Made me think
Made me think
>And they still manage to have worse overall movies.
Where does it all go wrong?
>one looks like battle of the 5 armies, the other doesn't
guess which one is better
i'll just say it for you: marvel. marvel is better. marvel has always been better and always will be better.
Plot, pacing, attention to detail, basic narrative coherence. Marvel is middling competence across the board, DC is visually stunning trash. Neither is doing anything that'll be remembered in ten years when it all gets rebooted.
Casting, story, script, characters and planning their franchise.
is this a starcraft cutscene?
how many people can you really care up there?
how many people can you really care down there?
Civil >War
None, but it looks good
None, and it looks terrible.
Top: video game cgi
Bottom: cosplay video
Nah, man, official power ranking: War > Civil
literally /reddit/ the post.
>looks good
and that's why they ruin the hobbit, 'cause faggots like you that say "looks good"
The Hobbit was ruined because Peter Jackson is a fucking hack.
Top still looks good, faggot.
Post an overhead shot of The Hobbit 3 that looks as good as this.
>pixels running are impressive
both look shit
take your capeshit back to Sup Forums
dumb contrarian poster, down there is character with at least some backstory like it or not.
up there are just cgi extras, shaking the keys for the babies
Simply having a backstory doesn't make anyone give a fuck about them.
if you are watching the movie, yes.
They are not new characters.
what the fuck are you saying you retard?
with YOU
Snyder should make an Starcraft film. I dont think even he could fuck it up.
honestly the only marvel movies better than BvS are Iron Man and The Winter Soldier
Thats not even trying to be fair. Compare the two armies clashing from Thor the Dark World.
Really making me think deep thoughts right now
Why are marvel boss fights so boring
It's not even fun making fun of Marvel anymore. It feels like kicking a downed retard.
Sup reddit
I honestly couldn't tell you which one looks faker
You are the only reason you don't enjoy movies. You have only yourselves to blame.
Wanted to know how movies are made, lenses, angles, what are stunt doubles, etc.
Those things are only valuable for people who make videos. For you the viewers they will only ruin your fun and make you bitch about anything.
You don't have fun with movies because of some technical detail? It's your fault for looking up that technical info in the first place.
>dude just turn off your brain and you'll love Marvel
All you needed was a shitty pun and this would have been the most reddit post possible.
At least they are still far more memorable than Marvel shit, I could even tell you what happens in Civil War besides the airport scene and the bunker at the end. BvS had awful pacing issues, but the scenes themselves were wonderfully crafted.
>attention to detail
At this point you imagine CGI would start looking realer than real life but its starting to look worse and worse
>I could even tell you what happens in Civil War besides the airport scene and the bunker at the end.
I don't remember the terrible scene between Zemo and The Winter Soldier? All Bucky had to do was cover his ears until Captain America saved him. He had a stroke of situational retardation I suppose.
>Oscar-winning movie
They have better make-up, I'll give them that
>attention to detail