Expanse Thread

Expanse Thread

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>tfw keep expecting Me Crush Ass To Dust to actually be Phillippe or Fillippe or however the fuck it's spelled

The belters did nothing wrong.

>science oriented
>black and red edgy uniforms

So Mars is going to be space nazis trying to exterminate the dindu belters?

why even gather them if you are gonna space them

this broke my heart.

S3 confirmed so does this mean

the show can keep that qt Florence to play Clarissa?

>Florence back as Melba
>Thomas back as The Investigator
>the fucking Gate appears
Season 3 could be the best yet

Have you watched the she show?

>Belters dindu nuffin wrong
>oh fuck yes they did

love it

Belters deserve a genocide desu.
A very thorough one.

to make sure they die, duh

I was okay with the belters up until last episode. I actually missed Ceres from S1. Now I want to blow up the belt, is this normal?

Not sure if you are joking or not but the but the belter bureaucracy insisted that nearby ships take refugees because they didn't want to look unreasonable to their negotiating partners. Radical groups of the OPA had been gaining influence during the recent "peace time" by agitating against the very bureaucracy which had secured that peace in favour of vocal individuals. These radical influences (read Dawes) took advantage of the recent tensions across the solar system to incite butthurt passions in shortsighted belters such as the ones crewing that "refugee ship". Hence they dumped the inners once they were out of sight of witnesses. Kinda like when you are cooking something up on the grill and you turn your back for a moment and your dog grabs some meat of the grill and chows down on it. You dog has that guilty look on its face like it knows it has done something wrong but it did it anyway because it is a dumb fucking animal.

Ya. We are mostly seeing a vocal minority being edgy terrorists. Better just to treat the belt stations as work camps to keep an eye on them.

One of the best episodes so far. Dark and with almost no cringey dialogue.

As is every episode with minimal earth indian woman and mars marine woman.

Beltalowda did nottin wrong, sa sa ke?

>dumb fucking animal

Take that back. My dog is very smart.

I'm disconcerted by the beefy belters that keep showing up like the guy leading the bunch trying to launch the nukes. I thought belters were supposed to be gangly ayylmaos due to growing up in low G?

>mars marine woman

Good god that awful casting.

I've been playing Distant Worlds non stop for 2 days because of this show

>About to be spaced

>GoT in space

>Jon Snow in space

I hate this character
I hate this guy's face

>predictably bad scenes i could predict 5+ mins ahead of time
>writing just goes to shit after the only competent actor leaves

the spacing scene was very telegraphed but I can't think of anything else that stands out

>belters were supposed to be gangly ayylmaos due to growing up in low G
I'm guessing the casting and/or CGI demands where too great so the did them up with fun haircuts and eyeliner to differentiate them.

that bartender who was giving Miller shit and the guy being tortured by Crisjen were good lanklets

They couldn't get Karlie Kloss so they said fuck it



What's the best way to throw money at this show to keep it going? Is there merch?

Sure, I get that you're not going to find 6'6" skellingtons for every belter, but surely they could cast skinny actors rather than ones who look like lumberjacks.

Is Fred kill lads?

He can still win. I'm donating 27 dollars, match me!

Implying that the expanse isn't just game of thrones in space. the proto molecule is literally white walkers

The author is literally one of GRRM's assistants.

>contrived hostage scene
>the decoy kid
cant remember much else from this shit last episode, but those are 3 right there

Is this what love feels like?

>"it's just like my book but in space" t. fatman

It's just the strong eyeshadow + lighting effects. Without those she is nothing special.

>women only look good with makeup

tell me something else new

Last 3 ep has been shit.

This episode may be the best yet. I miss Miller, but the first few episodes were incredibly fast-paced. This is the second one to slow back down to first season politics and character interactions, and it did better than the previous episode.

I also really love Drummer, she's great now.

any webm about Drummer shoting the bastards?

That was fucking awesome, as was when Fred grabbed the gun out of the Belter's hand as he was about to fire it. I was so pumped for those moments.


This chart is shit, half of those women were in the show for only 1 episode. At best, you can make a case for Samoa, Prostitute, Drummer, Mudskin Buddy Cop, Mudskin Mary Sue Terrorist Who Can't Act, Cancer Politician, and Appears Only In Flashbacks And Dream Sequences. The rest are nobodies.

so you just want 4 choices?

bottom left is LITERALLY the only hot one.

best waifu?

whoever (You) like :o)

Tie between Julie and Drummer


I'd imagine the sentence for mutiny on a station would be airlock-related anyway - she just saved herself the bother of having to kill them later.

