Is Pirates 4 the worst movie ever?

I have just now really watched Pirates of the Caribbean 4 : On Stranger Tides. The quality is terrible, not worthy of the franchise in my opinion. Does the upcoming film, Dead Men Tell No Tales, have a chance to regain former glory?


Those two director fucks have a really muddy track record, so who knows. I don't know how they dragged Bardem in but hopefully, the Salazar will be top tier antagonist and not that jarring mess that Blackbeard was.

>the first movie
Great, exciting, fresh and new, and entertaining. This is the best standalone POTC film.
>the 2nd movie
Still great because the first movie Jack Sparrow was so intriguing and fun and so you couldn't wait to see what he'd been up to since getting the Black Pearl back at the end of the first one. Davey Jones was a great villain.
>the 3rd one
is really part 2 of the 2nd movie, but if you are a fan of the first 2, you have to watch it after the 2nd. However, by this point, Elizabeth and Will are becoming more obnoxious than they were in the 2nd movie. Elizabeth is suddenly this experienced tough girl who can hang with seasoned Pirates. The whole Singapore Pirates and the Pieces of Eight, and Calypso being a Sea Goddess and the big speech from Elizabeth, the overblown maelstrom scene, suddenly the Pearl and the Dutchman just destroying that one ship and an entire armata leaving and surrendering.

The THIRD one kind of made the first three movies end on a sour note. Basically, a bunch of people sing a song in the beginning so now all the "pirate lords" have to meet in some rock city and decide whether or not to release the sea goddess they themselves imprisoned? Flipping a ship upside down in the water to get back to the normal world from the world of the dead. I could go on and on, but the 3rd movie is so convoluted and tried way too hard to top the previous two. It's pretty bad.


>the 4th one, On Stranger Tides
This is like the franchise reboot movie. However, it's also pretty bad but in different ways than the 3rd one. First of all, Blackbeard is an incredibly boring character and I was disappointed that he was just some old dude scared because his ZOMBIFIED slave said a man with a wooden leg is going to kill you so you'd better go to the fountain of youth. Secondly, I fucking HATED Angelica. Also, mermaids and that Christian guy? And the Spanish people?

It's better than the 3rd on because it really is more about Jack.

I don't remember anything about the fourth movie. Curious to watch it again to see how bad it really was

I agree that the third one had some stupid parts. The armada giving up after one ship is destroyed being the worst offense. But, the fourth movie is ridiculous. The entire first sequence when jack is in london makes absolutely zero sense at all. It's painful to watch. I honestly think Jack Sparrow was better as a mysterious side character. Too much of him and the movie just gets silly.

yeah it pretty boring but total stupid like the third one

>Dead Men Tell No Tales

An extremely awful title, not even considering how close it is to Dead Man's Chest

Yeah the London part was pretty stupid. But for me, the whole plot seemed forced and Angelica was a bad character. I honestly like Jack but he just seemed a little too...moral? the 4th one. I like him better when he's kind of a chaotic evil, selfish, rum-soaked manipulator, but I get what you're saying.

I hope they return to those roots more in the next one, but any new sequel, especially the one that's about to come out, should be better than the 3rd and 4th ones.

One thing I remembered about the 4th one was how weak the action was.
The other movies all had well choreographed and memorable action set pieces. But the fourth one had next to nothing.

I just remember that there was this ship that was hanging precariously from a cliff and I was thinking that that would probably make for a great set piece, but it's just some place where Barbossa and Jack talk.

It was shit.

Yeah....and the whole "we need a mermaid's tear" and Blackbeard has a magic sword that drives his ship with a crew, half of whom are "zombified". And isn't Blackbeard supposed to be dead already? Why is he going to the Fountain of Youth?

This is one of the few franchises where the quality decreases linearly. 1 > 2 > 3 > 4

Frankly I can't see how 5 could be worse than 4, but maybe they'll find a way.

Nothing about Blackbeard makes any sense or was ever explained. He just has a magic ship for some reason, and he wants to add years to his lifespan because he's a greedy bastard or something. Zero depth. Worst Pirates villain by far.

Couldn't have put it any better.
I think the saddest thing about 3 is that beneath all the pirate nato and sea goddess bullshit there was a solid movie.
Jones and his crew were amazing, it should have focused a lot more on them. I also generally liked the EITC playing a bigger role.

We said the same thing after 3, they will find a way to ruin this franchise even more.
Fuck, I loved the first one. Part 1 might be my favorite movie character, he was just so entertaining.

I don't think the 4th was that bad, it just wasn't particularly good. I don't really think of it when I think of the series.

They lifted concepts from a book called "On stranger Tides" by Tim Powers, which was one of the key inspirations for the Monkey Island games.

In the book Blackbeard uses Voodoo magic to fake his own historical death and uses zombies to find the fountain of youth.
It's a fun read and they butchered it for ideas which they proceeded to fuck up.

Agreed. As far as the film series goes, he isn't really that memorable. He LOOKED like a badass, but his performance or the writing or something was just off compared to Barbosa and Davey Jones....or even the sociopathic Cutler Beckett.

The EITC coming into it makes it feel more...piratey? It was all about the British Navy in the first one, but then you see the business driving forces in the New World, which pirates like Jack would always have to deal with so the EITC was a great addition.
I'm afraid they're going to ruin the franchise more, but I'm hopeful that maybe this one will be better than the last one. the last one wasn't TERRIBLE but I just hope they recapture some of the intrigue that made the first one so good. I just wish they'd drop the whole "we need to insert another romance with brand new, yet generic 19-20 year old actor/actress side plot that nobody cares about yet the writers are forced to make Jack a part of" shtick. We're interested in Jack, Barbosa, Gibbs, etc. Not some thinly veiled new young couple's subplot and the "new young actress is fixated on Johnny Depp but ends up having to go with the young buck pretty boy" thing.

I actually didn't know that and I've been wanting to get the Monkey Island game and go through it because I loved point and click games as a kid. Thanks for the trivia!

>We're interested in Jack, Barbosa, Gibbs, etc. Not some thinly veiled new young couple's subplot
This. I didn't give a fuck about the love story in the earlier movies and I won't give one now. It's always been in the way of the actually good elements. I want to see Jack getting drunk and being a greedy bantermaster, not some pretty kids with 0 character.
Will and Liz had their moments but all in all they were the most uninteresting characters, just because they were so "normal".

Fuck you, On Stranger Tides was a perfectly fine pirate adventure flick. Easily better than At World's End since it didn't try too hard to be epic and complicated.

It wasn't as tryhard as AWE but that doesn't mean it was a good film.
The Jack/Barbossa scenes were great though, I'll give you that.

Pirates 4's problem is that it's way too much tell and not enough show.

Blackbeard's zombies are so minimally made-up that you have to be told in exposition that they're zombies because they're just ugly dudes.

Gibbs destroys Sao Feng's map and memorizes it when the whole point of that prop was to be a cool visual plot device to link future sequels.

And then there's Barbossa's story about why Disney couldn't afford to hire back the old crew for the movie and describes an elaborate battle scene that would have been fantastic to see, but cost too much for this low budget affair.
