It's another Friday night of manically refreshing Sup Forums hoping that someone's thread will give you a...

>It's another Friday night of manically refreshing Sup Forums hoping that someone's thread will give you a recommendation to watch a movie or tv show.

I want to be here.

Instead of just watching Mad Men reruns, yeah I know that feel.

I almost sympathized but then I realized that you like Mad Men.

>hating on mad men

can (You) be more of a pleb faggot nigger?

Asker her out last night
>no reply
At least I'm trying right? I can say a tried. I feel bad about it because she is really wonderful, qt and interesting
I guess I'm watching The Virgin Spring, maybes Rectify season 4.

Watch Les Vampirea anons, v comfy, v kino.

stop right now and go watch the shield

you can thank me later

Jesus christ I typed like a retard. Still, watch that shit it is really good.

I refresh looking for pictures of little girls.

Just don't go rogue and ask again, even though it may be tempting at times.

Rogue One blu ray is out, downloading that now.
>I'm watching it again I don't care I liked it

The sparks rip? Is that legit?


>go to bar
>chick asks for my number
>hit her up
>banter back and forth a bit
>ask her if she's free Sunday to grab a drink

Things like this are pretty common, broseph. Women are a fickle and capricious as Florida weather

Very true. If you can think of something other than grab a drink you might be able to reel her in. "grab a drink" = fuck which means she is going to immediately make a decision whether to fuck you or not and if it's no you're done.

Just don't start contact anymore unless she does?

Yeah, maybe ask her in person if you happen to run into her but if it's silence from the get go it will be an uphill battle.

If you do ask her again but in person, don't mention you already asked her before. Don't hold a grudge.

I already have.


You've done better than a lot of us, gj breh

Imagine if you based your opinion of her on how she treated you, that would surely be a radical notion

>well she kicked me in the balls and scratched my eyes out but she's really cute

You are absolutely right. It still comes down to me though, i'm probably not being interesting enough, or not trying enough and being my best how can i expect people to be into me when i'm not giving it all i can right? What do you think user.
>not realizing Mad Men was the best character study since The Sopranos
>not finding Peggy Olson to be the best example of independent woman put in american television amd Elisabeth Moss to be one of the best actress working today
At least tell me you like Ken

Watch Quarry faggot

>not finding Peggy Olson to be the best example of independent woman put in american television

I don't know how you can have this opinion with what the finale did to her character.

They should have filmed her choosing career progression over a relationship in the end, and then shown her fucking one of her other co-workers before telling him to GTFO.

Yeah, I don't put in much work with women. I burn through them very fast, and if I encounter resistance I just drop them, since I haven't met one in ~7 years worth the trouble.

Don't ask her to grab a drink. Tell her to come sit between your legs and drink margs while you feel her up and watch flicks.

And before you call me a sperg, I can tell you if you're even semi charismatic (which you should at least be faking) at least some of the time this is going to work.

Being a nice guy doesn't work. Ever. I mean for some it does, but you have to play to your strengths and I know for the general autist personality on this website being a nice person is not one of your values. Doesn't mean you're bad. Just means you come off like a pussy or a fraud everytime you try to be nice.

don't forget you're here forever

Not a nice guy or an autist. I'm very charismatic and generally an asshole. This is me I had a foursome 2 weeks ago at a hostel in Montreal, for example. I was just commiserating with a fellow user about how incredibly fickle women are

If you like Mad Men you should try the Young and the Restless

Yesterday I told a girl that she needed to come sit on my face while my hands went up her ass and her back on Tinder.

Last night I had her bent over my dinner table with my tongue in her ass.

Women, especially high value women, do not like pussies.

Y'ain't wrong about that

give me a list of a few movies/shows you like and I'll try my best to give you a few suggestions.

No high value woman is going to be on tinder, or sleeping with someone the next day they met off tinder.

>The Man from Earth
>Hands on a Hardbody (documentary)

two things you havent seen that are extremely good


Used to take a single refresh to get a good recommendation.

Now I spend about 2 minutes a day here.

Fuck you Sup Forums.

>tfw just asked my friend to read my script

I have been working on it for about two years, I hope he is truthful and doesn't lie for my sake. I'm scared bros


>high value women

try leaving the house you fucking turbo virgin

Fuck off, normie.

I've seen the movie, but I will check out the documentary. Thanks.

what's outside

It's in its 2017th season the writers totally redid the show after they added the Jesus character.

nothing interesting has happened since 2001