Forgive me, because I wasn't interested in discussing this before, but now that I've seen it I was hoping you all could enlighten me: Why has this movie received so much praise? All memes aside, this movie did nothing new. And I mean nothing. It's plot is just Resident Evil 7 mixed with Being John Malkovich, with any myriad number of racially charged films. I saw every plot point coming, not to say anything special about myself, but just that everything was painfully telegraphed to the point you weren't surprised by anything. How can something so by-the-numbers be considered fresh or interesting? One of the things I liked most about the movie was the main actor's performance. I think he did a really good job and I was more interested in him than anything else inthe movie. Alsowhy target black people? Literally unexplained and thrown away with random dialogue. The entire racial element of this movie made 0 sense.
Forgive me, because I wasn't interested in discussing this before...
What's it like to not have a sense of humor?
What? I thought the comic relief was fine. I laughed at the TSA character a lot. I didn't even mention the humor in my post.
I hated how the family wasn't developed.
I mean in RE7 they were clearly very distinct and memorable, but in this movie they were like cardboard cut-out villains. I mean they each had some character in the beginning but by the point Chris realised what was going on they all merged into this generic crazy archetype. I mean, at least the Bakers were fun.
Especially Rose. Her betrayal was genuinely chilling, but it was a shame that they didn't expand more on her.
tl;dr : Great movie, shit villains.
>I told you about those white people bro XD
Only an insecure white person would not be able to laugh at this whole movie
>I didn't even mention the humor in my post.
I know.
>It's plot is just Resident Evil 7 mixed with Being John Malkovich
who's ever played/seen that dude
>Alsowhy target black people? Literally unexplained and thrown away with random dialogue. The entire racial element of this movie made 0 sense.
I want to explain it to you, but my sister won't stop talking at me.
I probably won't see it until it torrents out because I trust Armond.
Did you really think it was "great" though? Why do you think so?
dude there was barely any humor. It was a legit horror suspense film, not a comedy.
>who's ever played/seen that dude
If you ignore the hype it's a decent movie.
Quirky style, good acting, and relevant enough to our times to be relatable.
I ignored all the hype and good acting was the only real praise I had except for "It wasn't bad."
yeah it's called a joke dumbass
>relevant enough to our times to be relatable.
But this movie wasn't relevant or relatable or even thought-provoking. It masquarades itself as a racially charged horror film, when in the movie itself the question "why target black people" was answered with "I don't know."
This movie is crazy racist and people who support it are themselves total racists.
When the lead character says "I get nervous when there's too many white people around" it's one of the most racist things ever said in modern film.
Ironically I feel the same way about black people, and I have the crime statistics to support my concerns
The director is right. White and black people shouldn't mix
Because the only two races that have issue with eachother are blacks and whites, goy-I mean fella!
Are you kidding? What about the whole scene in the police department? The TSA guy's whole story arc? All the lines during the party, like knowing Tiger Woods? The conversation about Jesse Owens beating the grandfather? I was laughing out loud every 2-3 minutes consistently through the whole movie.
I also questioned the director's message. I distinctly got the message that interracial relationships are doomed to fail, throughout the movie. Like when his phone was unplugged and he implied maybe the black maid didn't like them being together and then he said "forget it" like it was beyond her understanding. Like that was his message, white spouses cannot understand their black significant other.
There is definitely a distinct anti race mixing theme throughout the movie. The scene you pointed out is one of the best examples.
Maybe you are more easily entertained? I laughed out loud at the TSA guy when he was doing his thing, but almost every scene you mentioned was that guy and I think you might have mentioned almost every comedic moment, so yeah. I think my point stands. It was comic relief, not a comedic film.
>This movie is crazy racist and people who support it are themselves total racists.
Not only it's nowhere being racists, this movie actually exposes the whites that are actually racists.
>When the lead character says "I get nervous when there's too many white people around" it's one of the most racist things ever said in modern film.
People get nervous around a huge group of people who are not their demographic. Everyone does it. The character is just afraid of how the parents will feel about their daughter dating a black guy.
