

>Last Christmas
>There was one other man. But that would never have worked out. He was impossible.


Who is the worst companion of NuWho and why is it Amy?

>impossible girl meets an impossible man

BRAVO Moffat

Martha. "Hot, but not Rose" is not a character.

To the female user.

You're not fooling anyone.

amy was so bad in series 6
she's written completely different in every episode

The pilot leak when? come on /WHO/

The only one who wasn't BLACKED is the worst in your opinion

Okay man

mate everything is bad in series 6
At least the others were loyal to their boyfriends. Amy tries to cheat on her husband with a space nigger.

Ive actually theorized that this was because of the stuff going on off screen between her and rory. I think they started having problems in series 6 off screen that led to their break up at the start of series 7.

Karen Gillan can't act.

Why does every nuwho companion apart from Amy have a black boyfriend at some point?

BBC... hmm

Why do you think he sent back the little Afghan boy instead of himself?

He'd already made peace by digging all those wells, but he didn't want to be the guy whose kids cut themselves (and, worse, attend the same school he teaches at).

>BBC... hmm

Cause they like big black cocks?

Wilf's black boyfriend doesn't count, they were at war with the Nazis and thought they were going to die any moment.

She was fine in S5, where the character as just Karen Gillan in Space.

It was only when they decided that she should grow up and be an adult in S6 that Karen had no idea how to play that.