When will Hollywood fuck off with casting obnoxiously handsome people as scientists? It always looks and feels idiotic

When will Hollywood fuck off with casting obnoxiously handsome people as scientists? It always looks and feels idiotic.
Chads can't be smarts

>You can either be handsome or smart. And he's handsome, so I must be smart!

Name 1 (one) ugly renowned scientist

Most uggos lack the social skills to succeed in life, no matter how smart their autism powers give them.

Steven Hawkins

Why is /r9k/ so insecure

They need to cast more fats


Most great scientists were hideous jews

Name one renowned scientist who's as good looking as Ryan Reynolds or Jake Gyllenhaal

There are guys who are handsome,funny,smart,kinda rich and have huge dick. These people exist user.

Being ugly doesn't make you smart. Sorry bro.

Woah where'd you get this description of literally me from??

I believe you.

Intelligence is actually more likely to come along with good looks, just because women selecting partners. If you're ugly, you're on average probably dumb too.

B-but if I'm not handsome, fit, or socially well-liked, then I MUST be really smart or at least a really kind, nice person, r-right? Everyone has a thing, right?

Raw intelligence maybe, but the autism that often comes with poor genetics if focused on a useful area can lead to genius that even extremely diligent normal smart people cannot achieve.

> Talking shit about Based Jake and Ryan
Get out reddit

Checking your comment and your double dubs.

That's an idea that people put into your head and then you meet people and realise it was all wrong. The trick is not to get depressed. I met tons of better looking more charismatic people who also happened to be really intelligent. Love how op gets btfo and realises this js not r9k.

Oh for sure, I don't disagree.

>this is a 10 in science land

Dick Feynman

>martial artist

>degree in chemistry from Washington State University
>degree in chemical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology
>master's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sydney
>3rd dan black belt in Kyokushin karate
>European champion in 1980-81


they should cast the best scientist in the world

Based Dolph is the real deal

jake isnt that attractive desu

That's because you haven't been near his hair

>no postgraduate qualifications


>said the sorry SOB who's peak of the day is a finished download

Big neck

t. dumb chads

literally lmaoing @ you right now

I've heard this meme before. Seems like total BS. Women don't select for intelligence m8

You must be so sheltered and socially unexperienced if you think you can't be good looking and smart

In fact, most of the time, if you're gifted looks, you're also gifted most other things, like intelligence.

jake looks pretty smart

Have you seen pictures of him when he was young ?
He was quite the bull.


Lol kerouac was a spoiled jock who banged some whores in mexico and thought it was something special.

Never OP. Attractive bodies attract people to the screen, that's how it works. If you put there ugly or average people that actually fits the role, most normies will not go to watch it. It was always like that in history of mainstream kinography. Also you can't put any random guy, it needs to be someone renowned, a social figure, because if you don't do this, the film will also flop.

>Intelligence is actually more likely to come along with good looks, just because women selecting partners. If you're ugly, you're on average probably dumb too.

Yeah... this is not true. Actually, i'm pretty sure that this is another whining from /r9k/ falling from /cow/'s clickbait. There's average, handsome and ugly intelligent people, and there's average, ugly, and handsome retards, but for most part, the smart ones are the ugliest

That has nothing to do with the post. You're a sheltered fag, wake up to reality. Winner in one genetic lottery, usually a winner in all else. Applies to losers as well.

When medicen stops being a nepotistic shithole ruled by the affluent

So never

Neil was a pilot, not a scientist.

Elliot? Elliot, is that you?


I'm looking forward to this movie because of Dead Space feeluns

You do realise that looks was part of the reason he was chosen for the moon mission, right?

>implying you wouldn't lick these biceps

Stop being a fucking crybaby. If you want to be handsome go out and work out instead of sitting indoors sperging on a Serbian Waffle and Home Improvement forum

He got a scholarship to MIT but started banging models instead which prompted his movie career.



>In fact, most of the time, if you're gifted looks, you're also gifted most other things, like intelligence.

It's called the halo effect, you dumb fuck.

Working out doesn't make you handsome tho

Being a fat unhealthy slob doesn't make you handsome. Being fit and healthy makes you look handsome.

Having a atractive face makes you handsome. Being fit will not change that

A fit guy with an ugly face is objectively more attractive than a fat guy with an ugly face. And healthier. And more respectable.

A handsome/pretty face is very nice too, but the way you take care of your body/appearance says a whole lot about you. Don't take the one aspect of your appearance that you CAN'T control and use it as an excuse to completely neglect the aspects you could improve if you cared enough to try.

Yes, fat and handsome guys are way better than ugly fit ones, you're just trying to feel good about yourself

>I'm ugly, but at least I'm fit, right guys? haha

Chads can be smarts, a lot of them just choose not to be man. Just accept some people are born with more options then you.

>Yes, fat and handsome guys are way better than ugly fit ones.

Not the user you are responding to, but are you THAT ugly?

>Yes, fat and handsome guys are way better than ugly fit ones
I don't agree actually, unless there's something SERIOUSLY wrong with your face. If you're a real 1 or 2, you're pretty much fucked. But the 4's and 5's of the world can take themselves pretty far with exercise, grooming, and good clothes.

There's something very off-putting about a naturally attractive man who lets his body go to absolute shit. It kinda suggests there's something wrong. Look at photos of fat Val Kilmer and try to tell me that guy's fuckable. And he had a BEAUTIFUL face when it wasn't hidden under a thick layer of blubber.

Brian Cox.

Dat cute overbite

>Dick Feynman

I'm currently listening to his audiobook.

I rather fuck fat Val Kilmer than a generic Chad, but skinny guys are even better

You guys so obssessive with fitness, it's almost sad

>Not getting the point

Women do select for intelligence, because intelligence usually results in accomplishment, wealth etc.

No, they select for accomplishment and wealth which are usually (but not always) a by product of intelligence.

You don't have to be a renowned scientist to be an astronaut though

So they do select for IQ in an indirect sense. IQ is the single most powerful predictor of income

Women don't want "predictors" of income, they want "income", desu.

Also, selecting for X in an "indirect sense" is not selecting for X. It's selecting for a product of X, which could also be a product of Y, or Z.

>go study computer science
>expect to feel at home with other awkward nerds
>instead get good looking and social people everywhere

I hate you for making me ever believe this ugly and socially awkard = smart meme.

I'm handsome and smart.

>go study computer science


u might be gay


If you're ugly you're always going to be ugly. Lifting weights will just make people think "that ugly guy is so big! gross!"

>implying ryan reynolds is good-looking

>chads can't be smart

Check again

what is that algebra 2?

he even has a 9 inch UNCUT cock
why even live

lmao thats college algebra

This guy is a fucking retard.


meanwhile you're posting on redditchan while being ugly and irrelevant

I like Rebecca Ferguson

literally an older and fatter version of me

i love the body of work of the right girl

not even a guy~