>Ironically I feel the same way about black people, and I have the crime statistics to support my concerns
>The director is right. White and black people shouldn't mix
Spotted the racist
>I think you might have mentioned almost every comedic moment
I could name A LOT more. You sound uptight.
This is very poor quality bait.
I'm going to deny your (you)
Did not expect redditors to be invading Sup Forums at this time, but thanks for the laugh anyway. The director is clearly anti-race mixing. The movie was pretty clear on that.
Y'all need to listen to some Public Enemy if you want an actual look into race politics and relations
>People get nervous around a huge group of people who are not their demographic. Everyone does it. The character is just afraid of how the parents will feel about their daughter dating a black guy.
Ok but now reverse the race roles and realize why it's racist.
They don't like white people either.
I agree with members of the black community who say the races shouldn't mix. It's a refreshing change to hear them support this logical idea, rather than having to fear it only from rednecks
Get Out is the strongest message so far that proves race mixing doesn't work
>The director is clearly anti-race mixing. The movie was pretty clear on that.
It wasn't saying race-mixing was bad. You're too much of a retard to get the art of this film and understand it's satire. It says how much whites would patronize blacks so much and exploit them for their agenda. It's not literally against race mixing.
>The director is clearly anti-race mixing.
>A mulatto with a white wife.
>"I'm Tee, Ess, Motha-Fuckin' A, we handle shit"
The point was to show how uncomfortable white people make black people feel just for existing. I can identify with the way everyone was treating him like some piece of meat at the dinner party because that's how I'm treated in real life. He used this setting so that you(white people) would get a glimpse into the world of blacks just a little bit. It obviously was lost on you.
The director is in a successful interracial marriage. That wasn't his point with this movie.
Insane leftists will never understand that basic logic
Black people do the same to white people. So once again we're back to the basic truth of this movie. Race mixing is bad
>Ok but now reverse the race roles and realize why it's racist
Whites are the racist ones. There's no role reversal here. Have you seen Guess who's coming to Dinner?
>They don't like white people either
Racist white people = / All white people
Let's be get that clear.
Its just being shilled by the jew hollywood so they can have another "black" director in their pocket who can sell tickets. Simple as that. Always goes back to money.
Again, very poor quality bait from a mentally ill redditor who just wants to argue with strangers on the internet
All races are in struggle with each other. To deny this basic fact is to deny history, science and evolution
Yeah, sorry I don't need a wake-up call. I'm not a racist and I definitely don't need movies telling me I am.
>The point was to show how uncomfortable white people make black people feel just for existing.
Blacks confirmed for basic bitches.
According to Hollywood and the left, if you're a white person you are automatically a racist
>Insane leftists will never understand that basic logic
And you don't understand satire.
>Black people do the same to white people
Black families are way more accepting than white families
ITT: black people
I bet you loved that last scene, when he got his hands around that white girl's neck? Probably made you feel very empowered.
>racism is satire
>black people are better than white people
Again, just awful bait
>Black families are way more accepting than white families.
Do you eat shit on a daily basis?
I felt that was the point of the scene and it made me very uncomfortable. Especially when you consider the massively disproportionately high rate of black on white rapes that occur in America. That scene was clearly going for something very ugly.
>They don't like white people either.
Yeah but they're absolutely more than willing to pick apart their own race instead of being as partisan as many black filmmakers. They attack both sides of the field in their music and certainly the entertainment industry in general. Which broke up the band when one of the members called out the Jewish music moguls who regularly censored and controlled the popularity of hip-hop.
yep, it was. That scene in particular shouted "hate porn".
>All races are in struggle with each other.
If you're an idiot that have nothing to do in life but get angry at other ethnics, whatever
If you have deep seated hatred for blacks, then that movie is for you. If not, just laugh at it.
