Savage Opress was a Dathomirian Nightbrother who became a Sith apprentice under his brother, Darth Maul...

>Savage Opress was a Dathomirian Nightbrother who became a Sith apprentice under his brother, Darth Maul, during the Clone Wars.

Seriously? Looks like they directly consulted Lucas on the name...

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shit character, keep your squad above 20% and he's useless

It's a stupid name but every name in Star Wars is kind of retarded.

That said, his and maul's arc in the Clone Wars was badass and one of the best things star wars has ever produced.


I see what you did there lmao.

True that, literally the best thing to come out of star wars in a while.

I really wish they could have the people who made the clone wars finish it. There were so many awesome things from that series like ahsoka, anakin, the clones, maul and oppress, ventress, etc. that it's a shame Disney cancelled it for rebels.

Lucas' daughter created the character.

Does she have hairy arms?

did she name him by chance?
she looks like the kind of person who I would imagine drew "cold steel"


This gender equality stuff has gone to far. They're the Dathomir Nightisters, no boys allowed.


>“The team threw a Hail Mary to George, saying the game would have more credibility if the apprentice had a ‘Darth’ title,” a Force Unleashed team member says. Lucas agreed that this situation made sense for Sith royalty, and offered up two Darth titles for the team to choose from. “He threw out ‘Darth Icky’ and ‘Darth Insanius.’ There was a pregnant pause in the room after that. People waiting for George to say ‘just kidding,’ but it never comes, and he just moved on to another point.”

I thought he was a Zabrak like Maul, his brother???

Poetry is genetic. She has the gift. George has forsaken us, only she can save us.

>Savage Opress

George is just a master troll
>after viewing Battlefield Earth at an early showing Lucas was recounted to have told director Roger Christian "Nice spaceships."
>He said nothing else and left for home quickly

The Nightbrothers of Dathomir are Zabraks. So, yeah, both Maul and Savage are Zabraks.

>Luke, did i ever tell you about how i killed Darth Maul, and then later some retard book or comic retconned him into somehow surviving, where his brother gave him metal legs then they fought together for a while? Yeah he actually tracked me down like 2 years ago but i killed him for real this time in like 3 hits, it was pretty easy actually. He was a good friend, but don't ever look into the extended universe it's fucking stupid, Luke.

The Sup Forums threads spiraled into autism so hard over this. I gave them the benefit of the doubt before but holy shit do Filoni Wars fans have garbage taste.

Funnily enough, that was the case in the old Expanded Universe

The only good thing that came out of this character is that we got to see Obi Wan in top form against him

"Feral, try not to draw attention to yourself."
"That won't be a problem for me, Savage."
―Savage Opress attempts to keep his brother, Feral, out of trouble