Jay Baruchel: "BvS is The worlds most expensive indie film"

Marvel BTFO

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Is "Indie" code for "hardly anyone is going to like it"

But that's not what indie means


>But Snyder didn’t just make a would-be blockbuster with “Batman v Superman,” or his previous film, 2013’s “Man of Steel.” Or even his adaptations of Frank Miller’s Spartans-vs.-Persians war comic “300,” which was a hit, and Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’s cerebral superhero deconstruction “Watchmen,” which did tepid business. Instead, he has made movies that showcase his unique sensibilities – big doses of Freudian, mythic and religious imagery, for instance — even when he’s tasked with laying the foundation for a superhero-movie franchise.

>These are art films with Michael Bay budgets.

>Snyder lets his images do much of the talking. In one “Batman v Superman” scene, Superman, illuminated by the glow of a raging fire, is surrounded by reverent Day of the Dead celebrants. Several faces are painted like skulls, echoing a memorable image from “Man of Steel” in which he is swallowed by a sea of skulls – literally consumed by humanity. In another, Superman lies wounded among crumbled pillars and facades, like Samson amid the ruins of the temple he destroyed.

>He summed it all up with this paraphrase from Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero With a Thousand Faces,” which he intoned with the rhythm of a prayer:

>“Where I thought to find an abomination, I found a god. Where I thought to slay another, I slayed myself. Where I thought to travel outward, I traveled to the center of my own existence. And where I thought to be alone, I shall be with all the world.”

This is fucking stupid. I swear to God, you fuckers are twisting reality with your goddamn memes or something. I refuse to believe that people, actual people, actually take BvS seriously.

>it's a fags pretend that "indie" isn't a genre thread

>more choice, style and commitment

This is the same director that made Kryptonian spaceships into flying cocks.

>such style
>such vision

Pretty sure he means that it allowed for greater creative freedom and directors personal vision
Not that it was released independently

MoS uses sexual imagery as a metaphor for the symbolic birth of Superman. And also Snyder is pushing a traditional values thing with the film.


For a while hipsters claim that movies with Hollywood actors can't be indie.

I still hold that it will be celebrated as the only superhero film worth more than its genre in 20 years time

>he still thinks it's a meme
One day you'll understand how lost you were

>One day you'll understand how lost you were

In 20 years when BvS is regarded as a masterpiece in its genre, this dude is going to lie and say he loved it from the beginning.

Precisely, asshole. Grow the fuck up.

Only people with the minds of teenagers who want something to validate their puerile interests still grasp at the notion that the movie is any good because it's 'deep'; there isn't any point in being deep if the depth is terribly translated onto the actual film, and yes you can obviously tell that there's more going on with BvS but they lacked the ability to do it any justice which might even piss me off more. I get that he tried some shit and i commend those areas, but the film is pretty terrible 80% of the time. I mostly blame Ayer, not Snyder though. Snyder is very child-like with his vision(not necessarily a bad thing for an artist to be, it just got in the way of him being able to do anything to reign in the material)

I completely agree with you. It's good to see people finally waking up.

BvS is most the most important cinema this generation.

DCucks are trying really hard, lmao.

It's really funny to me that the only reason you people like this movie so much is because it attempts to do a lot for a superhero film, even though by every metric it does a terrible job with every single one of its artistic goals (except aesthetically) especially the themes

It's also funny that none of you motherfuckers could give less of a shit about Jay Baruchel or what he has to say until he sucks off your false god

>people are actually getting upset by this

I want Sup Forums to leave.

A normal person wouldn't infer that but your latent homosexuality has prevented you from seeing art.

I think that's why I hated it. You can see a lot of potential, but it's all squandered by bad writing. So it becomes a frustrating watch for me.

Hated BvS but i actually really like Snyder, i think he'd be best for a solo Batman film, especially with a sleek script

You know. . . I actually really like the DCEU. I burned out on Marvel pretty hard, and was never much of a fan anyway. I didn't see either the Captain America or Thor movies, except for when I was hanging out with some guys on leave and went with them to see Thor 2. I really look forward to the DC stuff, see them in theaters, buy the extended cuts, etc.

That being said, there's a part of me that wishes they were a little less serious. It's a guy dressing up like a bat trying to beat the shit out of an alien.

I'm not even involved in le epic DC vd marvel brand wars and Ill say it, I liked Batman V superman more then civil war. Civil war is probably better on a technical level, but in the end it felt almost procedurally generated. BvS at least felt like someone's vision and had some visual style, even if it was flawed overall. The biggest problem though was definitely the clumsy set ups for future DC movies and the whole "he's not really dead" shit at the end. BvS I watched twice, when I tried to reward civil war, I got bored and turned it off halfway through.

I"s rather watch the shitty Sorcerer's Apprentice movie he did with Nic Cage than watch BvS


> We've had a child Zod
> Krypton's first natural birth in centuries
The flying dildo ships, the phallic towers with the ship wrapping around it and the ship entering the phantom zone are supposed to look sexual. It relates to to how Kal was conceived

I can never remember who directs Marvel movies, like I watch Schmoedown sometimes on youtube and the trivia is like 'Who directed Doctor Strange' and I couldn't even remember that. I can't remember the name of the guy who directed the original Iron Man. Just everything.

I never get hyped for who directs, I really am never impressed watching them.

I will say I enjoy them quite a lot so NO I am not DCkek but I really love how distinctive each DC movie is. I bet nearly everyone here could name every Batman movie director. This is why I hope even if Snyder tones it down he doesn't tone down the ART of the films maybe just making each story more coherent is all.

I would admittedly have trouble remembering who directed Green Lantern though.

WTF I love Jay Baruchel now

>claims Nocturnal Animals is his favorite of the year
>absolutely geeks out over this garbage, admits to having seen it seven fucking times
Seth Rogen should be murdered for allowing his troupe of unfunny sperg comedy friends to gain any amount of credibility. Precisely this fanbase is what's causing the quality of American studio films to plummet.