>Muh white genocide! We're being monorities because of race mixing even though we're 65% of the population and white couples either break up or just have 2 children per house hold ITS THOSE NIGGERS REEEEEE
>Black families are way more accepting than white families
I am a white kid that grew up in low income areas with a lot of minorities. I got picked on a lot for the color of my skin. I know what racism feels like. Black families would treat me differently when I played with their kids. Everyone's the same.
Now that his bait has failed the mental illness is taking over in a desperate scream for attention
>Muh white genocide! We're being monorities because of race mixing even though we're 65% of the population and white couples either break up or just have 2 children per house hold ITS THOSE NIGGERS REEEEEE
Are you autistic? Blacks are basic bitches based on what you said, no reason to get mad.
>forgive me
Stopped reading there
The black dude had to kill her before he killed him. Are you that dumb?
>muh rape
This movie centers whites killing blacks because of their racist stand point. Something that's been happening for hundreds of years
>Black families are way more accepting than white families
>The black dude had to kill her before he killed him. Are you that dumb?
How dumb does it make you then that he left her alive, proving that he did not need to kill her after she had already been shot?
My sister's stopped talking.
Everybody hates black people, but at the same time almost everybody wants to be black.
Asians, Latinos, and white people, as much as they don't care about us and mock us, mimic us because things that black people do, say, and create are cool.
Black bodies are fetishized on a large scale too. Like, the whole BBC meme (trust me, my dick wild tiny).
Black men are perceived to be bigger and stronger than white and Asian men too, just not dick size, there's an article about it.
Black women on average have naturally voluptuous bodies and as a result are seen as being slutty and sinful, even though they could be 12 or 13 years old.
It makes white women insecure which leads to cases like Kylie Jenner, she bought a fake ass, fake lips, darkened her hair, and uses makeup that's too dark.
or Rachel Dolezal. Or pic related.
White people and other races wanting to emulate us and being insecure is so ironic since all of these stereotypes date back to slavery and were created by white people.
Slavers and slavemasters wanted to push the idea that black people were bigger and had exaggerated features not to make us out to be superior, but to paint us being savage and animalistic so they wouldn't feel guilty owning other humans.
Might've over explained a bit.
The point is, Rose didn't need to choose black people for the family and community to be inhabiting the bodies of, but she did because of the fetishization of black bodies and black culture juxtaposed by the complete disregard for black people and black lives, even by other black people (see the police station scene).
Get Out is also about how white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, but can be more dangerous because they pretend to care.
White liberals will claim to be allies, but fuck you over in the long run, silence you on your own issues, and ultimately choose the benefits of being white over their morals.
>My sister's stopped talking.
my fucking sides. You waited this whole time to do that?
>I got picked on a lot for the color of my skin. I know what racism feels like.
You were discriminated against, not exactly racism. You are born into a race that used racism against blacks.
>You shouldn't be upset that we don't like you dating our women because we think you're inferior and want more white children to prevent genocide reeee
>You shouldn't be upset that we don't like you dating our women because we think you're inferior and want more white children to prevent genocide reeee.
>Call blacks basic bitches.
>They start spouting pol memes.
>Basic bitches confirmed.
>Its a 'verbose nigger' episode
Please dont feed the troll
Pretty good write-up. Pretty good. I still don't think it's a great movie, but I do think her picking black people makes a little more sense. You explained it well.
Lel no. They're just as racist as every other ethnic group. And they're like Muslims when it comes to gays. They believe all homosexuals should be killed.
THe point is White people are evil.
That's literally all youre meant to take away.
Fuck trump and fuck white people.
am I to understand that racism is not discrimination based on the color of one's skin? Are you really saying racism is exclusive to white people? Because if you are saying that then I will audibly exhale from my nose and forget your post.
I-I_I am black though
You're the one that brought up "black empowerment" when he put her hands around her neck. She was dying anyways so he just left her to die on her own. She should had anyways because she tried to make herself look like the victim when the cop care arrived
>I-I_I am black though
Oh so youre just trolling then, carry on.
