I legit have no words to describe this

i legit have no words to describe this

Damn that's cool as fuck.

what are those

Was one of the few 15 second time spans in that film that wasn't horrible

Everything else was fucking stupid

The elves want one jewel that belongs to them back, they would have helped the fucking Dwarves get their gold just for that one Jewel so fucking give it ot them. It has no power or value to the Dwarves.

It you want to create conflict fine, but add a fucking reason why the jewel wasn't handed over.

What the fuck was that

The Arkenstone? Or did the Dwarves Jewry know no bounds?

how about "expensive cartoon"

It's very impressive but I wouldn't say it leaves me speechless. Still, it's nice to see a positive thread for a change.

What Playstation 2 game is this from?


wait. have i seen this movie? is this shopped? is this peter jacksons special edition?

Kino is the word that comes to mind

3rd Hobbit film, every scene is bright and makes use of poor cgi

This was a great movie

i think i might not have actually watched this one. is this the one where there was lots of bryan cranston in the trailer but then smaug was dead by like the 15minute mark?

Just watch the highlights on youtube, save yourself what feels like 4 hours of incoherent cgi fighting

its from the extended edition.

This is what happens when the director completely gives up on making a good film and turns 3/4 of it over to some CGI geek shop with an infinite budget

>The Arkenstone
>Just some jewel

These are Dwarves. There's no way in hell they just hand over the most valuable Jewel on the planet. It's worth more than all the gold in that mountain

it loops well

The only people who would buy it are the Elves, and they offered to help the Dwarves kill Smaug and take the mountain if they just handed it over

No it isnt. The value is relative

Jesus Christ.
I never saw the movie; this is too dumb to exist.

Its been a long time since I read the book but isn't the Arkenstone a Dwarven artifact?

Wait it was some seperate jewel that the Elves were after, i can't even remember what its called.

The Arkenstone was a jewel the Dwarfs had a hard on for, the Elves didn't care for it

Spinning's always a good trick.

>if you were to give Steven Seagal a billion dollars

People who are familiar with fantasy call this "elf bullshit." This is because people who have elves in their games/movies tend to be on the verge of blowing their load when they involve elves in any given situation. It's the female with a lightsaber equivalent of marrysue-dom.

Theyre dwarves, their entire persona is built around being so greedy that it backfires time after time. Dig deep etc etc.


It was specifically one king. Also, the son of the king was a fag who was obsessed and corrupted.

The only good knife-ear is a dead knife-ear. Dwarffags do the same thing, they just tend to be middle aged men for some reason.