>no 'Whatever' for peace choice (team Roci)

Earth comes first

>martians nigerjews lead

Anyone else bothered by the cut? Before it, she's clinging on to her wound tightly, after it her hand is already on the gun.

that's not how depressurization works.

that cloth on the wound looked more weird to me but it's probably a sticker

I thought that at the time, but I liked that they fucked with the time mechanics for emotional effect.

Unless you're referring to how people in space seem to just shiver and then suffocate rather than violently having their eyeballs torn apart etc etc etc, that's just a staple of the industry now unfortunately.

tell us then how it works, wiseone

>air locking humans instead of recycling their contents
seems a little bit theatrical doesn't it?

The shows alright.

>You dog has that guilty look on its face like it knows it has done something wrong but it did it anyway because it is a dumb fucking animal.
made me laugh

her suit makes her tits look big, but they really aren't

you don't think miller's partner was hot?

what bothers me is that neither guy has a strong reaction or tries to dodge

its like in got for the red wedding, everybody just dies to quickly and peacefully
oop, throat slit, ill just fall unconscious without making noise

as long as it doesn't go full retard like got, that is a good thing. who am I kidding it's probably half way there

I agree, they don't care that there's a gun pointing at them. The second guy knows what's coming and doesn't even flinch.

et tu fili animalus?

It's so BORING without Miller!


mars, lopez died for your sins

and he's the only good mars/earth character

>tfw we will never get a Greg Bryk Mars Patrol prequel series

Yeah it's the Belter way. Serious infractions mean death.

oh wow how shocking
didnt even try to be scientifically accurate
this show looks retarded

only retards would watch this

Jared Harris is such a fantastic actor, he really elevates the show.

You lose consciousness in under a minute. Fortunately.

They're thugs and killers. They knew exactly how things would end up if they failed. What are they going to do, try to dodge being shot in the head while kneeling and shackled? They were dead and they knew it so they died with some dignity.

>They were dead and they knew it so they died with some dignity.
They didn't know it was coming right that second. If they were dying with dignity they'd have closed their eyes, and if they didn't know it was coming they'd have opened them wide, but instead they don't have any reaction at all.

clip is only a minute long dude

yeah pretty sure they just wanted to keep the surprise simple and not bother with realism too much (this show definitely doesnt care about realism)

strongly agree

Don't be ridiculous, they plainly put a lot of work into keeping it fairly real, and you can see that in every episode. However they are not slaves to it, and that's fine. You have to tell a story, too.

there's another shot of her gasping in space that comes after

watch it again, the second guy is showing a lot of eye white

Kinda the point. They fucked it up in the show, but in the books, spacing people is something that's done specifically to people that put the habitat at risk by fucking around or being incompetent with the Environmentals, Engines, Atmo processors etc. You don't get spaced for acting like a nigger, but if you say you cleaned the air filters when you didn't, then you go out the airlock.

Looks fairly accurate to me (other than things like hair clearly still being under the influence of gravity).

>hair clearly still being under the influence of gravity
man that reminds how cool it looked when Julie's hair was floating in s01e01

just watched the first season. Really like the idea behind it but the characters are a little bit too naive and shallow.
Are the books better in this aspect? Is it worth a read?

Holden being a naive fool is his schtick. He grew up in a rich family with all the love an affection he could have ever asked for and got the easy road into a military career which he fucked up because it didn't conform to his ideals.
As it goes on, he DOES realize that he's an idealistic dumbass, but he decides he'd rather stick to his ideals and be an idiot rather than sell out and be just as corrupt as the rest.

This is some real autism. The whole stretch from them opening the airlock to her dying is about a minute. The Soyuz 11 cosmonauts weren't all dead until 110 seconds after decompression. The timescale they show is realistic.

>got the easy road into a military career which he fucked up
Did they mention this in the show?

In the first episode. He tried to punch a superior officer, missed, and broke his hand on a bulkhead.

Yeah, in season 1. I think it was Cant-captain who brought it up? I'm not sure

it was when lopez was interrogating holden I believe

Ah thanks, been a while.

kaka felota earther

He's got some serious range though. Go watch Sky High.


I'm going to beltalowda her, if you know what I mean ;^)

Remove belters from the premises


