Is there possible a marriage between the queen of united kingdom and the king of spain? if so... it will be one country?

Is there possible a marriage between the queen of united kingdom and the king of spain? if so... it will be one country?

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some norwegian king ruled over both denmark and norway and they stayed independent countries

parliament rules, so unless the parliaments have a marriage no

spain is too tsundere

the king of spain is already married.
but they are historical enemies, It would never happen

Both are married already, but even if there was a royal marriage we'd be different countries. Maybe we could share the head of state but that's it.
S-Shut up, baka!

In 5 years neither spain and uk will be monarchy so why bother?

The king of Spain was going to be the king of France, but england and a few others stepped in to avoid that in the War of Succession. So the inheritor of the spanish crown signed a paper saying he would never be king of France,
Thats the neogtiation when brits got Menorca and Gibraltar too, one of wich they still have


it will be

Fucking kek

the king of england was also going to be king of france at one point but he got dysentery and died

the french are too lucky

nothen personnal (really though)

You guys would be really overpowered please don't hold it against us

Would never happen goblinivino.

Iberia is one race.

the little george with leonor

He was french, btw. A Frenchman being the king of France and England...sounds pretty good to me.


*blocks your path*

>Both are married already
came to point this out
plus there's like a 45 year difference among the two


It is possible. But then garrote vil to both of them in the streets of Madrid would also be a very likely outcome.

>his country has a monarchy
tell me, how does it feel being a cuckold?

>how does it feel being a cuckold?
you tell us, federate

I hope you are right

You never know.