There will never be a sad movie that will overcome this one

There will never be a sad movie that will overcome this one.
If you haven't seen this movie, WATCH IT NOW!

music in this is top notch
plus the ass to ass scene is pure kino

I came to that

I'm listening to its soundtrack right now.
It is quite addictive

Devolved into hamfisted pathos fueled DARE propaganda at the end, but otherwise pretty decent film. Essential "high schooler getting into film" tier cinema.

any message on drugs was completely lost on me. never done drugs so maybe that's why

still liked it though, the comfy 90s atmosphere was GOAT



ITT: Newfag and samefag.

>>under 25: the post

That scene made me hard

Same. Hot af.

Shit tier stoner movie.

you want to watch a sad movie?
Oslo, 31th August
hf kys afterwards

Except it's not a stoner movie because doing actual drugs is nothing like this. It's a movie about what it's like to do drugs by people who clearly have never done them.

Synechdoche NY was sadder tbqh

I finally watched this recently, but the music got to me because I've been on YouTube since the beginning and only thought of conspiracy theory videos, GTA San Andreas ghost car videos, and how to get flame helmet in Halo 3 videos.

Youtube was a mistake.

Agree, but it was a different kind of sad (existential dread, loneliness)

I don't know why the two are always mentioned together.

>There will never be a sad movie that will overcome this one.

it's a movie for late teens. it doesn't have the same impact if you are past 25.
I've seen people with gangrene rotting feett and people who literally died next to me. and I live in athens which is semi civilized. the movie is drugs are bad tier.

I'm an occasional heroin user and I'm just fine.

I'm watching he ass to ass scene right now.
It is quite addictive.

Hell no. Not trying to sound edgy, but I coudn't feel sorry for any of them, maybe the old lady. It was their choice to do drugs

Nah, it sucks. Its a ham-handed film with no subtlety. If you imagine Jenifer Connely doing ass-to-ass with another girl, you'll see a hotter scene than the one in this movie.

Maybe because it's not supposed to be "hot" hurrr

Keep telling yourself that.

You just watched it for the first time, didnt you?


it is about addiction in every aspect


OP has never seen The Sweet Hereafter.

The Fountain exists and is better. And christ this board is actually high school tier stick to capeshit.

No but I did see the remake with Emile Hirsh and Kristen Stewart

The Fountain is another good example, but was never super depressing to me.

This shit, this is sad.

inb4 some kid calls it pretentious

babbbyss first drug movie!!1111 ebin!! x)

fuck this trashy movie

My sister is a fucking junkie and I could see her doing the shit in the movie. Let me guess, you do a bunch of drugs and think you're too smart to let it control you.

Manchester by the Sea is the only film I've ever seen that affected me as powerfully as this one.

dude drugs are bad lmao

>he thinks requiem for a dream is about drugs
Can Sup Forums ever be saved from the plebs or is it too late?

This place thinks Kong and Logan are kino its full of plebs

I do and I am and it doesn't. Your sister does ass-to-ass for rooms full of cheering guys? Give me her number.

Remember when this board spent almost a year jerking off to Inception

Keep trying faggot

Piece of shit film, OP. Watch it after you graduate high school it won't be as great.