By living in Eastern Europe, I haven't heard of anyone wanting to be black, but apparently it's a big thing in the west.
inb4thepowerplusprejudice meme
Even though criticizing the most powerful man in the world was still considered racist.
it is a movie discouraging miscegenation by a HAPA director
this. anyone who disagrees is likely a beta male cuck
>And they're like Muslims when it comes to gays. They believe all homosexuals should be killed.
Homophobia =/= racism
Why you brought that up is beyond me.
>am I to understand that racism is not discrimination based on the color of one's skin?
I just said you were discriminated against. What's you're problem. But blacks can't be racist against whites because of social and economic power. Discrimination and racism isn't really the same thing
they're not racist as in "fuck these niggers, am I right?" they don't hate blacks, they love them a little too much. they love Blacks so much they want to BE black, to be strong fast and have big black dicks.
Yes there is social undertones, but "hurr durr whites are all racist and evil" is not the fucking point. You're meant to think it's super racist, that the white family isn't comfortable at first and there are hints of this but no
They're all fucking crazy and want to be immortal, and if you can put yourself into any body, why not be a negro?
I don't know what anything you just said meant. I guess I really don't think about racism that often, but anyone can look at what you just said previously and see that it's wrong. White kid picked on by black kids for being white is racism. If you say that's wrong then you are simply incorrect.
I have nothing else to do.
I'm glad I could help. The movie is easy to misunderstand if you're not black, which is why I'm surprised it's done so well critically and commercially.
wanted to add to my post, but didn't have enough characters:
White liberals often will use the guise of being an ally to try and get away with saying and doing things they shouldn't, like having dreadlocks, saying "nigga", etc. And white liberals are just as insecure as some racists are.
White bitches that always want to touch their black friend's hair, will make comments on how big their black friend's ass is or grab their black friend's ass without consent, say how they want to be Beyonce on several occasions. Just look at the character Gina from Brooklyn 99, who's actress is ironically Jordan Peele's wife.
Now you're just blatantly trolling.
Except black people have their own unique expensive health issues like there is sub specialty for dermatology for black patients because some skin disease medication is really bad to be prescribed to black patients.
If you want to be immortal, you pick races that have long lifespans on average like the Okinawans in Japan.
>Even though criticizing the most powerful man in the world was still considered racist
Who? Obama? Ha! Congress hated that man's guts. He literally had to kiss ass to republicans to do what he wanted
shut the fuck up cancerous newfag
are get out threads a meme? or do people actually think this is an SJW movie
As I said earlier please dont feed the troll, he couldn't possibly be more obvious at this point.
OP here, I definitely did not fully get that until just now. I saw it a few hours ago. I get it now though, the movie is criticizing the white knights (literally white) who fight for equality but only superficially, and really do nothing to help and maybe even do actual harm.
I liked the Key and Peele show, is get out worth watching?
It is, which is insane.
People should be proud of their own cultures and people.
We might have Beyonce and Beyonce's cool, but white people have Kate Bush.
Also, I forgot to post my picture.
>If I say he's trolling, that'll disprove his point
You have to go back
No the question becomes what would happen if the races were reversed?
Like what if it was about a group of affluent black people trying to change their race in order to overcome discrimination and oppression?
What if it was about black trying to Get In white society?
what spices must one douse oneself in to smell like warm dookie?
>No the question becomes what would happen if the races were reversed
Could still be done, it would just be more critical of "Uncle Tom" blacks than it would be about whites.
Ironically there is a role reversal remake of that.
Huh? The white people in Get Out aren't racist they want TO BE black.
No, I haven't seen it. What do you mean by "there is no role reversal?"
>The white people in Get Out aren't racist they want TO BE black
You didn't get the point of the movie, did you?
Read here Yes, and it was a nice romantic comedy that had a good ending in it and it wasn't as serious as the original
Ohhhh I get it now. Everyone is racists BUT blacks.
That makes complete sense.
There is none because there's no wave a black people patronizing whites or even want to be white compared to whites that do patronize and want act like a black person. This movie is about white liberals/sjws being just as bad as openly racist whites