Nah, man, official power ranking: War > Civil
Made me think
Easton Bennett
Jacob Nelson
Christian Cruz
literally /reddit/ the post.
Caleb Stewart
>looks good
and that's why they ruin the hobbit, 'cause faggots like you that say "looks good"
Caleb Martinez
The Hobbit was ruined because Peter Jackson is a fucking hack.
Top still looks good, faggot.
Grayson Morgan
Post an overhead shot of The Hobbit 3 that looks as good as this.
Dominic Brooks
>pixels running are impressive
Matthew Turner
both look shit
take your capeshit back to Sup Forums
Connor Jackson
dumb contrarian poster, down there is character with at least some backstory like it or not.
up there are just cgi extras, shaking the keys for the babies
Wyatt Perry
Simply having a backstory doesn't make anyone give a fuck about them.